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  "subscriptions" : {
    "han@gmail,com" : {
      "-KDnhRwHjssOejrqyenP" : {
        "category" : "Strength",
        "goal" : "This workout can be done while on the phone!",
        "length" : 1,
        "title" : "Hello Workouts",
        "weeks" : {
          "week1" : [ "High Knees", "Jumping Jacks", "Wall sit", "Pushups", "Sit-ups", "Step ups", "Squats", "Tricep dips on chair", "Plank", "High Knees running in place", "Lunges", "Pushup and rotation", "Side plank (alternate per round)", "Alternating Push-Up Plank", "Chest Expander", "Diamond Push-ups", "Dive Bomber Push-ups", "Butt Kickers", "Lying Triceps Lifts", "One Arm Side Push-up", "Overhead Arm Clap", "Overhead Press", "Power Circles", "Push-up and Rotation", "T Push-ups", "Reverse Plank", "Spiderman Push-up", "T Raise", "Tricep Dips", "Wall Push-ups", "Wide Arm Push-ups", "Burpees" ]
      "-KDni3TN4NMyGXePyp92" : {
        "category" : "Strength",
        "goal" : "This workout can be done by a BABUJI",
        "length" : 1,
        "title" : "Indian Workouts",
        "weeks" : {
          "week1" : [ "Diamond Pushups", "Jackknives", "Plyo Lunges", "Plyo Squats", "Single leg plank (alternate per round)", "Plyo Lunges", "Pushup and rotation", "Weighted side plank (alternate per round)", "Alternating Push-Up Plank", "Chest Expander", "Diamond Push-ups", "Dive Bomber Push-ups", "One Arm Side Push-up", "Overhead Press", "Push-up and Rotation", "T Push-ups", "Spiderman Push-up", "Wide Arm Push-ups", "Burpee Pushups" ]
    "obama@gmsil,com" : {
      "-KDnfjROKeFAL9wccsxY" : {
        "category" : "Mobility",
        "goal" : "afternoon body weight workout",
        "length" : 1,
        "title" : "Afternoon HiiT",
        "weeks" : {
          "week1" : [ "High Knees", "Squats", "Lunges", "Diamond Push-ups", "Lying Triceps Lifts" ]
      "-KDps90Dn6XtJc6Co00b" : {
        "category" : "Strength",
        "goal" : "goal",
        "length" : 1,
        "title" : "title",
        "weeks" : {
          "week1" : [ "Diamond Pushups", "Jackknives", "Plyo Lunges", "Plyo Squats", "Single leg plank (alternate per round)", "Plyo Lunges", "Pushup and rotation", "Weighted side plank (alternate per round)", "Alternating Push-Up Plank", "Chest Expander", "Diamond Push-ups", "Dive Bomber Push-ups", "One Arm Side Push-up", "Overhead Press", "Push-up and Rotation", "T Push-ups", "Spiderman Push-up", "Wide Arm Push-ups", "Burpee Pushups" ]


    public void FB(){
ref.addValueEventListener(new ValueEventListener() {
                public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot snapshot) {
                    for (DataSnapshot postSnapshot: snapshot.getChildren()) {
    //Program post = proSnapshot.getValue(Program.class);
                public void onCancelled(FirebaseError firebaseError) {
                    System.out.println("The read failed: " + firebaseError.getMessage());


03-28 08:52:53.966 23584-23584 / com.android.sam I /
System.out:{-KDni3TN4NMyGXePyp92 = {weeks = {week1 = [Diamond
Pushups,Jackknives,Plyo Lunges,Plyo
1,目标=此锻炼可以由BABUJI完成},-KDnhRwHjssOejrqyenP = {weeks = {week1 =
1,目标=此锻炼可以在电话上进行! }}

03-28 08:52:53.967 23584-23584 / com.android.sam I /
System.out:{-KDnfjROKeFAL9wccsxY = {weeks = {week1 =
[高膝盖,下蹲,肺,钻石俯卧撑,卧式肱三头肌训练器]] },标题=下午HitT,类别=移动性,长度=
1,目标=下午体重锻炼},-KDps90Dn6XtJc6Co00b = {weeks = {week1 = [Diamond
Pushups,Jackknives,Plyo Lunges,Plyo


public class Program {
    private String title;

    private String goal;

    private String category;

    private int length;

    HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> weeks;

     * Required public constructor
    public Program() {

    public Program(String title, String goal,  String category, int length, HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> weeks) {
        this.title = title;
        this.goal = goal;
        this.category = category;
        this.length = length;
        this.weeks = weeks;

    public String getTitle() {
        return title;

    public String getGoal() {
        return goal;

    public String getCategory() {
        return category;
    public int getLength() {
        return length;
    public HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> getweeks() {
        return weeks;



ref.addListenerForSingleValueEvent(new ValueEventListener) {
  public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot snapshot) {
    if (dataSnapshot.exists()) {
      for (DataSnapshot userSnapshot : snapshot.getChildren()) {
        for (DataSnapshot programSnapshot : userSnapshot.getChildren()) {
          Program program = programSnapshot.getValue(Program.class);

  public void onCancelled(FirebaseError firebaseError) {


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  • 问题内容: 我具有以下JSON结构: 如何使用JavaScript进行迭代? 问题答案: 取自jQuery docs:

  • 问题内容: 有什么不同的方法可以循环遍历mysql结果集?我是PHP和MySQL的新手,所以我正在寻找简单的循环方法以及有关所提供代码如何工作的解释。 问题答案: 这是一个完整的示例: http://php.net/manual/en/mysqli-result.fetch- array.php 连接 选择数据库 进行查询 循环处理结果并获取数组以获取行

  • 问题内容: 这是我正在使用的代码: 在我的视图中,这是我要查看的值: 想象一下,我查询类似的东西,并且返回一个结果集,例如: 如何遍历每个值并输出呢? 这里的文档没有用,因为我尝试了应该存在的方法,但是解释器给我一个错误,指出这些方法不存在。我使用了错误的文档吗? http://www.tmtm.org/en/mysql/ruby/ 谢谢! 问题答案: 如果您使用的是mysql2 gem,那么您应

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