Sub ViewFullSize()
Dim pptNewSlide As Slide
' Dim objCurrentSlideIndex As Integer
' objCurrentSlideIndex = ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange.SlideIndex
With ActivePresentation
.Slides(2).Shapes("Picture 7").Copy
End With
Set pptNewSlide = ActivePresentation.Slides.Add(ActivePresentation.Slides.Count + 1, ppLayoutCustom)
End Sub
Dim objCurrentSlideIndex As Integer
objCurrentSlideIndex = ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange.SlideIndex
With ActivePresentation
.Slides(objCurrentSlideIndex).Shapes("Picture 7").Copy
End With
我尝试的变量< code >。slides(objCurrentSlideIndex)导致整个子例程不执行,但不会使幻灯片崩溃。我使用了< code>Set和许多其他语法,但无法让它使用变量而不是普通数字。有办法做到这一点吗?可以将<代码>。Slides()和< code >。Shapes()方法甚至使用变量?我读了微软和PPTools的一些页面,但是找不到使用变量的例子。
对于任何感兴趣的人来说,这是我在Powerpoint 2017中完成的(可能不是收集的)完全可操作的代码。
Sub ViewFullSize(objCurrentShape As Shape) ' Place shape clicked-on into variable.
' Credit Shyam Pillai @ http://www.skphub.com/ppt00040.htm#2 for the method of
' bringing the shape into the macro as a variable allowing easier manipulation.
Dim pptNewSlide As Slide
Dim objCurrentSlideNum As Integer
Dim objLastSlideNum As Integer
Dim objLargeView As Shape
' Place current slide number into a variable.
objCurrentSlideNum = ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.view.CurrentShowPosition
' Copy shape to clipboard for later pasting.
' Place new blank slide at the end of the presentation.
Set pptNewSlide = ActivePresentation.Slides.Add(ActivePresentation.Slides.Count + 1, ppLayoutBlank)
' Make the new slide the active slide.
' Place the new slide number into a variable.
objLastSlideNum = ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.view.CurrentShowPosition
' Paste the shape image from the clipboard onto the new slide.
' Put pasted image into a variable.
Set objLargeView = ActivePresentation.Slides(objLastSlideNum).Shapes(1)
' Full credit for this next section of the code goes to PPTools & David Marcovitz
' @ http://www.pptfaq.com/FAQ00352_Batch_Insert_a_folder_full_of_pictures-_one_per_slide.htm
' Thanks for the hard work!
' Manipulate the image using the variable.
With objLargeView
' Set mouse-click action on image to return user back to the slide they came from.
.ActionSettings(ppMouseClick).Action = ppActionLastSlideViewed
' Reposition the image for proper resizing
.Left = 0
.Top = 0
.ScaleHeight 1, msoTrue
.ScaleWidth 1, msoTrue
' Resize the image to full screen while maintaining aspect ratio.
' This is wide screen mode. If you are working with the more
' narrow mode, simply change the 9 to a 3 and the 16 to a 4
' to keep the correct aspect ratio.
If 9 * .Width > 16 * .Height Then
.Width = ActivePresentation.PageSetup.SlideWidth
.Top = 0.5 * (ActivePresentation.PageSetup.SlideHeight - .Height)
.Height = ActivePresentation.PageSetup.SlideHeight
.Left = 0.5 * (ActivePresentation.PageSetup.SlideWidth - .Width)
End If
End With
' From here, the slideshow is now showing the originally clicked-on image
' full screen on its own page waiting for the user to click on it to return
' to the rest of the show. If the slideshow isn't set to kiosk mode, then
' there is the possibility of the user clicking somewhere on the screen out
' of the picture area and it would end the slideshow.
End Sub
Sub ViewFullSize(objCurrentShape As Shape) ' Place shape clicked on into variable.
Dim pptNewSlide As Slide
Dim objCurrentSlideNum As Integer
Dim objLastSlideNum As Integer
' Place current slide number into a variable.
objCurrentSlideNum = ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.view.CurrentShowPosition
' Send shape to clipboard for later pasting.
' Place new blank slide at the end of the presentation.
Set pptNewSlide = ActivePresentation.Slides.Add(ActivePresentation.Slides.Count + 1, ppLayoutCustom)
' Make the new slide the active slide.
' Place the new slide number into a variable.
objLastSlideNum = ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.view.CurrentShowPosition
' Paste the shape image from the clipboard onto the new slide.
End Sub
。然后这可以与. Shapes()
方法一起使用,我用它来调用形状以复制. Shapes(objCurrentShape.Name). Copy
该 .Slides()
方法更容易分配给变量(或者我相信如此),因为它不依赖于单击哪个形状。它只是活动的幻灯片编号,并且是通过 .查看当前显示位置
使用幻灯片组件,你需要在 sm.js 和 sm.css 之后额外引入如下两个文件: <link rel="stylesheet" href="//g.alicdn.com/msui/sm/0.6.2/css/sm-extend.min.css"> <script type='text/javascript' src='//g.alicdn.com/msui/sm/0.6.2/js/sm-exte
本文向大家介绍使用impress.js制作幻灯片,包括了使用impress.js制作幻灯片的使用技巧和注意事项,需要的朋友参考一下 上周看到一个朋友做了很炫的缩放式幻灯片,可能因为对此知识了解的不多,找了好久才找到几个web幻灯片工具。通过筛选决定用Geek的 impress.js 。 impress.js是一款新兴的幻灯工具,它的效果类似Prezi,但是拥有3D的功能,而且是在MIT&GPL协议
Progress,进度条,用于上传、下载等耗时并且需要显示进度的场景,用户可以随时中断该操作。在mpvue框架中实现这个功能是基于小程序的原生progress 组件,这里主要说一下它percent属性: percent 类型:Float 默认值:无 可选值:0-100 说明:百分比0~100 要实现上传或者下载过程中显示进度的效果,就需要实时修改 percent属性的值,下面示例代码是每隔 20m
幻灯片秀 自动依顺序显示每张图像。 播放幻灯片秀 同时播放音乐与幻灯片秀 使用操作接口 利用PSP™主机的按钮或线控装置进行操作
我想拿一张PowerPoint幻灯片(“源”),并将其插入到另一张已经包含一些内容的PowerPoint幻灯片(“目标”)中,位于源PowerPoint幻灯片中的特定位置。 我已经尝试了几种方法来研究这样做的代码,但是我不断得到将幻灯片合并到PowerPoint演示文稿中的结果,这不是我想要的。我想拿一张现有的幻灯片并将其插入到另一张幻灯片中,就像在现有幻灯片中插入图片一样。 我有另一位同事编写的
本参考手册使用下列术语. 全局变量 所有以`$'开头的变量 内部变量 全局变量中的内部变量(本网页介绍的变量) 特殊变量 内部变量中,形如"`$' + 1位数字或符号"的变量 选项变量 内部变量中,由命令行选项设定的变量,形如"`$-' +1个选项字符" 有时,内部变量(有特殊的功能和用途)的有效作用域不只限于全局,尽管如此,上述定义还是把它们划入到全局变量的范畴中(可以在任何地方使用内部变量,从