SearchString si = new SearchString();
import ...
public class SearchString
public static final String TO_STOP = "-1";
public static final int NOT_FOUND = -1;
public static final int MAX_SIZE = 15000;
public static int count1;
public static int count2;
public static int count3;
public int sequentialSearch(String[] wordsArray, String word2Search)
int low = 0;
int high = wordsArray.length - 1;
for (int i = low; i <= high; i++)
if (wordsArray[i] == word2Search)
return i;
return NOT_FOUND;
} // end of sequentialSearch()
public int binarySearch(String[] wordsArray, String word2Search)
int low = 0;
int high = wordsArray.length - 1;
while (low <= high)
int mid = (low + high)/2;
if (wordsArray[mid] > word2Search){
high = mid - 1;
} else if (wordsArray[mid] < word2Search){
low = mid + 1;
} else
return mid;
return NOT_FOUND;
} /
public int binarySearch2(String[] wordsArray, int low, int high, String word2Search){
if (low > high)
return NOT_FOUND;
int mid = (low + high)/2;
if (wordsArray[mid] > word2Search){
return binarySearch2(wordsArray, low, mid-1, word2Search);
} else if (wordsArray[mid] < word2Search){
return binarySearch2(wordsArray, mid+1, high, word2Search);
} else
return mid;
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
boolean wantToContinue = true;
Scanner stringsFile = new Scanner (new File("sortedStrings.txt"));//.useDelimiter(",\\s*");
List<String> words = new ArrayList<String>();
String token1 = "";
{ token1 = stringsFile.next();
String[] wordsArray = words.toArray(new String[0]);
SearchString si = new SearchString();
do {
System.out.print("Type a word to search or -1 to stop: ");
String word2Search = keyboard.nextLine();
if (word2Search.equals(TO_STOP)){
wantToContinue = false;
} else {
count1 = count2 = count3 = 0;
int index;
index = si.sequentialSearch(wordsArray, word2Search);
if (index == NOT_FOUND)
System.out.println("sequentialSearch() : " + word2Search + " is not found (comparison=" + count1 + ").");
System.out.println("sequentialSearch() : " + word2Search + " is found in [" + index + "] (comparison=" + count1 + ").");
index = si.binarySearch(wordsArray, word2Search);
if (index == NOT_FOUND)
System.out.println("iterative binarySearch(): " + word2Search + " is not found (comparison=" + count2 + ").");
System.out.println("iterative binarySearch(): " + word2Search + " is found in [" + index + "] (comparison=" + count2 + ").");
index = si.binarySearch2(wordsArray, 0, wordsArray.length-1, word2Search);
if (index == NOT_FOUND)
System.out.println("recursive binarySearch(): " + word2Search + " is not found (comparison=" + count3 + ").");
System.out.println("recursive binarySearch(): " + word2Search + " is found in [" + index + "] (comparison=" + count3 + ").");
} while (wantToContinue);
如何比较字符串二进制(而不是字母数字)?? Torrent规格: 键必须是字符串,并且以排序顺序出现(排序为原始字符串,而不是字母数字)。应该使用二进制比较,而不是特定于区域性的“自然”比较来比较字符串。 所以我需要按键对口供进行排序...但我没有这个规格。解释..有人吗? 更新:http://docs.oracle.com/cd/b19306_01/server.102/b14225/ch5li
我已经声明了一个实现可比较接口和compareTo方法的类,使用employee ID比较两个员工。创建的类对象插入数组列表。现在,当我使用collections.sort(arrayList对象)时,它工作得很好。我对collective和comparator接口之间的比较有何不同感到困惑。我想知道如何在纯粹由数字组成的employee id字符串和其他字符串employee id之间进行比较,
在“基本类型”一章中,介绍了字符串,以及使用is_binary/1函数检查它: iex> string = "hello" "hello" iex> is_binary string true 本章将学习理解:二进制串(binaries)是个啥,它怎么和字符串(strings)扯上关系的; 以及用单引号包裹的值'like this'是啥意思。 UTF-8和Unicode 字符串是UTF-8编码的二
想改进这个问题吗?通过编辑这篇文章添加细节并澄清问题。 我想知道是否可以将字符串数组值与字符串进行比较,例如;我有一个字符串数组,上面有5个值我想知道哪个索引值具有a或b。我想到了一个主意,但没有成功。 基本上,如果索引0是a,则应打印“Apple”,如果是b,则应打印“ball”,依此类推。有没有办法将值或字符串数组与字符串进行比较?
如何比较两个列表是否相等验证数据来自Excel工作表。我需要验证两个列表是否相同,并且列表中没有附加元素或缺少元素。我不需要对列表进行排序。打印输出CAGID Excel data=CAGID Web列表
问题内容: 我听说散列(即将字符串或对象转换为数字)用于字符串等,因为比较数字比字符串更容易。如果为真,这是什么原因? 问题答案: 不一定是这种情况,但大多数时候可能是这样。 请考虑以下情况: 我想比较字符串“ apples”和“ oranges”。如果我只想确定“ apples” ==“ oranges”,我只需要比较每个字符串的第一个字符:’a’!=’o’=>“ apples”!=“ oran