#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct node {
int number;
node *next;
node *prev;
void mergeSort(node*& head, node*& head1);
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
//Linked List #1
node *head;
node *tail;
node *curr;
//1st node
curr = new node;
curr-> number = 1;
curr-> prev = NULL;
head = curr;
tail = curr;
//2nd node
curr = new node;
curr-> number = 3;
curr -> prev = tail;
tail -> next = curr;
tail = curr;
//3rd node
curr = new node;
curr-> number = 5;
curr -> prev = tail;
tail -> next = curr;
tail = curr;
//4th node (tail)
curr = new node;
curr-> number = 7;
curr -> prev = tail;
tail -> next = curr;
tail = curr;
tail->next = NULL;
//Print Linked List #1
cout<< "Linked List #1: " << endl;
curr = head;
while (curr != NULL){
cout << curr-> number;
curr = curr->next;
cout << endl;
//Linked List #2
node *head1;
node *tail1;
node *curr1;
//1st node
curr1 = new node;
curr1-> number = 2;
curr1-> prev = NULL;
head1 = curr1;
tail1 = curr1;
//2nd node
curr1 = new node;
curr1-> number = 4;
curr1 -> prev = tail1;
tail1 -> next = curr1;
tail1 = curr1;
//3rd node
curr1 = new node;
curr1-> number = 6;
curr1 -> prev = tail1;
tail1 -> next = curr1;
tail1 = curr1;
//4th node (tail)
curr1 = new node;
curr1-> number = 8;
curr1 -> prev = tail1;
tail1 -> next = curr1;
tail1 = curr1;
tail1->next = NULL;
//Print Linked List #2
cout<< "Linked List #2: " << endl;
curr1 = head1;
while (curr1 != NULL){
cout << curr1-> number;
curr1 = curr1->next;
cout << endl;
//Call MergeSort function
mergeSort(head, head1);
return 0;
void mergeSort(node*& head, node*& head1){
//Set up the Merge Sorted Linked List
node *head2;
node *tail2;
node *curr2;
node *curr = head;
node *curr1 = head1;
node* next = curr->next;
node* next1 = curr1->next;
node* next2 = curr2->next;
//1st NODE
curr2 = new node;
if (curr->number > curr1->number){
curr2->number = curr1->number;
curr1 = curr1->next;
curr1 = next1;
else if (curr1->number > curr->number){
curr2->number = curr->number;
curr = curr->next;
curr = next;
//Set prev of head to Null
curr2 -> prev = NULL;
//Set head
head2 = curr2;
//Set tail
tail2 = curr2;
while (curr != NULL && curr1 != NULL ){
curr2 = new node;
//compare the data between the two nodes
//compare the data between the two nodes
if (curr1->number >= curr -> number){
//set the new node's data to the smallest of the previous
//node's datas
//from the other two Linked Lists
curr2 -> number = curr -> number;
//link the new node to the previous
curr2 -> prev = tail2;
//attach the predecessor node's next pointer to the current
tail2 -> next = curr2;
//set the new node as the tail
tail2 = curr2;
//iterate through the selected Linked List
curr = curr -> next;
else if (curr->number >= curr1-> number){
//set the new node's data to the smallest of the previous node's
//from the other two Linked Lists
curr2 -> number = curr1 -> number;
//link the new node to the previous
curr2 -> prev = tail2;
//attach the predecessor node's next pointer to the current node
tail2 -> next = curr2;
//set the new node as the tail
tail2 = curr2;
//iterate through the selected Linked List
curr1 = curr1 -> next;
} tail2 -> next = NULL;
//Print Linked List #3
cout<< "Linked List #3: " << endl;
curr2 = head2;
while (curr2){
cout << curr2-> number;
curr2 = curr2->next;
cout << endl;
NODE * MergeLists(NODE *pSrc1, NODE *pSrc2)
NODE *pDst = NULL; /* destination head ptr */
NODE **ppDst = &pDst; /* ptr to head or prev->next */
if(pSrc1 == NULL){
*ppDst = pSrc2;
if(pSrc2 == NULL){
*ppDst = pSrc1;
if(pSrc2->data < pSrc1->data){ /* if src2 < src1 */
*ppDst = pSrc2;
pSrc2 = *(ppDst = &(pSrc2->next));
} else { /* src1 <= src2 */
*ppDst = pSrc1;
pSrc1 = *(ppDst = &(pSrc1->next));
return pDst;
假设列表“A”是1- 请回顾一下这个,帮我即兴创作
我试图借助单链表编写合并排序,节点定义如下, 合并排序的工作方式如下: i、 将未排序的列表划分为n个子列表,每个子列表包含1个元素(1个元素的列表被视为已排序)。 二、。重复合并子列表以生成新排序的子列表,直到只剩下1个子列表。这将是排序列表。代码如下所示。 我像这样打入会电话, 结果是,所有负值似乎都消失了。这里有什么问题?
双向合并排序与递归合并排序有何不同? 假设在合并排序中有5个数字需要排序8,9,1,6,4,我们按如下步骤1进行划分:{8,9,1}{6,4} 步骤2:{8,9}{1}{6}{4} 步骤3:{8}{9}{1}{6}{4} 现在合并 步骤4:{8,9}{1}{4,6} 步骤5:{1,8,9}{4,6} 第六步:{1,4,6,8,9} 但在双向合并排序中,我们将数组分为两个元素(但根据维基百科,在合并
本文向大家介绍合并排序,包括了合并排序的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 合并排序技术基于分而治之。我们将整个数据集分成较小的部分,然后按排序顺序将它们合并成较大的部分。在最坏情况下它也非常有效,因为该算法在最坏情况下的时间复杂度也较低。 合并排序技术的复杂性 时间复杂度: 所有情况下为O(n log n) 空间复杂度: O(n) 输入输出 算法 合并(数组,左,中,右) 输入- 数据集数