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import json
import pandas as pd
from pandas.io.json import json_normalize

with open('authors_sample.json') as f:
    d = json.load(f)

raw = json_normalize(d['hits']['hits'])

authors = json_normalize(data = d['hits']['hits'], 
                         record_path = '_source', 
                         meta = ['_id', ['_source', 'journal'], ['_source', 'title'], 
                                 ['_source', 'normalized_venue_name']

我正在尝试使用下面的代码“挖掘”到“作者”字典中,但是record_path = ['_source', 'authors']抛出了我TypeError: string indices must be integers。就我所知json_normalize,逻辑应该不错,但是我仍然不太了解如何使用html" target="_blank">dictvs 深入到json中list


authors = json_normalize(data = d['hits']['hits'], 
                         record_path = ['_source', 'authors'], 
                         meta = ['_id', ['_source', 'journal'], ['_source', 'title'], 
                                 ['_source', 'normalized_venue_name']


{u'_shards': {u'failed': 0, u'successful': 5, u'total': 5},
 u'hits': {u'hits': [{u'_id': u'7CB3F2AD',
    u'_index': u'scibase_listings',
    u'_score': 1.0,
    u'_source': {u'authors': None,
     u'deleted': 0,
     u'description': None,
     u'doi': u'',
     u'is_valid': 1,
     u'issue': None,
     u'journal': u'Physical Review Letters',
     u'link': None,
     u'meta_description': None,
     u'meta_keywords': None,
     u'normalized_venue_name': u'phys rev lett',
     u'pages': None,
     u'parent_keywords': [u'Chromatography',
      u'Quantum mechanics',
      u'Particle physics',
      u'Quantum field theory',
      u'Analytical chemistry',
      u'Quantum chromodynamics',
      u'Mass spectrometry',
     u'pub_date': u'1987-03-02 00:00:00',
     u'pubtype': None,
     u'rating_avg_weighted': 0,
     u'rating_clarity': 0.0,
     u'rating_clarity_weighted': 0.0,
     u'rating_innovation': 0.0,
     u'rating_innovation_weighted': 0.0,
     u'rating_num_weighted': 0,
     u'rating_reproducability': 0,
     u'rating_reproducibility_weighted': 0.0,
     u'rating_versatility': 0.0,
     u'rating_versatility_weighted': 0.0,
     u'review_count': 0,
     u'tag': [u'mass spectra', u'elementary particles', u'bound states'],
     u'title': u'Evidence for a new meson: A quasinuclear NN-bar bound state',
     u'userAvg': 0.0,
     u'user_id': None,
     u'venue_name': u'Physical Review Letters',
     u'views_count': 0,
     u'volume': None},
    u'_type': u'listing'},
   {u'_id': u'7AF8EBC3',
    u'_index': u'scibase_listings',
    u'_score': 1.0,
    u'_source': {u'authors': [{u'affiliations': [u'Punjabi University'],
       u'author_id': u'780E3459',
       u'author_name': u'munish puri'},
      {u'affiliations': [u'Punjabi University'],
       u'author_id': u'48D92C79',
       u'author_name': u'rajesh dhaliwal'},
      {u'affiliations': [u'Punjabi University'],
       u'author_id': u'7D9BD37C',
       u'author_name': u'r s singh'}],
     u'deleted': 0,
     u'description': None,
     u'doi': u'',
     u'is_valid': 1,
     u'issue': None,
     u'journal': u'Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology',
     u'link': None,
     u'meta_description': None,
     u'meta_keywords': None,
     u'normalized_venue_name': u'j ind microbiol biotechnol',
     u'pages': None,
     u'parent_keywords': [u'Nuclear medicine',
      u'X-ray crystallography',
      u'Nuclear fusion',
      u'Fluid dynamics',
      u'Gas chromatography',
      u'Organic chemistry',
      u'High-performance liquid chromatography',
      u'Organic synthesis',
     u'pub_date': u'2008-04-04 00:00:00',
     u'pubtype': None,
     u'rating_avg_weighted': 0,
     u'rating_clarity': 0.0,
     u'rating_clarity_weighted': 0.0,
     u'rating_innovation': 0.0,
     u'rating_innovation_weighted': 0.0,
     u'rating_num_weighted': 0,
     u'rating_reproducability': 0,
     u'rating_reproducibility_weighted': 0.0,
     u'rating_versatility': 0.0,
     u'rating_versatility_weighted': 0.0,
     u'review_count': 0,
     u'tag': [u'flow rate',
      u'operant conditioning',
      u'packed bed reactor',
      u'immobilized enzyme',
      u'specific activity'],
     u'title': u'Development of a stable continuous flow immobilized enzyme reactor for the hydrolysis of inulin',
     u'userAvg': 0.0,
     u'user_id': None,
     u'venue_name': u'Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology',
     u'views_count': 0,
     u'volume': None},
    u'_type': u'listing'},
   {u'_id': u'7521A721',
    u'_index': u'scibase_listings',
    u'_score': 1.0,
    u'_source': {u'authors': [{u'author_id': u'7FF872BC',
       u'author_name': u'barbara eileen ryan'}],
     u'deleted': 0,
     u'description': None,
     u'doi': u'',
     u'is_valid': 1,
     u'issue': None,
     u'journal': u'The American Historical Review',
     u'link': None,
     u'meta_description': None,
     u'meta_keywords': None,
     u'normalized_venue_name': u'american historical review',
     u'pages': None,
     u'parent_keywords': [u'Social science',
     u'pub_date': u'1992-01-01 00:00:00',
     u'pubtype': None,
     u'rating_avg_weighted': 0,
     u'rating_clarity': 0.0,
     u'rating_clarity_weighted': 0.0,
     u'rating_innovation': 0.0,
     u'rating_innovation_weighted': 0.0,
     u'rating_num_weighted': 0,
     u'rating_reproducability': 0,
     u'rating_reproducibility_weighted': 0.0,
     u'rating_versatility': 0.0,
     u'rating_versatility_weighted': 0.0,
     u'review_count': 0,
     u'tag': [u'social movements'],
     u'title': u"Feminism and the women's movement : dynamics of change in social movement ideology, and activism",
     u'userAvg': 0.0,
     u'user_id': None,
     u'venue_name': u'The American Historical Review',
     u'views_count': 0,
     u'volume': None},
    u'_type': u'listing'},
   {u'_id': u'7DAEB9A4',
    u'_index': u'scibase_listings',
    u'_score': 1.0,
    u'_source': {u'authors': [{u'author_id': u'0299B8E9',
       u'author_name': u'fraser j harbutt'}],
     u'deleted': 0,
     u'description': None,
     u'doi': u'',
     u'is_valid': 1,
     u'issue': None,
     u'journal': u'The American Historical Review',
     u'link': None,
     u'meta_description': None,
     u'meta_keywords': None,
     u'normalized_venue_name': u'american historical review',
     u'pages': None,
     u'parent_keywords': [u'Superconductivity',
      u'Nuclear fusion',
     u'pub_date': u'1988-01-01 00:00:00',
     u'pubtype': None,
     u'rating_avg_weighted': 0,
     u'rating_clarity': 0.0,
     u'rating_clarity_weighted': 0.0,
     u'rating_innovation': 0.0,
     u'rating_innovation_weighted': 0.0,
     u'rating_num_weighted': 0,
     u'rating_reproducability': 0,
     u'rating_reproducibility_weighted': 0.0,
     u'rating_versatility': 0.0,
     u'rating_versatility_weighted': 0.0,
     u'review_count': 0,
     u'tag': [u'iron'],
     u'title': u'The iron curtain : Churchill, America, and the origins of the Cold War',
     u'userAvg': 0.0,
     u'user_id': None,
     u'venue_name': u'The American Historical Review',
     u'views_count': 0,
     u'volume': None},
    u'_type': u'listing'},
   {u'_id': u'7B3236C5',
    u'_index': u'scibase_listings',
    u'_score': 1.0,
    u'_source': {u'authors': [{u'author_id': u'7DAB7B72',
       u'author_name': u'richard m freeland'}],
     u'deleted': 0,
     u'description': None,
     u'doi': u'',
     u'is_valid': 1,
     u'issue': None,
     u'journal': u'The American Historical Review',
     u'link': None,
     u'meta_description': None,
     u'meta_keywords': None,
     u'normalized_venue_name': u'american historical review',
     u'pages': None,
     u'parent_keywords': [u'Political Science', u'Economics'],
     u'pub_date': u'1985-01-01 00:00:00',
     u'pubtype': None,
     u'rating_avg_weighted': 0,
     u'rating_clarity': 0.0,
     u'rating_clarity_weighted': 0.0,
     u'rating_innovation': 0.0,
     u'rating_innovation_weighted': 0.0,
     u'rating_num_weighted': 0,
     u'rating_reproducability': 0,
     u'rating_reproducibility_weighted': 0.0,
     u'rating_versatility': 0.0,
     u'rating_versatility_weighted': 0.0,
     u'review_count': 0,
     u'tag': [u'foreign policy'],
     u'title': u'The Truman Doctrine and the origins of McCarthyism : foreign policy, domestic politics, and internal security, 1946-1948',
     u'userAvg': 0.0,
     u'user_id': None,
     u'venue_name': u'The American Historical Review',
     u'views_count': 0,
     u'volume': None},
    u'_type': u'listing'}],
  u'max_score': 1.0,
  u'total': 36429433},
 u'timed_out': False,
 u'took': 170}


在下面的熊猫示例中,方括号是什么意思?有没有遵循[]的逻辑。 […]

result = json_normalize(data, 'counties', ['state', 'shortname',

[‘info’, ‘governor’]])

值中的每个字符串或字符串列表都是 除所选行之外要['state', 'shortname', ['info', 'governor']]包含的元素的路径。第二个参数实参(在文档示例中设置为)告诉该函数如何从输入数据结构中选择组成输出中各行的元素,并且路径会添加更多元数据,这些元数据将包含在每行中。如果可以的话,可以将它们视为数据库中的表联接。

对于输入的 美国各州 文档例如在一个列表两个字典,而且这两个字典有一个counties关键是引用类型的字典的另一个列表:

>>> data = [{'state': 'Florida',
...          'shortname': 'FL',
...         'info': {'governor': 'Rick Scott'},
...         'counties': [{'name': 'Dade', 'population': 12345},
...                      {'name': 'Broward', 'population': 40000},
...                      {'name': 'Palm Beach', 'population': 60000}]},
...         {'state': 'Ohio',
...          'shortname': 'OH',
...          'info': {'governor': 'John Kasich'},
...          'counties': [{'name': 'Summit', 'population': 1234},
...                       {'name': 'Cuyahoga', 'population': 1337}]}]
>>> pprint(data[0]['counties'])
[{'name': 'Dade', 'population': 12345},
 {'name': 'Broward', 'population': 40000},
 {'name': 'Palm Beach', 'population': 60000}]
>>> pprint(data[1]['counties'])
[{'name': 'Summit', 'population': 1234},
 {'name': 'Cuyahoga', 'population': 1337}]


>>> json_normalize(data, 'counties')
         name  population
0        Dade       12345
1     Broward       40000
2  Palm Beach       60000
3      Summit        1234
4    Cuyahoga        1337

meta然后,该参数命名位于这些列表 旁边的
一些元素,然后将这些元素counties分别合并。来自第一个data[0]字典的这些meta元素的值('Florida', 'FL', 'Rick Scott')分别是和,来自这些字典data[1]的值分别来自于同一顶级字典('Ohio', 'OH', 'John Kasich')counties行,分别重复了3次和2次:

>>> data[0]['state'], data[0]['shortname'], data[0]['info']['governor']
('Florida', 'FL', 'Rick Scott')
>>> data[1]['state'], data[1]['shortname'], data[1]['info']['governor']
('Ohio', 'OH', 'John Kasich')
>>> json_normalize(data, 'counties', ['state', 'shortname', ['info', 'governor']])
         name  population    state shortname info.governor
0        Dade       12345  Florida        FL    Rick Scott
1     Broward       40000  Florida        FL    Rick Scott
2  Palm Beach       60000  Florida        FL    Rick Scott
3      Summit        1234     Ohio        OH   John Kasich
4    Cuyahoga        1337     Ohio        OH   John Kasich


例子JSON,只有少数嵌套列表的第一个参数提升,喜欢'counties'的例子一样。该数据结构中的唯一示例是嵌套'authors'键。您必须提取每个['_source', 'authors']路径,然后才能从父对象添加其他键以增加这些行。

然后,第二个meta参数_id从最外面的对象中提取键,然后是嵌套['_source', 'title']['_source', 'journal']嵌套的路径。


>>> d['hits']['hits'][0]['_source']['authors']   # this value is None, and is skipped
>>> d['hits']['hits'][1]['_source']['authors']
[{'affiliations': ['Punjabi University'],
  'author_id': '780E3459',
  'author_name': 'munish puri'},
 {'affiliations': ['Punjabi University'],
  'author_id': '48D92C79',
  'author_name': 'rajesh dhaliwal'},
 {'affiliations': ['Punjabi University'],
  'author_id': '7D9BD37C',
  'author_name': 'r s singh'}]
>>> d['hits']['hits'][2]['_source']['authors']
[{'author_id': '7FF872BC',
  'author_name': 'barbara eileen ryan'}]
>>> # etc.


>>> json_normalize(d['hits']['hits'], ['_source', 'authors'])
           affiliations author_id          author_name
0  [Punjabi University]  780E3459          munish puri
1  [Punjabi University]  48D92C79      rajesh dhaliwal
2  [Punjabi University]  7D9BD37C            r s singh
3                   NaN  7FF872BC  barbara eileen ryan
4                   NaN  0299B8E9     fraser j harbutt
5                   NaN  7DAB7B72   richard m freeland

然后我们可以使用第三个meta参数来添加更多的列一样_id_source.title并且_source.journal,使用['_id', ['_source', 'journal'], ['_source', 'title']]

>>> json_normalize(
...     data['hits']['hits'],
...     ['_source', 'authors'],
...     ['_id', ['_source', 'journal'], ['_source', 'title']]
... )
           affiliations author_id          author_name       _id   \
0  [Punjabi University]  780E3459          munish puri  7AF8EBC3  
1  [Punjabi University]  48D92C79      rajesh dhaliwal  7AF8EBC3
2  [Punjabi University]  7D9BD37C            r s singh  7AF8EBC3
3                   NaN  7FF872BC  barbara eileen ryan  7521A721
4                   NaN  0299B8E9     fraser j harbutt  7DAEB9A4
5                   NaN  7DAB7B72   richard m freeland  7B3236C5

0  Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechno...
1  Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechno...
2  Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechno...
3                     The American Historical Review
4                     The American Historical Review
5                     The American Historical Review

                                       _source.title  \
0  Development of a stable continuous flow immobi...
1  Development of a stable continuous flow immobi...
2  Development of a stable continuous flow immobi...
3  Feminism and the women's movement : dynamics o...
4  The iron curtain : Churchill, America, and the...
5  The Truman Doctrine and the origins of McCarth...

  • 我的问题是关于在为API目的构建URL时嵌套资源的优势。请考虑以下两种访问员工资源的备选方案: 现在考虑开发一个通用库以从API访问REST资源的任务。如果所有路由都是平坦的,这样的REST包装库只需要知道要访问的资源的名称: 但是,如果我们要支持嵌套路由,这个包装器将需要知道关于嵌套了哪些模型以及在哪个其他资源下的额外信息,以便知道如何构建引用这样一个模型的URL。考虑到并非所有模型都嵌套在同一

  • 问题内容: 在我看来,创建辅助类时,非公共顶级类和静态嵌套类实际上执行相同的任务。 A.java A.java 除了如何引用它们,在我看来,创建助手类的两种方法之间几乎没有什么区别。它可能主要归结为偏好。有人看到我想念的东西吗?我想有些人会争辩说,每个源文件最好有一个类,但是从我的角度来看,在同一源文件中有一个非公共的顶级类似乎更干净,更有条理。 问题答案: 在这两个示例中,每个源文件都没有一个类

  • 问题内容: 我想使用ES进行图书搜索。因此,我决定将作者姓名和标题(作为嵌套文档)放入索引,如下所示: 我不明白的是:如何构造搜索查询,以便在搜索“一二”时仅找到第二本书,而在搜索“二三”时什么也找不到,而在搜索“一”时所有图书呢? 问题答案: 也许是这样的? 该查询基本上说一个文件必须有and 。您可以轻松地重新配置该查询。例如,如果您只想搜索作者,请删除嵌套部分。如果您想要另一本书,请更改嵌套

  • 我正在获取dynamo db中的所有记录,对于每条记录,我都要对一个外部服务进行多线程调用。 但是我得到了这个错误: 嵌套异常是java.util.concurrent.executionException:org.springframework.web.client.HttpServererRoreXception:500 null] 编辑: 错误的完整堆栈跟踪: org.springframe

  • 我使用Spring+Hibernate+MySQL for web应用程序进行开发。但是在过去的一周里,我总是在尝试运行orgdao.findAll()获取所有组织时遇到“nested exception is org.springframework.dao.invalidDataAccessResourceUsageException:”异常。即使我评论所有的关系属性,但仍然没有幸运。以下是代码

  • 问题内容: 我正在重写我在Python中编写的Bash脚本。该脚本的关键是 我在使用paramiko进行嵌套身份验证时遇到问题。我找不到适合我具体情况的任何示例,但是我能够在远程主机上找到带有 sudo的 示例。 第一种方法写入标准输入 第二个创建通道并使用类似于套接字的 send 和 recv 。 我能够使 stdin.write 与 sudo一起使用 ,但在远程主机上的 ssh 上却不起作用。