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我正在使用Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate在MASM中编程汇编语言(x86)。我试图使用数组来计算n个元素的斐波那契序列。换句话说,我正在尝试到一个数组元素,获取它前面的两个元素,将它们相加,并将结果存储在另一个数组中。



TITLE fibonacci.asm

INCLUDE Irvine32.inc

    fibInitial  BYTE 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
    fibComputed BYTE 5 DUP(0)

main PROC

    MOVZX si, fibInitial
    MOVZX di, fibComputed
    MOV   cl, LENGTHOF fibInitial

    MOV   ax, [si - 1]
    MOV   dx, [si - 2]
    MOV   bp, ax + dx
    MOV   dl, TYPE fibInitial
    MOVZX si, dl
    MOV   [edi], bp
    MOV   dh, TYPE fibComputed
    MOVZX di, dl
    loop L1

main ENDP
END main

我无法编译该代码,因为有一条错误消息显示行mov ebp,ax+dx的“error a2031:must be index or base register”(错误A2031:must be index or base register)。但是,我肯定还有其他的逻辑错误我忽略了。



相关:Code-golf打印Fib(10**9)的前1000位数字:我的x86 asm答案使用扩展精度adc循环,并将二进制转换为字符串。内环针对速度进行了优化,其他部分针对尺寸进行了优化。




幸运的是,我最近正在考虑fibonacci代码的一个高效循环,所以我花时间写了一个完整的函数。请参阅下面的展开版本和矢量化版本(节省存储指令,但即使在为32bit CPU编译时也能使64bit int更快):

; fib.asm
;void fib(int32_t *dest, uint32_t count);
; not-unrolled version.  See below for a version which avoids all the mov instructions
global fib
    ; 64bit SysV register-call ABI:
    ; args: rdi: output buffer pointer.  esi: count  (and you can assume the upper32 are zeroed, so using rsi is safe)

    ;; locals:  rsi: endp
    ;; eax: current   edx: prev
    ;; ecx: tmp
    ;; all of these are caller-saved in the SysV ABI, like r8-r11
    ;; so we can use them without push/pop to save/restore them.
    ;; The Windows ABI is different.

    test   esi, esi       ; test a reg against itself instead of cmp esi, 0
    jz     .early_out     ; count == 0.  

    mov    eax, 1         ; current = 1
    xor    edx, edx       ; prev    = 0

    lea    rsi, [rdi + rsi * 4]  ; endp = &out[count];  // loop-end pointer
    ;; lea is very useful for combining add, shift, and non-destructive operation
    ;; this is equivalent to shl rsi, 4  /  add rsi, rdi

align 16
.loop:                    ; do {
    mov    [rdi], eax     ;   *buf = current
    add    rdi, 4         ;   buf++

    lea    ecx, [rax + rdx] ; tmp = curr+prev = next_cur
    mov    edx,  eax      ; prev = curr
    mov    eax,  ecx      ; curr=tmp
 ;; see below for an unrolled version that doesn't need any reg->reg mov instructions

    ; you might think this would be faster:
    ; add  edx, eax    ; but it isn't
    ; xchg eax, edx    ; This is as slow as 3 mov instructions, but we only needed 2 thanks to using lea

    cmp    rdi, rsi       ; } while(buf < endp);
    jb    .loop           ; jump if (rdi BELOW rsi).  unsigned compare
    ;; the LOOP instruction is very slow, avoid it



    dec     esi         ; often you'd use ecx for counts, but we had it in esi
    jnz     .loop

AMD CPU可以融合CMP/BRANCH,但不能融合DEC/BRANCH.Intel CPU还可以宏熔断dec/jnz。(或带符号的小于零/大于零)。dec/inc不更新进位标志,因此您不能将它们与上面/下面的无符号ja/jb一起使用。我认为,您可以在循环中执行adc(带进位的添加),使用inc/dec作为循环计数器,以不干扰进位标志,但部分标志减慢在现代CPU上使其变得糟糕。

LEA ecx,[eax+edx]需要一个额外的字节(地址大小的前缀),这就是为什么我使用32位的dest和64位的地址。(这些是lea在64位模式下的默认操作数大小)。对速度没有直接影响,只是通过代码大小间接影响。


    mov  ecx, eax      ; tmp=curr.  This stays true after every iteration

    mov  [rdi], ecx
    add  ecx, edx      ; tmp+=prev  ;; shorter encoding than lea
    mov  edx, eax      ; prev=curr
    mov  eax, ecx      ; curr=tmp


.loop:     ;; on entry:       ; curr:eax  prev:edx
    mov  [rdi], eax             ; store curr
    add  edx, eax             ; curr:edx  prev:eax
    mov  [rdi + 4], edx         ; store curr
    add  eax, edx             ; curr:eax  prev:edx

    ;; we're back to our starting state, so we can loop
    add  rdi, 8
    cmp  rdi, rsi
    jb   .loop




// fib-main.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void fib(uint32_t *buf, uint32_t count);

int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
    uint32_t count = 15;
    if (argc > 1) {
        count = atoi(argv[1]);
    uint32_t buf[count+1]; // allocated on the stack
    // Fib overflows uint32 at count = 48, so it's not like a lot of space is useful

    buf[count] = 0xdeadbeefUL;
    // uint32_t count = sizeof(buf)/sizeof(buf[0]);
    fib(buf, count);
    for (uint32_t i ; i < count ; i++){
        printf("%u ", buf[i]);

    if (buf[count] != 0xdeadbeefUL) {
        printf("fib wrote past the end of buf: sentinel = %x\n", buf[count]);


peter@tesla:~/src/SO$ yasm -f elf64 fib.asm && gcc -std=gnu11 -g -Og fib-main.c fib.o
peter@tesla:~/src/SO$ ./a.out 48
1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597 2584 4181 6765 10946 17711 28657 46368 75025 121393 196418 317811 514229 832040 1346269 2178309 3524578 5702887 9227465 14930352 24157817 39088169 63245986 102334155 165580141 267914296 433494437 701408733 1134903170 1836311903 2971215073 512559680 



    ; 64bit SysV register-call ABI
    ; args: rdi: output buffer pointer.  rsi: count

    ;; locals:  rsi: endp
    ;; eax: current   edx: prev
    ;; ecx: tmp
    ;; all of these are caller-saved in the SysV ABI, like r8-r11
    ;; so we can use them without push/pop to save/restore them.
    ;; The Windows ABI is different.

;void fib(int32_t *dest, uint32_t count);  // unrolled version
global fib
    cmp    esi, 1
    jb     .early_out       ; count below 1  (i.e. count==0, since it's unsigned)

    mov    eax, 1           ; current = 1
    mov    [rdi], eax
    je     .early_out       ; count == 1, flags still set from cmp
    ;; need this 2nd early-out because the loop always does 2 iterations

;;; branchless handling of odd counts:
;;;   always do buf[0]=1, then start the loop from 0 or 1
;;; Writing to an address you just wrote to is very cheap
;;; mov/lea is about as cheap as best-case for branching (correctly-predicted test/jcc for count%2==0)
;;; and saves probably one unconditional jump that would be needed either in the odd or even branch

    mov    edx, esi         ;; we could save this mov by using esi for prev, and loading the end pointer into a different reg
    and    edx, eax         ; prev = count & 1 = count%2

    lea    rsi, [rdi + rsi*4] ; end pointer: same regardless of starting at 0 or 1

    lea    rdi, [rdi + rdx*4] ; buf += count%2
    ;; even count: loop starts at buf[0], with curr=1, prev=0
    ;; odd  count: loop starts at buf[1], with curr=1, prev=1

align 16  ;; the rest of this func is just *slightly* longer than 16B, so there's a lot of padding.  Tempting to omit this alignment for CPUs with a loop buffer.
.loop:                      ;; do {
    mov    [rdi], eax       ;;   *buf = current
             ; on loop entry: curr:eax  prev:edx
    add   edx, eax          ; curr:edx  prev:eax

;.oddentry: ; unused, we used a branchless sequence to handle odd counts
    mov   [rdi+4], edx
    add   eax, edx          ; curr:eax  prev:edx
                            ;; back to our starting arrangement
    add    rdi, 8           ;;   buf++
    cmp    rdi, rsi         ;; } while(buf < endp);
    jb    .loop

;   dec   esi   ;  set up for this version with sub esi, edx; instead of lea
;   jnz   .loop


curr=count&1;   // and esi, 1
buf += curr;    // lea [rdi], [rdi + rsi*4]
prev= 1 ^ curr; // xor eax, esi


curr = 1;
prev = count & 1;
buf += count & 1;


  ;; loop prologue for sequence starting with 1 1 2 3
  ;; (using different regs and optimized for size by using fewer immediates)
    mov    eax, 1               ; current = 1
    cmp    esi, eax
    jb     .early_out           ; count below 1
    mov    [rdi], eax
    je     .early_out           ; count == 1, flags still set from cmp

    lea    rdx, [rdi + rsi*4]   ; endp
    and    esi, eax             ; prev = count & 1
    lea    rdi, [rdi + rsi*4]   ; buf += count & 1
  ;; eax:curr esi:prev    rdx:endp  rdi:buf
  ;; end of old code

  ;; loop prologue for sequence starting with 0 1 1 2
    cmp    esi, 1
    jb     .early_out           ; count below 1, no stores
    mov    [rdi], 0             ; store first element
    je     .early_out           ; count == 1, flags still set from cmp

    lea    rdx, [rdi + rsi*4]   ; endp
    mov    eax, 1               ; prev = 1
    and    esi, eax             ; curr = count&1
    lea    rdi, [rdi + rsi*4]   ; buf += count&1
    xor    eax, esi             ; prev = 1^curr
    ;; ESI:curr EAX:prev  (opposite of other setup)
  ;; optimized for code size, NOT speed.  Prob. could be smaller, esp. if we want to keep the loop start aligned, and jump between before and after it.
  ;; most of the savings are from avoiding mov reg, imm32,
  ;; and from counting down the loop counter, instead of checking an end-pointer.
  ;; loop prologue for sequence starting with 0 1 1 2
    xor    edx, edx
    cmp    esi, 1
    jb     .early_out         ; count below 1, no stores
    mov    [rdi], edx         ; store first element
    je     .early_out         ; count == 1, flags still set from cmp

    xor    eax, eax  ; movzx after setcc would be faster, but one more byte
    shr    esi, 1             ; two counts per iteration, divide by two
  ;; shift sets CF = the last bit shifted out
    setc   al                 ; curr =   count&1
    setnc  dl                 ; prev = !(count&1)

    lea    rdi, [rdi + rax*4] ; buf+= count&1

  ;; extra uop or partial register stall internally when reading eax after writing al, on Intel (except P4 & silvermont)
  ;; EAX:curr EDX:prev  (same as 1 1 2 setup)
  ;; even count: loop starts at buf[0], with curr=0, prev=1
  ;; odd  count: loop starts at buf[1], with curr=1, prev=0

    dec  esi                  ; 1B smaller than 64b cmp, needs count/2 in esi
    jnz .loop


a = [f3 f2 f1 f0 ]   -> store this to buf
b = [f2 f1 f0 f-1]


a = [f7 f6 f5 f4 ]   -> store this to buf
b = [f6 f5 f4 f3 ]

当将两个64bit int打包到128b矢量中时,这就不那么愚蠢了。即使在32bit代码中,也可以使用SSE进行64bit整数数学运算。


;void fib64_sse(uint64_t *dest, uint32_t count);
; using SSE for fewer but larger stores, and for 64bit integers even in 32bit mode
global fib64_sse
    mov eax, 1
    movd    xmm1, eax               ; xmm1 = [0 1] = [f0 f-1]
    pshufd  xmm0, xmm1, 11001111b   ; xmm0 = [1 0] = [f1 f0]

    sub esi, 2
    jae .entry  ; make the common case faster with fewer branches
    ;; could put the handling for count==0 and count==1 right here, with its own ret

    jmp .cleanup
align 16
.loop:                          ; do {
    paddq   xmm0, xmm1          ; xmm0 = [ f3 f2 ]
    ;; xmm1: [ f0 f-1 ]         ; on initial entry, count already decremented by 2
    ;; xmm0: [ f1 f0  ]
    paddq   xmm1, xmm0          ; xmm1 = [ f4 f3 ]  (or [ f2 f1 ] on first iter)
    movdqu  [rdi], xmm0         ; store 2nd last compute result, ready for cleanup of odd count
        add     rdi, 16         ;   buf += 2
    sub esi, 2
        jae   .loop             ; } while((count-=2) >= 0);
    ;; esi <= 0 : -2 on the count=0 special case, otherwise -1 or 0

    ;; xmm1: [ f_rc   f_rc-1 ]  ; rc = count Rounded down to even: count & ~1
    ;; xmm0: [ f_rc+1 f_rc   ]  ; f(rc+1) is the value we need to store if count was odd
    cmp esi, -1
    jne   .out  ; this could be a test on the Parity flag, with no extra cmp, if we wanted to be really hard to read and need a big comment explaining the logic
    ;; xmm1 = [f1 f0]
    movhps  [rdi], xmm1         ; store the high 64b of xmm0.  There is no integer version of this insn, but that doesn't matter




#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#ifdef USE32
void fib(uint32_t *buf, uint32_t count);
typedef uint32_t buftype_t;
#define FMTx PRIx32
#define FMTu PRIu32
#define FIB_FN fib
#define CANARY 0xdeadbeefUL
void fib64_sse(uint64_t *buf, uint32_t count);
typedef uint64_t buftype_t;
#define FMTx PRIx64
#define FMTu PRIu64
#define FIB_FN fib64_sse
#define CANARY 0xdeadbeefdeadc0deULL

#define xstr(s) str(s)
#define str(s) #s

int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
    uint32_t count = 15;
    if (argc > 1) {
        count = atoi(argv[1]);
    int benchmark = argc > 2;

    buftype_t buf[count+1]; // allocated on the stack
    // Fib overflows uint32 at count = 48, so it's not like a lot of space is useful

    buf[count] = CANARY;
    // uint32_t count = sizeof(buf)/sizeof(buf[0]);
    if (benchmark) {
    int64_t reps = 1000000000 / count;
    for (int i=0 ; i<=reps ; i++)
        FIB_FN(buf, count);

    } else {
    FIB_FN(buf, count);
    for (uint32_t i ; i < count ; i++){
        printf("%" FMTu " ", buf[i]);
    if (buf[count] != CANARY) {
        printf(xstr(FIB_FN) " wrote past the end of buf: sentinel = %" FMTx "\n", buf[count]);



64位矢量版本以每周期3个insns(每两个时钟一个128B存储)运行,阵列大小约为L2高速缓存大小的1.5倍。(即./fib64 49152)。当阵列大小增加到L3高速缓存大小的较大部分时,性能下降到L3高速缓存大小的3/4时的每周期~2个insn(每3个时钟一个存储)。当大小大于L3缓存时,它的级别达到每6个周期1个存储区。


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  • 一、题目 写一个函数,输入n,求斐波那契数列的第n项值。 斐波那契数列的定义如下: 二、解题思路 按照上述递推式,可以使用循环或递归的方式获取第n项式。 三、解题代码 public class Test { /** * 写一个函数,输入n,求斐波那契(Fibonacci) 数列的第n项 * @param n Fibonacci数的项数 * @ret