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运行Gitlab Docker


我正在按照以下说明进行操作:http :

但是http:// localhost是说Webpage is not available

这是我正在运行的命令(Ubuntu 14.04 LTS):

    ole@MKI:~$ docker version
     Version:      1.9.1
     API version:  1.21
     Go version:   go1.4.3
     Git commit:   a34a1d5
     Built:        Fri Nov 20 17:56:04 UTC 2015
     OS/Arch:      linux/amd64

     Version:      1.9.1
     API version:  1.21
     Go version:   go1.4.3
     Git commit:   a34a1d5
     Built:        Fri Nov 20 17:56:04 UTC 2015
     OS/Arch:      linux/amd64

    ole@MKI:~$ sudo docker run --detach \
    >     --hostname gitlab.example.com \
    >     --publish 443:443 --publish 80:80 --publish 22:22 \
    >     --name gitlab \
    >     --restart always \
    >     --volume /srv/gitlab/config:/etc/gitlab \
    >     --volume /srv/gitlab/logs:/var/log/gitlab \
    >     --volume /srv/gitlab/data:/var/opt/gitlab \
    >     gitlab/gitlab-ce:latest

    ole@MKI:~$ docker ps
    CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                     COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                                          NAMES
    613d4d2d612f        gitlab/gitlab-ce:latest   "/assets/wrapper"   4 seconds ago       Up 2 seconds>22/tcp,>80/tcp,>443/tcp   gitlab

如果我重新运行,docker ps我得到以下信息:

    CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                     COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS                              PORTS                                                          NAMES
    613d4d2d612f        gitlab/gitlab-ce:latest   "/assets/wrapper"   9 minutes ago       Restarting (1) About a minute ago>22/tcp,>80/tcp,>443/tcp   gitlab

它说Restarting about a minute ago...…这是否意味着内部有问题?


  ole@MKI:~$ sudo mkdir -p /var/log/gitlab/reconfigure

  ole@MKI:~$ sudo docker run --detach \
  >     --hostname gitlab.example.com \
  >     --publish 443:443 --publish 80:80 --publish 22:22 \
  >     --name gitlab \
  >     --restart always \
  >     --volume /srv/gitlab/config:/etc/gitlab \
  >     --volume /srv/gitlab/logs:/var/log/gitlab \
  >     --volume /srv/gitlab/data:/var/opt/gitlab \
  >     gitlab/gitlab-ce:latest

  ole@MKI:~$ docker logs
  docker: "logs" requires 1 argument.
  See 'docker logs --help'.

  Usage:    docker logs [OPTIONS] CONTAINER

  Fetch the logs of a container

  ole@MKI:~$ docker logs gitlab
  Thank you for using GitLab Docker Image!
  Current version: gitlab-ce=8.5.0-ce.1

  Configure GitLab for your system by editing /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb file
  And restart this container to reload settings.
  To do it use docker exec:

    docker exec -it gitlab vim /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb
    docker restart gitlab

  For a comprehensive list of configuration options please see the Omnibus GitLab readme

  If this container fails to start due to permission problems try to fix it by executing:

    docker exec -it gitlab update-permissions
    docker restart gitlab

  Preparing services...
  Starting services...
  Configuring GitLab...
  /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/runsvdir-start: line 34: ulimit: max user processes: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted
  /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/runsvdir-start: line 37: /proc/sys/fs/file-max: Read-only file system
  [2016-02-23T01:16:47+00:00] FATAL: Failed to open or create log file at /var/log/gitlab/reconfigure/1456190207.log: Errno::ENOENT (No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /var/log/gitlab/reconfigure/1456190207.log)
  [2016-02-23T01:16:47+00:00] FATAL: Aborting due to invalid 'log_location' configuration
  Thank you for using GitLab Docker Image!
  Current version: gitlab-ce=8.5.0-ce.1

  Configure GitLab for your system by editing /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb file
  And restart this container to reload settings.
  To do it use docker exec:

    docker exec -it gitlab vim /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb
    docker restart gitlab

  For a comprehensive list of configuration options please see the Omnibus GitLab readme

  If this container fails to start due to permission problems try to fix it by executing:

    docker exec -it gitlab update-permissions
    docker restart gitlab

  Preparing services...
  Starting services...
  Configuring GitLab...
  /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/runsvdir-start: line 34: ulimit: max user processes: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted
  /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/runsvdir-start: line 37: /proc/sys/fs/file-max: Read-only file system
  [2016-02-23T01:16:51+00:00] FATAL: Failed to open or create log file at /var/log/gitlab/reconfigure/1456190211.log: Errno::ENOENT (No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /var/log/gitlab/reconfigure/1456190211.log)
  [2016-02-23T01:16:51+00:00] FATAL: Aborting due to invalid 'log_location' configuration
  Thank you for using GitLab Docker Image!
  Current version: gitlab-ce=8.5.0-ce.1

  Configure GitLab for your system by editing /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb file
  And restart this container to reload settings.
  To do it use docker exec:

    docker exec -it gitlab vim /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb
    docker restart gitlab

  For a comprehensive list of configuration options please see the Omnibus GitLab readme

  If this container fails to start due to permission problems try to fix it by executing:

    docker exec -it gitlab update-permissions
    docker restart gitlab

  Preparing services...
  Starting services...
  Configuring GitLab...
  /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/runsvdir-start: line 34: ulimit: max user processes: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted
  /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/runsvdir-start: line 37: /proc/sys/fs/file-max: Read-only file system
  [2016-02-23T01:16:56+00:00] FATAL: Failed to open or create log file at /var/log/gitlab/reconfigure/1456190216.log: Errno::ENOENT (No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /var/log/gitlab/reconfigure/1456190216.log)
  [2016-02-23T01:16:56+00:00] FATAL: Aborting due to invalid 'log_location' configuration
  Thank you for using GitLab Docker Image!
  Current version: gitlab-ce=8.5.0-ce.1

  Configure GitLab for your system by editing /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb file
  And restart this container to reload settings.
  To do it use docker exec:

    docker exec -it gitlab vim /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb
    docker restart gitlab

  For a comprehensive list of configuration options please see the Omnibus GitLab readme

  If this container fails to start due to permission problems try to fix it by executing:

    docker exec -it gitlab update-permissions
    docker restart gitlab

  Preparing services...
  Starting services...
  Configuring GitLab...
  /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/runsvdir-start: line 34: ulimit: max user processes: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted
  /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/runsvdir-start: line 37: /proc/sys/fs/file-max: Read-only file system
  [2016-02-23T01:17:02+00:00] FATAL: Failed to open or create log file at /var/log/gitlab/reconfigure/1456190222.log: Errno::ENOENT (No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /var/log/gitlab/reconfigure/1456190222.log)
  [2016-02-23T01:17:02+00:00] FATAL: Aborting due to invalid 'log_location' configuration
  Thank you for using GitLab Docker Image!
  Current version: gitlab-ce=8.5.0-ce.1

  Configure GitLab for your system by editing /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb file
  And restart this container to reload settings.
  To do it use docker exec:

    docker exec -it gitlab vim /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb
    docker restart gitlab

  For a comprehensive list of configuration options please see the Omnibus GitLab readme

  If this container fails to start due to permission problems try to fix it by executing:

    docker exec -it gitlab update-permissions
    docker restart gitlab

  ole@MKI:~$ docker ps
  CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                     COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS                         PORTS                                                          NAMES
  f4dee0a603bd        gitlab/gitlab-ce:latest   "/assets/wrapper"   39 seconds ago      Restarting (1) 4 seconds ago>22/tcp,>80/tcp,>443/tcp   gitlab




sudo docker run -i \
    --hostname ubuntu \
    --publish 443:443 --publish 80:80 --publish 2222:22 \
    --name gitlab \
    --restart always \
    --volume /srv/gitlab/config:/etc/gitlab \
    --volume /srv/gitlab/logs:/var/log/gitlab \
    --volume /srv/gitlab/data:/var/opt/gitlab \
    --volume /srv/gitlab/logs/reconfigure:/var/log/gitlab/reconfigure \


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