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查询@ElementCollection JPA


我有Entity Transaction以下内容:

class Transaction extends AbstractEntity<Long>{
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 7222139865127600245L;
        //other attributes

    @ElementCollection(fetch = FetchType.EAGER, targetClass = java.lang.String.class)
    @CollectionTable(name = "transaction_properties", joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "p_id"))
    @MapKeyColumn(name = "propertyKey")
    @Column(name = "propertyValue")
    private Map<String, String> properties;

    //getters and setters


mysql> desc transaction_properties;
| Field         | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| p_id          | bigint(20)   | NO   | PRI |         |       |
| propertyValue | varchar(255) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| propertyKey   | varchar(255) | NO   | PRI |         |       |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)


    Path<Map<String, String>> propertiesPath = root.get("properties");
    Path<String> propertyKeyPath = propertiesPath.<String> get("propertyKey"); //where m getting error
    Path<String> propertyValuePath = propertyKeyPath.<String> get("propertyValue");
    p = cb.and(p, cb.and(cb.like(propertyKeyPath, "%" + searchTrxnKey + "%"), cb.like(propertyValuePath, "%" + searchTrxnValue + "%")));

但是出现Path<String> propertyKeyPath = propertiesPath.<String> get("propertyKey");以下错误:

[...] threw an unexpected exception: org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException: Illegal attempt to dereference path source [null]; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal attempt to dereference path source [null]

我参考过的参考书之一是:Spring Data



Path<Map<String, String>> propertiesPath = root.join("properties");
predicate = (predicate != null) ? criteriaBuilder.and(predicate, criteriaBuilder.and(propertiesPath.in(searchTrxnKey), propertiesPath.in(searchTrxnValue)))
                                : criteriaBuilder.and(propertiesPath.in(searchTrxnKey), propertiesPath.in(searchTrxnValue));

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  • 模型查询和数据库查询方法的区别主要在于,模型中的查询的数据在获取的时候会经过获取器的处理,以及更加对象化的获取方式。 模型查询除了使用自身的查询方法外,一样可以使用数据库的查询构造器,返回的都是模型对象实例。但如果直接调用查询对象的方法,IDE可能无法完成自动提示。 获取单个数据 获取单个数据的方法包括: // 取出主键为1的数据 $user = User::get(1); echo $user-

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