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import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class GraphCities {

    private List<String> cities;
    private int[][] matrix;
    Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in);

    public GraphCities() {
        this.cities = new LinkedList<String>();

    public void addCity(String name) {
        if (!cities.contains(name)) {
        } else {
            System.out.println("City " + name + " is already added.");

    public void makeGraph() {
                .println("Distance between cities, if they aren't connected insert -1");
        matrix = new int[cities.size()][cities.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) {
            for (int j = i; j < matrix.length; j++) {
                if (i == j) {
                    matrix[i][j] = 0;
                } else {
                    System.out.println("Distance from "
                            + cities.get(i) + " to " + cities.get(j));
                    int distance = s.nextInt();
                    matrix[i][j] = distance;
                    matrix[j][i] = distance;


    public void show() {
        String show = "\t";
        for (int i = 0; i < cities.size(); i++) {
            show += cities.get(i) + "\t";
        show += "\n";
        for (int i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) {
            show += cities.get(i) + "\t";
            for (int j = 0; j < matrix.length; j++) {
                if (matrix[i][j] != -1) {
                    show += matrix[i][j] + "\t";
                } else {
                    show += "-\t";
            show += "\n";


public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        GraphCities c = new GraphCities();


    A   B   C   D   E   
A   0   50  -   -   -   
B   50  0   30  -   -   
C   -   30  0   40  -   
D   -   -   40  0   20  
E   -   -   -   20  0



要在加权图中找到最短路径(路线的每个部分都有不同的权重),可以使用Dijkstra的最短路径算法。 以下代码是一个文件mcve。可以将其复制粘贴到一个文件(Main.java)中并执行。

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        AdjList aList = new AdjList();
        CityNode a = new CityNode("A");
        CityNode b = new CityNode("B");
        CityNode c = new CityNode("C");
        CityNode d = new CityNode("D");
        CityNode e = new CityNode("E");
        aList.connectCities(a, b, 50);
        aList.connectCities(b, c, 30);
        aList.connectCities(c, d, 40);
        aList.connectCities(d, e, 20);

        FindPath findPath = new FindPath();
        System.out.println(findPath.calculateShortestPath(aList, a, e)); //prints 140 as expected

        //add some complexity
        CityNode f = new CityNode("F");
        aList.connectCities(b, f, 10);
        aList.connectCities(f, d, 10);
        System.out.println(findPath.calculateShortestPath(aList, a, e));//prints 90 as expected


class FindPath{

    //map to hold distances of all node from origin. at the end this map should contain
    //the shortest distance between origin (from) to all other nodes
    Map<CityNode, Integer> distances;

    //using Dijkstra algorithm
    public int calculateShortestPath(AdjList aList, CityNode from, CityNode to) {

        //a container to hold which cities the algorithm has visited
        Set<CityNode> settledCities = new HashSet<>();
        //a container to hold which cities the algorithm has to visit
        Set<CityNode> unsettledCities = new HashSet<>();

        //map to hold distances of all node from origin. at the end this map should contain
        //the shortest distance between origin (from) to all other nodes
        distances = new HashMap<>();
        //initialize map with values: 0 distance to origin, infinite distance to all others
        //infinite means no connection between nodes
        for(CityNode city :aList.getCities()){
            int distance = city.equals(from) ? 0 : Integer.MAX_VALUE;
            distances.put(city, distance);

        while (unsettledCities.size() != 0) {
            //get the unvisited city with the lowest distance
            CityNode currentCity = getLowestDistanceCity(unsettledCities);
            //remove from unvisited, add to visited
            unsettledCities.remove(currentCity); settledCities.add(currentCity);

            Map<CityNode, Integer> connectedCities = currentCity.getConnectedCities();

            for( CityNode city : connectedCities.keySet()){
                //check if new distance is shorted than the previously found distance
                if(distances.get(currentCity) + connectedCities.get(city) < distances.get(city)){
                    //if so, keep the shortest distance found
                    distances.put(city, distances.get(currentCity) + connectedCities.get(city));
                    //if city has not been visited yet, add it to unsettledCities
                    if(! settledCities.contains(city)) {

        return distances.get(to);

    private CityNode getLowestDistanceCity(Set <CityNode> unsettledCities) {

        return unsettledCities.stream()
                 .min((c1,c2)-> Integer.compare(distances.get(c1), distances.get(c2)))

class CityNode {

    private static int counter =0;
    private final String name;
    //assign unique id to each node. safer than to rely on unique name
    private final int id = counter ++;

    //map to hold all connected cities and distance to each
    private final Map<CityNode, Integer> connectedCities;

    public CityNode(String name) {
        this.name = name;
        connectedCities = new HashMap<>();

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    //not null safe. distance must not be negative
    public void connect(CityNode connectTo, int distance) {
        if(connectTo.equals(this)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Node can not connect to istself");
        connectedCities.put(connectTo, distance);

    public String toString() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(name);
        sb.append(connectedCities.keySet().isEmpty() ? " not connected" : " conntected to: " );
        for ( CityNode city : connectedCities.keySet()) {
            .append(connectedCities.get(city)).append("km ");
        return sb.toString();

    public int getId() {
        return id;

    public Map<CityNode, Integer> getConnectedCities(){
        return connectedCities;

    public boolean equals(Object o) {

        if(o == null ||!(o instanceof CityNode)) return false;

        CityNode c = (CityNode) o;
        return c.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name) && id == c.getId();

    public int hashCode() {
        int hash = 31 * 7 + id;
        return name == null ? hash : name.hashCode();

class AdjList {

    //use set which prevents duplicate entries
    private final Set<CityNode> citiesList;

    public AdjList() {
        citiesList = new HashSet<>();

    //adds city if is not already present. returns true if city was added
    public boolean addCity(CityNode city) {

        return citiesList.add(city);

    //not null safe
    public void connectCities(CityNode city1, CityNode city2, int distance) {
        //assuming undirected graph
        city1.connect(city2, distance);
        city2.connect(city1, distance);

    public CityNode getCityByName(String name) {
        for (CityNode city : citiesList) {
            if (city.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name))
                return city;
        return null;

    public void show() {
        for (CityNode city : citiesList) {

    //get a copy of cities list
    public Collection<CityNode> getCities(){

        return new ArrayList<>(citiesList);


private CityNode getLowestDistanceCity(Set <CityNode> unsettledCities) {
    CityNode lowestDistanceCity = null;
    int lowestDistance = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    for (CityNode city: unsettledCities) {
        int nodeDistance = distances.get(city);
        if (nodeDistance < lowestDistance) {
            lowestDistance = nodeDistance;
            lowestDistanceCity = city;
    return lowestDistanceCity;

编辑: 使用邻接矩阵的实现可能如下所示:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

public class DijkstraAdjacencyMatrix {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Set<CityNode> cities = new HashSet<>();
        CityNode a = new CityNode("A");
        CityNode b = new CityNode("B");
        CityNode c = new CityNode("C");
        CityNode d = new CityNode("D");
        CityNode e = new CityNode("E");

        CitiesGraph graph = new CitiesGraph(cities);
        graph.connectCities(a, b, 50);
        graph.connectCities(b, c, 30);
        graph.connectCities(c, d, 40);
        graph.connectCities(d, e, 20);

        FindPath findPath = new FindPath();
        System.out.println(findPath.calculateShortestPath(graph, a, e)); //prints 140 as expected

        //to add some complexity we need to construct a new CitiesGraph. It is not reusable
        CityNode f = new CityNode("F");
        graph = new CitiesGraph(cities);
        graph.connectCities(a, b, 50);
        graph.connectCities(b, c, 30);
        graph.connectCities(c, d, 40);
        graph.connectCities(d, e, 20);
        graph.connectCities(b, f, 10);
        graph.connectCities(f, d, 10);
        System.out.println(findPath.calculateShortestPath(graph, a, e));//prints 90 as expected

class FindPath{

    //map to hold distances of all node from origin. at the end this map should contain
    //the shortest distance between origin (from) to all other nodes
    Map<CityNode, Integer> distances;

    //using Dijkstra algorithm
    public int calculateShortestPath(CitiesGraph graph, CityNode from, CityNode to) {

        //a container to hold which cities the algorithm has visited
        Set<CityNode> settledCities = new HashSet<>();
        //a container to hold which cities the algorithm has to visit
        Set<CityNode> unsettledCities = new HashSet<>();

        //map to hold distances of all node from origin. at the end this map should contain
        //the shortest distance between origin (from) to all other nodes
        distances = new HashMap<>();
        //initialize map with values: 0 distance to origin, infinite distance to all others
        //infinite means no connection between nodes
        for(CityNode city :graph.getCities()){
            int distance = city.equals(from) ? 0 : Integer.MAX_VALUE;
            distances.put(city, distance);

        while (unsettledCities.size() != 0) {
            //get the unvisited city with the lowest distance
            CityNode currentCity = getLowestDistanceCity(unsettledCities);
            //remove from unvisited, add to visited
            unsettledCities.remove(currentCity); settledCities.add(currentCity);

            Collection<CityNode> connectedCities = graph.getCitiesConnectedTo(currentCity);
            //iterate over connected city to update distance to each
            for( CityNode city : connectedCities){
                //check if new distance is shorted than the previously found distance
                int distanceToCity = graph.getDistanceBetween(city, currentCity);
                if(distanceToCity <= 0) {
                if(distances.get(currentCity) + distanceToCity < distances.get(city)){
                    //if so, keep the shortest distance found
                    distances.put(city,distances.get(currentCity) + distanceToCity);
                    //if city has not been visited yet, add it to unsettledCities
                    if(! settledCities.contains(city)) {

        return distances.get(to);

    private CityNode getLowestDistanceCity(Set <CityNode> unsettledCities) {

        return unsettledCities.stream()
                 .min((c1,c2)-> Integer.compare(distances.get(c1), distances.get(c2)))

class CityNode {

    private static int counter =0;
    private final String name;
    //assign unique id to each node. safer than to rely on unique name
    private final int id = counter ++;

    public CityNode(String name) {
        this.name = name;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public String toString() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("City ");
        sb.append(name).append(" (id=").append(id).append(")");
        return sb.toString();

    public int getId() {
        return id;

    public boolean equals(Object o) {

        if(o == null || !(o instanceof CityNode)) return false;

        CityNode c = (CityNode) o;
        return c.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name) && id == c.getId();

    public int hashCode() {
        int hash = 31 * 7 + id;
        return name == null ? hash : name.hashCode();

class CitiesGraph{

    //use set which prevents duplicate entries
    private final Set<CityNode> cities;
    private final int[][] adjacencyMatrix;
    private static final int NOT_CONNECTED = -1;

    public  CitiesGraph(Set<CityNode> cities) {
        this.cities = cities;
        adjacencyMatrix = new int[cities.size()][cities.size()];
        //initialize matrix
        for(int row = 0; row < adjacencyMatrix.length ; row++){
            for(int col = 0; col < adjacencyMatrix[row].length ; col++){
                adjacencyMatrix[row][col] = row == col ? 0 : NOT_CONNECTED ;

    public void connectCities(CityNode city1, CityNode city2, int distance) {
        //assuming undirected graph
        adjacencyMatrix[city1.getId()][city2.getId()] = distance;
        adjacencyMatrix[city2.getId()][city1.getId()] = distance;

    public int getDistanceBetween(CityNode city1, CityNode city2) {

        return adjacencyMatrix[city1.getId()][city2.getId()];

    public Collection<CityNode> getCitiesConnectedTo(CityNode city) {

        Collection<CityNode> connectedCities = new ArrayList<>();
        //iterate over row representing city's connections
        int column = 0;
        for(int distance : adjacencyMatrix[city.getId()]){
            if(distance != NOT_CONNECTED && distance > 0) {

        return connectedCities;

    public CityNode getCityById(int id) {
        for (CityNode city : cities) {
            if (city.getId() == id) return city;
        return null;

    public void show() {
        for(int[] row : adjacencyMatrix){

    //get a copy of cities list
    public Collection<CityNode> getCities(){
        return new ArrayList<>(cities);

  • 我试图使用Scala类计算两点之间的距离。但它给出了一个错误说 类型不匹配;发现:其他。需要类型(具有基础类型点):?{def x:?}请注意,隐式转换不适用,因为它们是不明确的:在[A](x:A)类型的对象Predef中确保[A]的方法any2Ensuring和在[A](x:A)“ArroAssoc[A]类型的对象Predef中的方法Ani2ArrowasSoc都是可能的其他转换函数。输入到?{

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  • 我对计算两个numpy阵列(x和y)之间的各种空间距离感兴趣。 http://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy-0.14.0/reference/generated/scipy.spatial.distance.cdist.html 但是,上述结果会产生太多不需要的结果。我怎样才能限制它只用于我所需的结果。 我想计算[1,11]和[31,41]之间的距离;[2,22]和[32,42

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