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.NET是否等效于Java有界通配符(IInterf <?>)?





class Impl { }

interface IGeneric1<T extends Impl> {
    void method1(IGeneric2<?> val);
    T method1WithParam(T val);

interface IGeneric2<T extends Impl> {
    void method2(IGeneric1<?> val);

abstract class Generic2<T extends Impl> implements IGeneric2<T> {

    // !! field using wildcard 
    protected IGeneric1<?> elem;

    public void method2(IGeneric1<?> val1) {

        //assignment from wildcard to wildcard
        elem = val1;

abstract class Generic<T extends Impl> implements IGeneric1<T>, IGeneric2<T> {

    public void method1(IGeneric2<?> val2) {

C# -无法编译…

class Impl { }

interface IGeneric1<T> where T:Impl {
  //in Java:
  //void method1(IGeneric2<?> val);
    void method1<U>(IGeneric2<U> val) where U : Impl; //see this Q for 'why'
                                 // https://stackoverflow.com/a/14277742/11545

    T method1WithParam(T to);

interface IGeneric2<T>where T:Impl {
    void method2<U>(IGeneric1<U> val) where U : Impl;

abstract class Generic2<T, TU>: IGeneric2<T> //added new type TU
    where T : Impl
    where TU : Impl
  //in Java:
  //protected IGeneric1<?> elem;
    protected IGeneric1<TU> elem;

  //in Java:
  //public void method2(IGeneric1<?> val1) 
    public void method2<U>(IGeneric1<U> val) 
        where U : TU //using TU as constraint
        elem = val;  //Cannot convert source type 'IGeneric1<U>' 
                     //to target type 'IGeneric1<TU>'
    public abstract void method1WithParam(T to);

abstract class Generic<T> : IGeneric1<T>, IGeneric2<T> where T : Impl
  //in Java:
  //public void method1(IGeneric2<?> val2) 
    public void method1<U>(IGeneric2<U> val2) where U : Impl

    public abstract T method1WithParam(T to);
    public abstract void method2<U>(IGeneric1<U> val) where U : Impl;
    public abstract void nonGenericMethod();

如果我更改interface IGeneric1 为interface IGeneric1 上述错误,错误会消失,但会method1WithParam(T)抱怨差异:

Parameter must be input-safe. Invalid variance: The type parameter 'T' must be
contravariantly valid on 'IGeneric1<out T>'.




// C# code:
interface INotGeneric1 {
    void method1<T>(IGeneric2<T> val) where T : Impl;

interface IGeneric1<T> : INotGeneric1 where T : Impl {
    T method1WithParam(T to);

之后,class Generic2可以聚合INotGeneric1成员:

abstract class Generic2<T>: IGeneric2<T> where T : Impl
    protected INotGeneric1 elem;

    // It's highly likely that you would want to change the type of val
    // to INotGeneric1 as well, there's no obvious reason to require an
    // IGeneric1<U>
    public void method2<U>(IGeneric1<U> val) where U : Impl
        elem = val; // this is now OK


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