* Sets timeout values and user agent header, and ignores self signed ssl
* certificates to enable maximum coverage
* @param con
* @return
public static URLConnection configureConnection(URLConnection con)
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/23.0.1271.95 Safari/537.11");
if (con instanceof HttpsURLConnection)
HttpsURLConnection conHttps = (HttpsURLConnection) con;
TrustManager[] trustAllCerts = new TrustManager[] { new X509TrustManager()
public java.security.cert.X509Certificate[] getAcceptedIssuers()
return null;
public void checkClientTrusted(
java.security.cert.X509Certificate[] certs, String authType)
public void checkServerTrusted(
java.security.cert.X509Certificate[] certs, String authType)
} };
HostnameVerifier allHostsValid = new HostnameVerifier()
public boolean verify(String arg0, SSLSession arg1)
return true;
// Install the all-trusting trust manager
SSLContext sc = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL");
sc.init(null, trustAllCerts, new java.security.SecureRandom());
con = conHttps;
} catch (Exception e)
return con;
javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification pat
h to requested target
at sun.security.ssl.Alerts.getSSLException(Alerts.java:192)
at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.fatal(SSLSocketImpl.java:1715)
at sun.security.ssl.Handshaker.fatalSE(Handshaker.java:257)
at sun.security.ssl.Handshaker.fatalSE(Handshaker.java:251)
at sun.security.ssl.ClientHandshaker.serverCertificate(ClientHandshaker.java:1168)
at sun.security.ssl.ClientHandshaker.processMessage(ClientHandshaker.java:153)
at sun.security.ssl.Handshaker.processLoop(Handshaker.java:609)
at sun.security.ssl.Handshaker.process_record(Handshaker.java:545)
at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.readRecord(SSLSocketImpl.java:963)
at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.performInitialHandshake(SSLSocketImpl.java:1208)
at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.startHandshake(SSLSocketImpl.java:1235)
at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.startHandshake(SSLSocketImpl.java:1219)
at sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsClient.afterConnect(HttpsClient.java:440)
at sun.net.www.protocol.https.AbstractDelegateHttpsURLConnection.connect(AbstractDelegateHttpsURLConnection.java:185)
at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(HttpURLConnection.java:1139)
at java.net.HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode(HttpURLConnection.java:397)
at sun.net.www.protocol.https.HttpsURLConnectionImpl.getResponseCode(HttpsURLConnectionImpl.java:338)
at crawler.RSSReader.getNewArticles(RSSReader.java:53)
at crawler.Crawler.fetchFeed(Crawler.java:187)
at crawler.Crawler.main(Crawler.java:120)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:57)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:622)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.jarinjarloader.JarRsrcLoader.main(JarRsrcLoader.java:58)
Caused by: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
at sun.security.validator.PKIXValidator.doBuild(PKIXValidator.java:324)
at sun.security.validator.PKIXValidator.engineValidate(PKIXValidator.java:224)
at sun.security.validator.Validator.validate(Validator.java:235)
at sun.security.ssl.X509TrustManagerImpl.validate(X509TrustManagerImpl.java:147)
at sun.security.ssl.X509TrustManagerImpl.checkServerTrusted(X509TrustManagerImpl.java:230)
at sun.security.ssl.X509TrustManagerImpl.checkServerTrusted(X509TrustManagerImpl.java:270)
at sun.security.ssl.ClientHandshaker.serverCertificate(ClientHandshaker.java:1147)
... 20 more
Caused by: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
at sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilder.engineBuild(SunCertPathBuilder.java:197)
at java.security.cert.CertPathBuilder.build(CertPathBuilder.java:255)
at sun.security.validator.PKIXValidator.doBuild(PKIXValidator.java:319)
您还可以通过在Internet上搜索来获取更多解决方案java ssl trustall
import java.security.GeneralSecurityException;
import java.security.SecureRandom;
import java.security.cert.X509Certificate;
import javax.net.ssl.HostnameVerifier;
import javax.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection;
import javax.net.ssl.SSLContext;
import javax.net.ssl.TrustManager;
import javax.net.ssl.X509TrustManager;
* This class provide various static methods that relax X509 certificate and
* hostname verification while using the SSL over the HTTP protocol.
* @author Francis Labrie
public final class SSLUtilities {
* Hostname verifier for the Sun's deprecated API.
* @deprecated see {@link #_hostnameVerifier}.
private static com.sun.net.ssl.HostnameVerifier __hostnameVerifier;
* Thrust managers for the Sun's deprecated API.
* @deprecated see {@link #_trustManagers}.
private static com.sun.net.ssl.TrustManager[] __trustManagers;
* Hostname verifier.
private static HostnameVerifier _hostnameVerifier;
* Thrust managers.
private static TrustManager[] _trustManagers;
* Set the default Hostname Verifier to an instance of a fake class that
* trust all hostnames. This method uses the old deprecated API from the
* com.sun.ssl package.
* @deprecated see {@link #_trustAllHostnames()}.
private static void __trustAllHostnames() {
// Create a trust manager that does not validate certificate chains
if(__hostnameVerifier == null) {
__hostnameVerifier = new _FakeHostnameVerifier();
} // if
// Install the all-trusting host name verifier
} // __trustAllHttpsCertificates
* Set the default X509 Trust Manager to an instance of a fake class that
* trust all certificates, even the self-signed ones. This method uses the
* old deprecated API from the com.sun.ssl package.
* @deprecated see {@link #_trustAllHttpsCertificates()}.
private static void __trustAllHttpsCertificates() {
com.sun.net.ssl.SSLContext context;
// Create a trust manager that does not validate certificate chains
if(__trustManagers == null) {
__trustManagers = new com.sun.net.ssl.TrustManager[]
{new _FakeX509TrustManager()};
} // if
// Install the all-trusting trust manager
try {
context = com.sun.net.ssl.SSLContext.getInstance("SSL");
context.init(null, __trustManagers, new SecureRandom());
} catch(GeneralSecurityException gse) {
throw new IllegalStateException(gse.getMessage());
} // catch
} // __trustAllHttpsCertificates
* Return true if the protocol handler property java.
* protocol.handler.pkgs is set to the Sun's com.sun.net.ssl.
* internal.www.protocol deprecated one, false
* otherwise.
* @return true if the protocol handler
* property is set to the Sun's deprecated one, false
* otherwise.
private static boolean isDeprecatedSSLProtocol() {
} // isDeprecatedSSLProtocol
* Set the default Hostname Verifier to an instance of a fake class that
* trust all hostnames.
private static void _trustAllHostnames() {
// Create a trust manager that does not validate certificate chains
if(_hostnameVerifier == null) {
_hostnameVerifier = new FakeHostnameVerifier();
} // if
// Install the all-trusting host name verifier:
} // _trustAllHttpsCertificates
* Set the default X509 Trust Manager to an instance of a fake class that
* trust all certificates, even the self-signed ones.
private static void _trustAllHttpsCertificates() {
SSLContext context;
// Create a trust manager that does not validate certificate chains
if(_trustManagers == null) {
_trustManagers = new TrustManager[] {new FakeX509TrustManager()};
} // if
// Install the all-trusting trust manager:
try {
context = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL");
context.init(null, _trustManagers, new SecureRandom());
} catch(GeneralSecurityException gse) {
throw new IllegalStateException(gse.getMessage());
} // catch
} // _trustAllHttpsCertificates
* Set the default Hostname Verifier to an instance of a fake class that
* trust all hostnames.
public static void trustAllHostnames() {
// Is the deprecated protocol setted?
if(isDeprecatedSSLProtocol()) {
} else {
} // else
} // trustAllHostnames
* Set the default X509 Trust Manager to an instance of a fake class that
* trust all certificates, even the self-signed ones.
public static void trustAllHttpsCertificates() {
// Is the deprecated protocol setted?
if(isDeprecatedSSLProtocol()) {
} else {
} // else
} // trustAllHttpsCertificates
* This class implements a fake hostname verificator, trusting any host
* name. This class uses the old deprecated API from the com.sun.
* ssl package.
* @author Francis Labrie
* @deprecated see {@link SSLUtilities.FakeHostnameVerifier}.
public static class _FakeHostnameVerifier
implements com.sun.net.ssl.HostnameVerifier {
* Always return true, indicating that the host name is an
* acceptable match with the server's authentication scheme.
* @param hostname the host name.
* @param session the SSL session used on the connection to
* host.
* @return the true boolean value
* indicating the host name is trusted.
public boolean verify(String hostname, String session) {
} // verify
} // _FakeHostnameVerifier
* This class allow any X509 certificates to be used to authenticate the
* remote side of a secure socket, including self-signed certificates. This
* class uses the old deprecated API from the com.sun.ssl
* package.
* @author Francis Labrie
* @deprecated see {@link SSLUtilities.FakeX509TrustManager}.
public static class _FakeX509TrustManager
implements com.sun.net.ssl.X509TrustManager {
* Empty array of certificate authority certificates.
private static final X509Certificate[] _AcceptedIssuers =
new X509Certificate[] {};
* Always return true, trusting for client SSL
* chain peer certificate chain.
* @param chain the peer certificate chain.
* @return the true boolean value
* indicating the chain is trusted.
public boolean isClientTrusted(X509Certificate[] chain) {
} // checkClientTrusted
* Always return true, trusting for server SSL
* chain peer certificate chain.
* @param chain the peer certificate chain.
* @return the true boolean value
* indicating the chain is trusted.
public boolean isServerTrusted(X509Certificate[] chain) {
} // checkServerTrusted
* Return an empty array of certificate authority certificates which
* are trusted for authenticating peers.
* @return a empty array of issuer certificates.
public X509Certificate[] getAcceptedIssuers() {
} // getAcceptedIssuers
} // _FakeX509TrustManager
* This class implements a fake hostname verificator, trusting any host
* name.
* @author Francis Labrie
public static class FakeHostnameVerifier implements HostnameVerifier {
* Always return true, indicating that the host name is
* an acceptable match with the server's authentication scheme.
* @param hostname the host name.
* @param session the SSL session used on the connection to
* host.
* @return the true boolean value
* indicating the host name is trusted.
public boolean verify(String hostname,
javax.net.ssl.SSLSession session) {
} // verify
} // FakeHostnameVerifier
* This class allow any X509 certificates to be used to authenticate the
* remote side of a secure socket, including self-signed certificates.
* @author Francis Labrie
public static class FakeX509TrustManager implements X509TrustManager {
* Empty array of certificate authority certificates.
private static final X509Certificate[] _AcceptedIssuers =
new X509Certificate[] {};
* Always trust for client SSL chain peer certificate
* chain with any authType authentication types.
* @param chain the peer certificate chain.
* @param authType the authentication type based on the client
* certificate.
public void checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[] chain,
String authType) {
} // checkClientTrusted
* Always trust for server SSL chain peer certificate
* chain with any authType exchange algorithm types.
* @param chain the peer certificate chain.
* @param authType the key exchange algorithm used.
public void checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[] chain,
String authType) {
} // checkServerTrusted
* Return an empty array of certificate authority certificates which
* are trusted for authenticating peers.
* @return a empty array of issuer certificates.
public X509Certificate[] getAcceptedIssuers() {
} // getAcceptedIssuers
} // FakeX509TrustManager
} // SSLUtilities
问题内容: 我本质上是在寻找“ @Ignore”类型注释,通过它我可以阻止特定字段的持久化。如何做到这一点? 问题答案: 符合您的需求。
问题内容: 我正在使用几个Kafka连接器,但在控制台输出中看不到它们的创建/部署中的任何错误,但是我没有得到想要的结果(无论是任何结果,无论是期望的还是除此以外)。我基于Kafka的示例FileStream连接器制作了这些连接器,因此我的调试技术基于该示例中使用的SLF4J Logger的使用。我搜索了我认为会在控制台输出中产生的日志消息,但无济于事。我在这些消息中找错了地方吗?还是有调试这些连
为什么如果我将这个简单的谓词赋给'func'而不是(在我的情况下总是false),我会在忽略条件时获得所有元素,而不是获得0个元素呢? 我想是因为谓词中没有考虑SettingItemModel对象,但我不确定。
问题内容: 我使用Spring-Data Neo4j 2.2.0-RELEASE。(我的以下问题将适用于任何其他类型的实体映射,为什么不适用于JPA) 在我的项目中,我有一个用Spring注释注释的公共方法,因为我想在其中更新/保存一个实体: 我的application-context.xml是以下内容: 正如我们在此配置中看到的,aspectJ用于事务。 因此,我尝试通过更改applicatio
我在 AWS S3 中备份了以下文件,这些文件由 Kafka 连接接收器连接器备份: 当使用Kafka connect S3源恢复主题时,密钥文件被忽略,我在日志中看到以下调试消息: 我的源配置如下所示: 我应该做什么改变才能让密钥和消息一起存储在Kafka中?
问题内容: 我正在尝试从另一个站点获取信息。当我尝试去做 它抛出一个。这是否意味着该站点将不允许自动连接?还有另一种获取此信息的方法吗? 问题答案: 这可能意味着几件事: 该站点有问题并且正在主动断开连接(拒绝与超时不同,拒绝完全没有响应) 中间人可能拒绝了您的连接,例如防火墙,尽管如果您可以通过浏览器访问该站点,则不太可能 您使用了错误的端口,即您输入https://时的意思是http://,反