* RainFall class
public class RainFall
private double[] rainValue; //Rain entered by user
private int months = 12; //Number of months in a year
* Constructor
public RainFall(double[] rainArray)
rainValue = rainArray;
* The getRainSum method returns the sum of all
* rainfall for the year.
public double getRainSum()
double sum = 0.0; //Accumulator
//Get sum of all values in the rain array.
for (double value : rainValue)
sum += value;
return sum;
*The get RainAverage method returns the monthly
*rainfall average.
public double getRainAverage()
return getRainSum() / months;
* The getRainHighest method returns the highest
* rainfall month for the year.
public double getRainHighest()
double highest = rainValue[0]; //Get value at index 0
//Search array for the highest value.
for(int index = 1; index < rainValue.length; index++)
if (rainValue[index] > highest)
highest = rainValue[index];
return highest; // return highest value
* The getRainLowest method returns the lowest
* rainfall month for the year
public double getRainLowest()
double lowest = rainValue[0]; //Get value at index 0
//Search array for the lowest value.
for (int index = 1; index < rainValue.length; index++)
if (rainValue[index] < lowest)
lowest = rainValue[index];
return lowest; //return lowest value
* This program demonstrates the RainFall class.
public class RainTest {
public static void main(String[] args)
String[] months = { "January", "February", "March",
"April", "May", "June", "July",
"August", "September", "October",
"November", "December" }; //Months of the year
//Crate an array to hold the rain values
double[] rain = new double[12];
//Create a Scanner object for keyboard input.
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
//Get rain values and store them
//in the rain array
for (int index = 0; index < months.length; index++)
System.out.print("Enter rain value for " + months[(index)] + ":");
rain[index] = keyboard.nextDouble();
if (rain[index] <0)
System.out.println("You can not use a negative number.\n");
* Create a RainFall object, passing the rain array
* as an argument to the constructor.
RainFall myRainFall = new RainFall(rain);
//Display total rainfall
System.out.println("The total rainfall for the year is: " + myRainFall.getRainSum());
//Display average rainfall
System.out.println("The average rainfall for the year is: " + myRainFall.getRainAverage());
//Display highest rainfall
System.out.println("The month with the highest rainfall was " + months[(int) myRainFall.getRainHighest() -1] +" with "
+ myRainFall.getRainHighest() +" inches.");
//Display lowest rainfall
System.out.println("The month with the lowest rainfall was " + months[(int) myRainFall.getRainLowest() -1] + " with "
+ myRainFall.getRainLowest() +" inches.");
Enter rain value for January:2.1
Enter rain value for February:1.7
Enter rain value for March:3.5
Enter rain value for April:2.6
Enter rain value for May:3.7
Enter rain value for June:1.6
Enter rain value for July:3.9
Enter rain value for August:2.6
Enter rain value for September:2.9
Enter rain value for October:4.3
Enter rain value for November:2.4
Enter rain value for December:3.7
The total rainfall for the year is: 35.0
The average rainfall for the year is: 2.9166666666666665
The month with the highest rainfall was April with 4.3 inches.
The month with the lowest rainfall was January with 1.6 inches.
months[(int) myRainFall.getRainLowest() - 1]
问题内容: 我尝试在执行以下命令后获得具有最高/最低编号的行: 这是我的测试数据 为了获得最低的价值,我将使用 现在,id是,但应该是。 我也尝试了加入: 如何根据最低的结果为每个结果获取正确的ID ? 问题答案: 我认为这是您要实现的目标: 输出: ID 价值 姓名 1个 10 第1行 4 5 第2行 在这里,我使用minVal和Name自联接了表。
我能够输出最高的值,但我似乎不能让它工作时,我这样做。getnames,因为它显示我一个错误 错误是我似乎不能显示关联名称的最高值它只显示余额
问题内容: 我当前正在编写一个程序,其中用户必须输入10个数字,然后输出将是最高数字和最低数字。我的代码有问题,但找不到。 问题答案: 以不同的方式初始化值: 如果将它们都初始化为零,则永远不会有小于零的“最高”值或大于零的“最低”值
我正在写一个方法,它接受用户的整数输入,并显示总数、平均值、最大值和最小值。 我有总数和平均工作,但我得到2147483647最大和-2147483648最小。 循环只能在用户输入-1时结束。 我的代码: