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在Visual Basic中反序列化JSON


基本上,我试图使用4chan JSON API从4chan线程解析注释。https://github.com/4chan/4chan-




Imports System.Web.Script.Serialization
Imports Newtonsoft.Json
Imports Newtonsoft.Json.Linq

Public Class Form1
    Private Sub start_button_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles start_button.Click
        Dim j As Object = New JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize(Of Post)(input.Text)

        post_text_box.Text = j.com
    End Sub
End Class

Public Class Rootobject
    Public Property posts() As Post
End Class

Public Class Post
    Public Property no As Integer
    Public Property now As String
    Public Property name As String
    Public Property com As String
    Public Property filename As String
    Public Property ext As String
    Public Property w As Integer
    Public Property h As Integer
    Public Property tn_w As Integer
    Public Property tn_h As Integer
    Public Property tim As Long
    Public Property time As Integer
    Public Property md5 As String
    Public Property fsize As Integer
    Public Property resto As Integer
    Public Property bumplimit As Integer
    Public Property imagelimit As Integer
    Public Property replies As Integer
    Public Property images As Integer
End Class



Dim exampleJson As String = "{ 'no':'123', 'name':'Some Name', 'com':'This is a comment'}"
Dim post As Post = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of Post)(exampleJson)
Dim com As String = post.com
post_text_box.Text = com

另外,如果您不想为创建类Post,则可以使用JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType<T>(String, T)

Dim exampleJson As String = "{ 'no':'123', 'name':'Some Name', 'com':'This is a comment'}"
Dim tempPost = New With {Key .com = ""}
Dim post = JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType(exampleJson, tempPost)
Dim com As String = post.com
post_text_box.Text = com

编辑 :看起来您正在从API返回数组:

    "posts" : [{
            "no" : 38161812,
            "now" : "11\/19\/13(Tue)15:18",
            "name" : "Anonymous",
            "com" : ‌​ "testing thread for JSON stuff",
            "filename" : "a4c",
            "ext" : ".png",
            "w" : 386,
            "h" : 378,
            "tn_w" : 250,
            "tn_h" : 244,
            "tim" ‌​ : 1384892303386,
            "time" : 1384892303,
            "md5" : "tig\/aNmBqB+zOZY5upx1Fw==",
            "fsize" : 6234,
            "‌​resto" : 0,
            "bumplimit" : 0,
            "imagelimit" : 0,
            "replies" : 0,
            "images" : 0



Public Class PostWrapper
    Public posts() As Post
End Class


Dim json As String = input_box.Text
Dim postWrapper = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of PostWrapper)(json) ' Deserialize array of Post objects
Dim posts = postWrapper.posts

If posts.Length = 1 Then ' or whatever condition you prefer
    post_text_box.Text = posts(0).com
End If

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