#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
// Function Prototypes
void getMonthlyRainfall(double[], int);
double getTotal(const double[], int);
double getHighestAmount(const double[], int);
double getLowestAmount(const double[], int);
int main()
const int MONTHS = 12;
string monthNames[MONTHS] = { "January", "February", "March", "April",
"May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November",
"December" };
double rainfall[MONTHS], // Array
//Get rainfall input from user
getMonthlyRainfall(rainfall, MONTHS);
// Get the total amount of rain for the year
total = getTotal(rainfall, MONTHS);
// Get the average rainfall
average = total / MONTHS;
// Get the month with the lowest rainfall
lowestAmount = getLowestAmount(rainfall, MONTHS);
// Get the month with the highest rainfall
highestAmount = getHighestAmount(rainfall, MONTHS);
cout << "Total rainfall: " << total << endl;
cout << "Average rainfall: " << average << endl;
cout << "Least rainfall in: " << getLowestAmount << endl;
cout << "Most rainfall in: " << getHighestAmount << endl;
return 0;
void getMonthlyRainfall(double rain[], int size)
int index;
for (index = 0; index < 12; index++)
cout << "Enter rainfall for " << (index + 1) << ": ";
cin >> rain[index];
double getTotal(const double numbers[], int size)
double total = 0; // Accumulator
for (int count = 0; count < size; count++)
total += numbers[count];
return total;
double getHighestAmount(const double numbers[], int size)
double highest; // Holds highest value
// Get array's first element
highest = numbers[0];
// Step through array
for (int count = 0; count < size; count++)
if (numbers[count] > highest)
highest = numbers[count];
return highest;
double getLowestAmount(const double numbers[], int size)
double lowest; // Holds lowest value
// Get array's first element
lowest = numbers[0];
// Step through array
for (int count = 0; count < size; count++)
if (numbers[count] < lowest)
lowest = numbers[count];
return lowest;
cout << "Least rainfall in: " << getLowestAmount << endl;
cout << "Least rainfall in: " << lowestAmount << endl;
cout << "Enter rainfall for " << (index + 1) << ": ";
cout << "Enter rainfall for " << monthNames[index] << ": ";
void getMonthlyRainfall(double[], string[], int);
//Get rainfall input from user
getMonthlyRainfall(rainfall, monthNames, MONTHS);
void getMonthlyRainfall(double rain[], string monthNames[], int size)
// this function returns a month index, not a rainfall amount,
// so it's return type is int not double
int getLowestAmount(const double[], int);
int getLowestAmount(const double numbers[], int size)
double lowest; // Holds lowest value
int lowestIndex; // Holds the index of the lowest value
// Get array's first element
lowest = numbers[0];
lowestIndex = 0;
// Step through array
for (int count = 0; count < size; count++)
if (numbers[count] < lowest)
lowest = numbers[count];
lowestIndex = count;
return lowestIndex;
// Get the month with the lowest rainfall
lowestIndex = getLowestAmount(rainfall, MONTHS);
cout << "Least rainfall in: " << monthNames[lowestIndex] <<
" is " << rainfall[lowestIndex] << endl;
Go 语言数组 如果你想向函数传递数组参数,你需要在函数定义时,声明形参为数组,我们可以通过以下两种方式来声明: 方式一 形参设定数组大小: void myFunction(param [10]int) { . . . } 方式二 形参未设定数组大小: void myFunction(param []int) { . . . } 实例 让我们看下以下实例,实例中函数接收整型数组参数,另一个参数
我正在尝试将参数传递给作为参数传递的函数指针。 代码: 我得到了这个错误: 类型"void"的参数与类型"void(*)(wchar_t*,wchar_t*)"的参数不兼容 如何解决此问题以完成我想要实现的目标? 编辑:对不起,不清楚。我实际上试图完成的是将函数注入子进程并传递两个参数(wchar_t*、wchar_t*),以便我可以使用它们。但主函数可以是void或int argc、char**
C++ 数组 C++ 中您可以通过指定不带索引的数组名来传递一个指向数组的指针。 C++ 传数组给一个函数,数组类型自动转换为指针类型,因而传的实际是地址。 如果您想要在函数中传递一个一维数组作为参数,您必须以下面三种方式来声明函数形式参数,这三种声明方式的结果是一样的,因为每种方式都会告诉编译器将要接收一个整型指针。同样地,您也可以传递一个多维数组作为形式参数。 方式 1 形式参数是一个指针:
清单2.4中,向std::thread构造函数中的可调用对象,或函数传递一个参数很简单。需要注意的是,默认参数要拷贝到线程独立内存中,即使参数是引用的形式,也可以在新线程中进行访问。再来看一个例子: void f(int i, std::string const& s); std::thread t(f, 3, "hello"); 代码创建了一个调用f(3, "hello")的线程。注意,函数f需
要将数组参数传递给函数,需指定不带方括号的数组名。例如,如果数组hourlyTemperatures声明如下: int hourlyTemperatures[24]; 则下列函数调用语句: modifyArray(hourlyTemperatutes,24); 将数组 hourlyTemperatures 及其长度传递给函数 modifyArray。将数组传递给函数时,通常也将其长度传递给函数,使
我编写了一个代码来传递函数指针列表(按其名称)作为参数。但我有错误。你能解释为什么我在做地图时有错误吗? 错误: 34:18:错误:无法将'void(Bar::)(int, int)'转换为'std::map, void(*)(int, int) 35:18:错误:无法将“无效(foo::)(整数,整数)”转换为“标准::映射,无效(*)(整数,整型) 41:70:错误:没有用于调用“std::v