$('#views-exposed-form-find-a-rep-page-1').submit(function(event) { //$('.find-a-rep-search').click(function() { var address = $('#edit-geo-location'); var countyField = $('#edit-field-county-value'); //var stateField = $('#edit-state'); var postalField = $('#edit-postal-code'); var contact = $('#edit-field-rep-contact-name-value'); var disabled = $('input:disabled'); if(address.val() !== "") { var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); geocoder.geocode( { 'address': address.val()}, function(results, status) { if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) { //if the input wasn't total garbage var county = ''; var state = ''; var postal = ''; ....more logic here.... } //LOGIC: //1) If we have county and state, use that to validate //2) If we don't have county, use state and zip to validate if (county !== '' && state !== '') { countyField.val(county + ", " + state); //stateField.val(state); postalField.val(postal); //don't need this, but don't think it will harm contact.val(""); //wipe this field so that it doesn't show up in the search url disabled.prop('disabled', false); //undisable any disabled fields so views query works correctly //$('#edit-name-or-location-0-wrapper input[name="name-or-location"][value="0"]').attr('checked','checked'); //reset this //$('#views-exposed-form-find-a-rep-page-1').submit(); } else if(county == "" && state !== '') { var message = 'Location not specific enough, please re-enter.'; $('.message-box').html(message); event.preventDefault(); } else if (county == '' && state == '') { // use zip code instead countyField.val(""); //wipe //stateField.val(state); postalField.val(postal); disabled.prop('disabled', false); //undisable any disabled fields so views query works correctly //@todo - do we want it to die here if the geocode doesn't have a county field? //$('#views-exposed-form-find-a-rep-page-1').submit(); } } else { var message = 'Invalid location, please re-enter.'; $('.message-box').html(message); event.preventDefault(); } }); } else if(contact.val() !== "") { countyField.val(""); //wipe these fields //stateField.val(""); postalField.val(""); address.val(""); disabled.prop('disabled', false); //undisable any disabled fields so views query works correctly //$('#views-exposed-form-find-a-rep-page-1').submit(); } else { var message = 'No representative name or location has been provided.'; $errorMessageBox = $('.section div.messages.error'); if($errorMessageBox.length){ $errorMessageBox.html(message); }else{ $('#content-area').prepend('' + message + ''); } event.preventDefault(); } }); //end click function
您需要将click事件附加到submit按钮,并更改该按钮和submit the form中的值
$('#submit_button').click(function(event) {
// make the changes here and afterwards submit the form
$('#views-exposed-form-find-a-rep-page-1').submit(function(event) {
// make the changes here and afterwards submit the form
null 对于第二个选项,我使用MessageHandler: 每当我的模型(函数)返回适当的标记时,我想输入其中一个ConversationHandlers,但不知道如何执行。
我正在尝试将一个项目从gwt-2.6.1迁移到gwt-2.7。但是,我遇到了一个问题。在一个继承的模块中,由于某种原因,gwt编译器忽略了gwt.xml。所以我有这样的东西。gwt.xml: 但是在使用带有gwt-maven-plugin的maven编译时,我一直收到这样的错误: 如您所见,gwt尝试在servlet目录中编译一个文件,该文件在中被排除。gwt。xml。原因可能是什么?gwt-2.
问题内容: 我正在使用PHP。 请问什么是将新记录插入具有唯一字段的数据库的正确方法。我正在批量插入很多记录,我只想插入新记录,并且我不想重复条目有任何错误。 有没有唯一方法可以首先进行SELECT并查看条目是否在INSERT之前已经存在-并且仅在SELECT不返回任何记录时才插入INSERT?我希望不是。 我想以某种方式告诉MySQL忽略这些插入而没有任何错误。 谢谢 问题答案: 如果在重复记录
问题内容: 我目前使用如下所示的XML 我所坚持的是,在使用XStream时,我需要能够忽略出现的某些标签(在“ FavOS”上方的情况下),这些标签可能未知或将来会更改。有没有办法忽略所有与当前实现的不匹配的标签? (使用XStream 1.3.1) 问题答案: 由于我花了超过15分钟的时间才能找到此答案,因此我认为应该发布它。 这似乎会跳过不在您的对象中的xml项。