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public class tirePressure
    private static double getDoubleSystem1 ()  //Private routine to simply read a double in from the command line
        String myInput1 = null; //Store the string that is read form the command line
        double numInput1 = 0;      //Used to store the converted string into an double
        BufferedReader mySystem; //Buffer to store input
        mySystem = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (System.in)); // creates a connection to system files or cmd
            myInput1 = mySystem.readLine (); //reads in data from console
            myInput1 = myInput1.trim (); //trim command cuts off unneccesary inputs
        catch (IOException e)  //checks for errors
            System.out.println ("IOException: " + e);
            return -1;

        numInput1 = Double.parseDouble (myInput1); //converts the string to an double
        return numInput1;                       //return double value to main program

    static public void main (String[] args)
        double TireFR; //double to store input from console
        double TireFL;
        double TireBR;
        double TireBL;
        boolean goodPressure;
        goodPressure = false;

        System.out.println ("Tire Pressure Checker");
        System.out.println (" ");

        System.out.print ("Enter pressure of front left tire:");
        TireFL = getDoubleSystem1 ();    //read in an double from the user

        if (TireFL < 35 || TireFL > 45)
            System.out.println ("Pressure out of range");
            goodPressure = false;

        System.out.print ("Enter pressure of front right tire:");
        TireFR = getDoubleSystem1 ();    //read in an double from the user

        if (TireFR < 35 || TireFR > 45)
            System.out.println ("Pressure out of range");
            goodPressure = false;


        if (TireFL == TireFR)
            System.out.print (" ");
            System.out.println ("Front tire pressures do not match");
        System.out.println (" ");

        System.out.print ("Enter pressure of back left tire:");
        TireBL = getDoubleSystem1 ();    //read in an double from the user

        if (TireBL < 35 || TireBL > 45)
            System.out.println ("Pressure out of range");
            goodPressure = false;

        System.out.print ("Enter pressure of back right tire:");
        TireBR = getDoubleSystem1 ();    //read in an double from the user

        if (TireBR < 35 || TireBR > 45)
            System.out.println ("Pressure out of range");
            goodPressure = false;

        if (TireBL == TireBR)
            System.out.print (" ");
            System.out.println ("Back tire pressures do not match");

        if (goodPressure = true)
            System.out.println ("Inflation is OK.");
            System.out.println ("Inflation is BAD.");

        System.out.println (goodPressure);

    } //mainmethod
} // tirePressure Class

    if (goodPressure = true)


    if (goodPressure == true)


    if (goodPressure)


另外,goodPressure = true;在检查是否违反条件之前,需要进行初始设置。

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