[%% Pre-Load schema definitions from the following JSON file. See
%% http://www.rabbitmq.com/management.html#load-definitions
%% {load_definitions, "/path/to/schema.json"},
%% Log all requests to the management HTTP API to a file.
%% {http_log_dir, "/path/to/access.log"},
%% Change the port on which the HTTP listener listens,
%% specifying an interface for the web server to bind to.
%% Also set the listener to use SSL and provide SSL options.
%% {listener, [{port, 12345},
%% {ip, ""},
%% {ssl, false},
%% {ssl_opts, [{cacertfile, "/path/to/cacert.pem"},
%% {certfile, "/path/to/cert.pem"},
%% {keyfile, "/path/to/key.pem"}]}]},
{listener, [{port, 12345},{ip, ""}]}
%% Configure how long aggregated data (such as message rates and queue
%% lengths) is retained. Please read the plugin's documentation in
%% https://www.rabbitmq.com/management.html#configuration for more
%% details.
%% {sample_retention_policies,
%% [{global, [{60, 5}, {3600, 60}, {86400, 1200}]},
%% {basic, [{60, 5}, {3600, 60}]},
%% {detailed, [{10, 5}]}]}
Job for rabbitmq-server.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status rabbitmq-server.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.
Aug 16 16:18:15 localhost.localdomain rabbitmqctl[5630]: - cookie hash: PmW6Wh1PELt7r55GMh8s7g==
Aug 16 16:18:15 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: rabbitmq-server.service: control process exited, code=exited status=2
Aug 16 16:18:15 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Failed to start RabbitMQ broker.
Aug 16 16:18:15 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Unit rabbitmq-server.service entered failed state.
Aug 16 16:18:15 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: rabbitmq-server.service failed.
{listener, [{port, 12345},{ip, ""}]}
curl -X GET -u test:test | python -m json.tool
"cluster_name": "rabbit@mac",
"contexts": [
"description": "RabbitMQ Management",
"ip": "",
"node": "rabbit@mac",
"path": "/",
"port": "12345",
"ssl_opts": []
我已经安装并启动了。服务也在运行。但是,当我尝试在firefox中打开管理界面时,我得到了这个错误: 我检查了端口并确保它们是正确的,同时尝试重新安装。 有什么办法解决这个问题吗?
我在帐户a中存储了一个密钥(USRFTP),我想从EC2框中使用帐户B中的角色ASHISHROLE访问这个密钥。我正在运行python代码来获取密钥,如下所示,在密钥中使用资源策略,KMS策略如下所示,但仍然得到这个问题 clienterRor:调用GetSecretValue操作时发生错误(AccessDeniedException):User:ARN:AWS:STS::AccountB:假定-
我想不出这个问题 这是我的nginx配置文件:
我已经在Centos远程服务器上安装并设置了Rabbitmq。后来,我创建了一个文件“rabbitmq.config”,并添加了以下代码行 [{rabbit,[{loopback_users,[]}]}]
我已经为PostgreSQL创建了新的Azure数据库-灵活的服务器,管理员用户为“admin\u demo”。 现在,在创建数据库之后,我完成了以下步骤: > 创建角色role\u developer;--创建新角色。 授予使用权限,在模式abc上创建以role_developer;--授予对模式中新角色的访问权限。 将架构abc中所有表的select、insert、update、delete授