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Short-circuit logic evaluation operators


Are there any short-circuit logic operators (specifically short-circuit AND
and short-circuit OR) that I can use in a WHERE clause in MySQL 5.5? If
there isn’t, what are the alternatives?

An abstract view at my problem along with an explanation as to why I need this
can be found at this fiddle:


In reality we are looking at millions of books in millions of bookstores in
thousands of cities in hundreds of countries, which is why we cannot accept
the overhead of receiving the unneeded information with every query we
dispatch and seriously need to find a way to make the evaluation stop as soon
as we have all rows that satisfy the current condition, before moving on to
the next OR.

Let me know if you need more information. Thanks in advance.


CREATE TABLE quantitycache (
  quantity INT,
  book_id INT NOT NULL,
  bookstore_id INT NULL,
  city_id INT NULL,
  country_id INT NULL,


INSERT INTO quantitycache 
     (quantity, book_id, bookstore_id, city_id, country_id)
     (5,        1,       1,            NULL,    NULL),
     (100,      2,       1,            NULL,    NULL),
     (7,        1,       2,            NULL,    NULL),
     (12,       1,       NULL,         1,       NULL),
     (12,       1,       NULL,         NULL,    1),
     (100,      2,       NULL,         1,       NULL),
     (100,      2,       NULL,         NULL,    1),
     (200,      3,       NULL,         1,       NULL),
     (250,      3,       NULL,         NULL,    1);




SELECT * FROM quantitycache
WHERE bookstore_id = 1 OR city_id = 1 OR country_id = 1
ORDER BY bookstore_id IS NULL ASC,
         city_id IS NULL ASC,
         country_id IS NULL ASC


CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE results (id int, book_id int, match_rank int);

INSERT INTO results (id, book_id, match_rank)
SELECT id, book_id, 
    -- this assumes that lower numbers are better
    CASE WHEN Bookstore_ID is not null then 1 
         WHEN City_ID is not null then 2 
         ELSE 3 END as match_rank
FROM quantitycache
WHERE bookstore_id = 1 OR city_id = 1 OR country_id = 1;

Select * 
from (
    select book_id, MIN(match_rank) as best_rank 
    from results 
    group by book_id
) as r
inner join results as rid 
    on r.book_id = rid.book_id 
    and rid.match_rank = r.best_rank
inner join quantitycache as q on q.id = rid.id;

DROP TABLE results;

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