HPB 私链搭建教程


如果想进行DAPP 开发,那么在本地搭建一个测试链是非常方便划算的!直接部署到主链将会消耗代币以及很多不便,下面是搭建HPB测试链的详细步骤!



1确定程序执行路径确定程序执行路径命令:sudo mkdir /home/ghpb-bin2
2切换成ROOT用户切换成ROOT用户命令:su root
3选择下载路径选择下载路径命令:cd /home/
4下载go-hpb源码下载go-hpb源码命令:sudo git clone -b version_x.x.x.x https://github.com/hpb-project/go-hpb
5编译源码编译源码命令:cd go-hpb/
命令:make all
6拷贝程序到执行路径拷贝程序到执行路径命令:sudo cp build/bin/. /home/ghpb-bin2/
进入执行路径命令:cd /home/ghpb-bin2/
7创建新账户创建第一个账户命令:./ghpb --datadir node/data account new
创建第二个账户命令:./ghpb --datadir node1/data account new
创建第三个账户命令:./ghpb --datadir node2/data account new
9初始化节点初始化第一个节点命令:./ghpb --datadir node/data init gensis.json
初始化第二个节点命令:./ghpb --datadir node1/data init gensis.json
初始化第三个节点命令:./ghpb --datadir node2/data init gensis.json
命令:./ghpb --datadir node1/data --networkid 66300 --port 3001 --nodetype bootnode console
命令:vi /home/go-hpb/config/networkconfig.go
12将hnode写入配置文件将hnode写入配置文件在var MainnetBootnodes中输入hnode信息(含公网ip);并在其余hnode信息前都输入//以注释掉不需要的hnode信息。
14编译源码编译源码命令:cd /home/go-hpb/
命令:make all
15拷贝到程序执行路径拷贝到程序执行路径命令:sudo cp build/bin/. /home/ghpb-bin2/
命令:cd /home/ghpb-bin2/
16启动节点启动bootnode命令:sudo nohup ./ghpb --datadir node1/data --networkid 66300 --port 3001 --rpcaddr --rpcport 8541 --verbosity 3 --rpc --rpcapi hpb,web3,admin,txpool,debug,personal,net --nodetype bootnode . bootnode.log &
命令: sudo ./ghpb attach
启动第一个挖矿节点命令:sudo ./ghpb --datadir node/data --unlock "第一个账户地址" --networkid 66300 --port 3002 --rpcaddr --rpcport 8542 --verbosity 3 --rpc --rpcapi hpb,web3,admin,txpool,debug,personal,net console --testmode
启动第二个挖矿节点命令:sudo ./ghpb --datadir node2/data --unlock "第三个账户地址" --networkid 66300 --port 3003 --rpcaddr --rpcport 8543 --verbosity 3 --rpc --rpcapi hpb,web3,admin,txpool,debug,personal,net console --testmode



输入sudo mkdir /home/ghpb-bin2创建程序执行路径;其中/home/ghpb-bin2可改为指定路径。

hpb@ dell-PowerEdge-R730:~$ sudo mkdir /home/ghpb-bin2

输入su root,根据提示输入ROOT账户密码。

hpb@ dell-PowerEdge-R730:~$ su root

输入 cd /home/;其中/home/可改为指定路径;

root@ dell-PowerEdge-R730: ~$ cd /home/

输入sudo git clone -b version_x.x.x.x https://github.com/hpb-project/go-hpb,当进度变为100%,出现"Checking conectivity ... done"时,go-hpb下载成功,继续下一步;(x.x.x.x为主网程序最新版本号)

root@dell-PowerEdge-R730:/home# sudo git clone -b version_1.0.1.0 https://github.com/hpb-project/go-hpb
Cloning into 'go-hpb'...
remote: Counting objects: 10547, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (150/150), done.
Receiving objects: 100% (10547/10547), 14.09 MiB | 395.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (5824/5824), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
Note: checking out '89d88c8e23f7761a76dd8eebe9b08fd3750a04b6'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:

  git checkout -b <new-branch-name>

输入cd go-hpb/

继续输入make all编译go-hpb;

root@ dell-PowerEdge-R730:/home# cd go-hpb/
root@ dell-PowerEdge-R730:/home/go-hpb# make all
build/env.sh go run build/ci.go install ./cmd/ghpb
>>> /usr/lib/go-1.9/bin/go install -ldflags -X main.gitCommit=04fa6c874b447f0de0a4296b9e573119e1997fcc -v ./cmd/ghpb
Done building.
Run "/home/go-hpb/build/bin/promfile" to launch promfile.

输入sudo cp build/bin/. /home/ghpb-bin2/;继续输入cd /home/ghpb-bin2/。 其中/home/ghpb-bin2/为您设置的程序执行路径;

root@ dell-PowerEdge-R730:/home/go-hpb# sudo cp build/bin/* /home/ghpb-bin2/
root@ dell-PowerEdge-R730:/home/go-hpb#cd /home/ghpb-bin2/
  • 输入./ghpb --datadir node/data account new创建第一个新账户,根据提示设置账户密码,记录得到的账户地址"04cbf60fdcc485a76b0b8a389da7bd87da180edd"。
root@hpb-PowerEdge-R730xd:/home/ghpb-bin2# ./ghpb --datadir node/data account new
INFO [09-19|08:21:43]  HPB : Create New HpbConfig object 
INFO [09-19|08:21:43]  HPB : Initialising Hpb node             network=1
INFO [09-19|08:21:43]  HPB : Allocated cache and file handles  database=/home/ghpb-bin2/node/data/ghpb/chaindata cache=128 handles=1024
INFO [09-19|08:21:46]  HPB : set coinbase of node              : =0xfc6661501B4faf424D2ed61855A134fa5b2dE3EF
Your new account is locked with a password. Please give a password. Do not forget this password.
Repeat passphrase: 
Address: {04cbf60fdcc485a76b0b8a389da7bd87da180edd}
  • 输入./ghpb --datadir node1/data account new 创建第二个新账户,根据提示设置账户密码,记录得到的账户地址"af4a70602be17074ad59555fa09239c0d811a99f"。
root@hpb-PowerEdge-R730xd:/home/ghpb-bin2# ./ghpb --datadir node1/data account new
INFO [09-19|08:26:17]  HPB : Create New HpbConfig object 
INFO [09-19|08:26:17]  HPB : Initialising Hpb node             network=1
INFO [09-19|08:26:17]  HPB : Allocated cache and file handles  database=/home/ghpb-bin2/node1/data/ghpb/chaindata cache=128 handles=1024
INFO [09-19|08:26:20]  HPB : set coinbase of node              : =0xfc6661501B4faf424D2ed61855A134fa5b2dE3EF
Your new account is locked with a password. Please give a password. Do not forget this password.
Repeat passphrase: 
Address: {af4a70602be17074ad59555fa09239c0d811a99f}
  • 输入./ghpb --datadir node2/data account new 创建第三个新账户,根据提示设置账户密码,记录得到的账户地址"552a49773698c75b7fbb47f1a3486f6394cc4385"。
root@hpb-PowerEdge-R730xd:/home/ghpb-bin2# ./ghpb --datadir node2/data account new 
INFO [09-19|08:28:33]  HPB : Create New HpbConfig object 
INFO [09-19|08:28:33]  HPB : Initialising Hpb node             network=1
INFO [09-19|08:28:33]  HPB : Allocated cache and file handles  database=/home/ghpb-bin2/node2/data/ghpb/chaindata cache=128 handles=1024
INFO [09-19|08:28:36]  HPB : set coinbase of node              : =0xfc6661501B4faf424D2ed61855A134fa5b2dE3EF
Your new account is locked with a password. Please give a password. Do not forget this password.
Repeat passphrase: 
Address: {552a49773698c75b7fbb47f1a3486f6394cc4385}


root@hpb-PowerEdge-R730xd:/home/ghpb-bin2# ./promfile
| Welcome to prometh, your HPB private network manager |
|                                                           |
| This tool lets you create a new HPB network down to  |
| the genesis block, bootnodes, miners and ethstats servers |
| without the hassle that it would normally entail.         |
|                                                           |
| Prometh uses SSH to dial in to remote servers, and builds |
| its network components out of Docker containers using the |
| docker-compose toolset.                                   |
Please specify a network name to administer (no spaces, please)
> random`(给测试链命名,可随意命名,如random)
Sweet, you can set this via --network=random next time!
INFO [09-19|08:36:16]  HPB : Administering HPB network         name=random
WARN [09-19|08:36:16]  HPB : No previous configurations found  path=/root/.prometh/random
What would you like to do? (default = stats)
 1. Configure new genesis
 2. Manage existing genesis
> 1`(选择1,生成新的创世文件)

Welcome to HPB consensus engine file maker

How many seconds should blocks take? (default = 15)
> 5`(设置生成区块的间隔,如5)

How many blocks should voting epoch be ? (default = 30000)
> 100`(设置投票周期,如100)

Which accounts are allowed to seal? (initialise miner addresses)
> 0x04cbf60fdcc485a76b0b8a389da7bd87da180edd(设置初始挖矿地址,示例为新建的第一个账户)
> 0x`(可继续添加挖矿地址,按回车可进入下一步)

Which accounts should be pre-funded? (advisable at least one)
> 0x04cbf60fdcc485a76b0b8a389da7bd87da180edd(设置初始预存钱的地址,示例为新建的第一个账户)
> 0x`(可继续添加预存钱地址,按回车可进入下一步)

Please input the initialization hardware random
> 0x `(按回车直接进入下一步)      

Specify your chain/network ID if you want an explicit one (default = random)
> 66300`(设置网络号,可随意设置,后续启动命令中需用到该网络号) 

Anything fun to embed into the genesis block? (max 32 bytes)
> hhh`(可输入任意字符串,以示有趣)

What would you like to do? (default = stats)
 1. Configure new genesis
 2. Manage existing genesis
> 2`(选择2,导出刚设置的创世文件)

 1. Export genesis configuration
> 1`(选择1,将会打印出json文件,需在最后输入名称“gensis.json”)

Which file to save the genesis into? (default = random.json)
  "config": {
    "chainId": 66300,
    "prometheus": {
      "period": 5,
      "epoch": 100
  "nonce": "0x0",
  "timestamp": "0x5ba242c8",
  "extraData": "0x686868000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004cbf60fdcc485a76b0b8a389da7bd87da180edd0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "gasLimit": "0x5f5e100",
  "difficulty": "0x1",
  "mixHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "coinbase": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "alloc": {
    "04cbf60fdcc485a76b0b8a389da7bd87da180edd": {
      "balance": "0x8"
  "number": "0x0",
  "gasUsed": "0x0",
  "parentHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "hardwareRandom": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
}> gensis.json`(在此处输入名称“gensis.json”,并回车)
INFO [09-19|08:59:36]  HPB : Exported existing genesis block 

What would you like to do? (default = stats)
 1. Configure new genesis
 2. Manage existing genesis


root@hpb-PowerEdge-R730xd:/home/ghpb-bin2# ls
binding.json  gensis.json   node   node2
config.json   ghpb         iperf3  node1  promfile
  • 输入./ghpb --datadir node/data init gensis.json初始化第一个节点;
root@hpb-PowerEdge-R730xd:/home/ghpb-bin2#  ./ghpb --datadir node/data init gensis.json
INFO [09-19|09:08:22]  HPB : Create New HpbConfig object 
INFO [09-19|09:08:22]  HPB : Allocated cache and file handles  database=/home/ghpb-bin2/node/data/ghpb/chaindata cache=16 handles=16
INFO [09-19|09:08:22]  HPB : Writing custom genesis block 
INFO [09-19|09:08:22]  HPB : Successfully wrote genesis state  database=chaindata                                hash=e46058…896936
  • 输入./ghpb --datadir node1/data init gensis.json初始化第二个节点;
root@hpb-PowerEdge-R730xd:/home/ghpb-bin2#  ./ghpb --datadir node1/data init gensis.json
INFO [09-19|09:08:53]  HPB : Create New HpbConfig object 
INFO [09-19|09:08:53]  HPB : Allocated cache and file handles  database=/home/ghpb-bin2/node1/data/ghpb/chaindata cache=16 handles=16
INFO [09-19|09:08:53]  HPB : Writing custom genesis block 
INFO [09-19|09:08:53]  HPB : Successfully wrote genesis state  database=chaindata                                 hash=e46058…896936
  • 输入./ghpb --datadir node2/data init gensis.json初始化第三个节点;
root@hpb-PowerEdge-R730xd:/home/ghpb-bin2# ./ghpb --datadir node2/data init gensis.json
INFO [09-19|09:10:05]  HPB : Create New HpbConfig object 
INFO [09-19|09:10:05]  HPB : Allocated cache and file handles  database=/home/ghpb-bin2/node2/data/ghpb/chaindata cache=16 handles=16
INFO [09-19|09:10:05]  HPB : Writing custom genesis block 
INFO [09-19|09:10:05]  HPB : Successfully wrote genesis state  database=chaindata                                 hash=e46058…896936
  • 配置binding.json

    输入vim binding.json将所有账户写入binding.json,

    root@hpb-PowerEdge-R730xd:/home/ghpb-bin2# vim binding.json



    ```shell [ {"coinbase":"0xfc6661501b4faf424d2ed61855a134fa5b2de3ef","cid":"2cd504a93518fe0c9b60895602586efc4786cf9da9396d0a6d39403b94710b0a16092dcbd8458bb46cef1e71ba9953db881268ce5d773ce63ffb421a657a00e1","hid":"a3b8e1f3bd9cf3ed0a520744010bf2cc48e781b04af7f462e452f9c96e476abc"}, {"coinbase":"0xaf4a70602be17074ad59555fa09239c0d811a99f","cid":"2cd504a93518fe0c9b60895602586efc4786cf9da9396d0a6d39403b94710b0a16092dcbd8458bb46cef1e71ba9953db881268ce5d773ce63ffb421a657a00e1","hid":"a3b8e1f3bd9cf3ed0a520744010bf2cc48e781b04af7f462e452f9c96e476abc"}, {"coinbase":"0x552a49773698c75b7fbb47f1a3486f6394cc4385","cid":"2cd504a93518fe0c9b60895602586efc4786cf9da9396d0a6d39403b94710b0a16092dcbd8458bb46cef1e71ba9953db881268ce5d773ce63ffb421a657a00e1","hid":"a3b8e1f3bd9cf3ed0a520744010bf2cc48e781b04af7f462e452f9c96e476abc"} ]


- 拷贝binding.json

  输入`cp binding.json node1/data `拷贝binding.json到bootnode数据文件里。

  root@hpb-PowerEdge-R730xd:/home/ghpb-bin2# cp binding.json node1/data
  • 启动bootnode

输入./ghpb --datadir node1/data --networkid 66300 --port 3001 --nodetype bootnode console;(66300为创建创世区块过程中设置的网络号,3001为端口号,不同节点不同以作区分)

root@hpb-PowerEdge-R730xd:/home/ghpb-bin2# ./ghpb --datadir node1/data --networkid 66300 --port 3001 --nodetype bootnode console
INFO [09-19|09:23:23]  HPB : Create New HpbConfig object 
INFO [09-19|09:23:23]  HPB : Initialising Hpb node             network=66300
INFO [09-19|09:23:23]  HPB : Allocated cache and file handles  database=/home/ghpb-bin2/node/data/ghpb/chaindata cache=128 handles=1024
INFO [09-19|09:23:26]  HPB : set coinbase of node              : =0xfc6661501B4faf424D2ed61855A134fa5b2dE3EF
INFO [09-19|09:23:26]  HPB : Loaded most recent local header   number=0 hash=e46058…896936 td=1
INFO [09-19|09:23:26]  HPB : Loaded most recent local full block number=0 hash=e46058…896936 td=1
INFO [09-19|09:23:26]  HPB : Loaded most recent local fast block number=0 hash=e46058…896936 td=1
INFO [09-19|09:23:26]  HPB : Set coinbase address by start     address=0xfc6661501B4faf424D2ed61855A134fa5b2dE3EF
INFO [09-19|09:23:26]  HPB : Change node local type            from=UnknownNode to=BootNode
INFO [09-19|09:23:26]  HPB : Set Init Local Type by p2p        type=BootNode
INFO [09-19|09:23:26]  HPB : Starting P2P networking 
INFO [09-19|09:23:28]  HPB : UDP listener up                   self=hnode://ad65b8d7efc85c50b13f63a0a7234d1398136a200dbe104ff759daf7912fe7ce2c996db38135883599e0802f24849c2e1e5ee4502d401e6b39823552dba331a9@[::]:3001(记录打印出的hnode信息)
INFO [09-19|09:23:28]  HPB : Server start with type.           NodeType=BootNode
INFO [09-19|09:23:28]  HPB : Start server of bandwidth test.   port=3101
INFO [09-19|09:23:28]  HPB : IPC endpoint opened: /home/ghpb-bin2/node/data/ghpb.ipc 
Welcome to the GHPB JavaScript console!
coinbase: 0xfc6661501b4faf424d2ed61855a134fa5b2de3ef
at block: 0 (Wed, 19 Sep 2018 08:57:13 EDT)
 datadir: /home/ghpb-bin2/node/data
 modules: admin:1.0 debug:1.0 hpb:1.0 miner:1.0 net:1.0 personal:1.0 prometheus:1.0 rpc:1.0 txpool:1.0 web3:1.0

记录hnode信息,并在端口号前添加公网ip(公网Ip即为bootnode所在服务器的公网ip地址,示例中为192.168.1.50,开发者需改为自己的公网Ip): hnode://ad65b8d7efc85c50b13f63a0a7234d1398136a200dbe104ff759daf7912fe7ce2c996db38135883599e0802f24849c2e1e5ee4502d401e6b39823552dba331a9@


输入exit退出,继续输入vi /home/go-hpb/config/networkconfig.go打开配置文件;

> exit
INFO [09-19|09:31:32]  HPB : Hpb data sync stopped 
root@hpb-PowerEdge-R730xd:/home/ghpb-bin# vi /home/go-hpb/config/networkconfig.go

在打开的文件中找到var MainnetBootnodes方法,在该方法中输入hnode信息(含公网ip);并在其余hnode信息前都输入//,表示注释掉不需要的hnode信息。


var MainnetBootnodes = []string{


按下Esc,并输入:wq,回车即可保存。 提示:如果想退出不保存文件,则需按下Esc,并输入:q!回车即可;如果无法编辑, 可按下字母i即可。


输入cd /home/go-hpb/,其中/home/为go-hpb的下载路径;继续输入make all编译。

root@hpb-PowerEdge-R730xd:/home/ghpb-bin2# cd /home/go-hpb/
root@hpb-PowerEdge-R730xd:/home/go-hpb# make all
build/env.sh go run build/ci.go install ./cmd/ghpb
>>> /usr/lib/go-1.9/bin/go install -ldflags -X main.gitCommit=89d88c8e23f7761a76dd8eebe9b08fd3750a04b6 -v ./cmd/ghpb
Done building.
Run "/home/go-hpb/build/bin/promfile" to launch promfile.
cp "/home/go-hpb/network/iperf3/iperf3" "/home/go-hpb/build/bin/iperf3"
cp "/home/go-hpb/network/p2p/binding.json" "/home/go-hpb/build/bin/binding.json"
cp "/home/go-hpb/network/p2p/config.json" "/home/go-hpb/build/bin/config.json"

输入sudo cp build/bin/. /home/ghpb-bin2/;.继续输入cd /home/ghpb-bin2/。 其中/home/ghpb-bin2/为您设置的程序执行路径;

root@hpb-PowerEdge-R730xd:/home/go-hpb# sudo cp build/bin/* /home/ghpb-bin2/
root@hpb-PowerEdge-R730xd:/home/go-hpb# cd /home/ghpb-bin2/
  • 启动bootnode

    输入sudo nohup ./ghpb --datadir node1/data --networkid 66300 --port 3001 --rpcaddr --rpcport 8541 --verbosity 3 --rpc --rpcapi hpb,web3,admin,txpool,debug,personal,net --nodetype bootnode . bootnode.log &启动bootnode; 继续输入sudo ./ghpb attach连入节点。 示例里为创建的第二个账户;


 root@hpb-PowerEdge-R730xd:/home/ghpb-bin2# sudo nohup ./ghpb --datadir node1/data --networkid 66300 --port 3001  --rpcaddr --rpcport 8541  --verbosity  3  --rpc  --rpcapi    hpb,web3,admin,txpool,debug,personal,net --nodetype bootnode > bootnode.log &
 [1] 29938
 root@hpb-PowerEdge-R730xd:/home/ghpb-bin2# nohup: ignoring input and redirecting stderr to stdout
root@hpb-PowerEdge-R730xd:/home/ghpb-bin2# sudo ./ghpb attach
 Welcome to the GHPB JavaScript console!
 coinbase: 0xfc6661501b4faf424d2ed61855a134fa5b2de3ef
at block: 0 (Wed, 19 Sep 2018 08:57:13 EDT)
  datadir: /home/ghpb-bin2/node1/data
  modules: admin:1.0 debug:1.0 hpb:1.0 net:1.0 personal:1.0 rpc:1.0 txpool:1.0 web3:1.0

• 启动第一个挖矿节点 另开一个控制台窗口输入sudo ./ghpb --datadir node/data --unlock "第一个账户地址" --networkid 66300 --port 3002 --rpcaddr --rpcport 8542 --verbosity 3 --rpc --rpcapi hpb,web3,admin,txpool,debug,personal,net console --testmode根据提示输入账户密码; 继续输入miner.start()开始挖矿。 示例里为创建的第一个账户“0x04cbf60fdcc485a76b0b8a389da7bd87da180edd”;

 root@hpb-PowerEdge-R730xd:/home/ghpb-bin2#sudo ./ghpb --datadir node/data  --unlock "0x04cbf60fdcc485a76b0b8a389da7bd87da180edd" --networkid 66300 --port 3002  --rpcaddr --rpcport 8542  --verbosity  3  --rpc  --rpcapi    hpb,web3,admin,txpool,debug,personal,net console --testmode
 INFO [09-19|22:59:21]  HPB : Create New HpbConfig object 
 INFO [09-19|22:59:21]  HPB : Initialising Hpb node             network=66300
 INFO [09-19|22:59:21]  HPB : Allocated cache and file handles  database=/home/ghpb-bin2/node/data/ghpb/chaindata cache=128 handles=1024
 INFO [09-19|22:59:25]  HPB : set coinbase of node              : =0xfc6661501B4faf424D2ed61855A134fa5b2dE3EF
 Unlocking account 0x04cbf60fdcc485a76b0b8a389da7bd87da180edd | Attempt 1/3
 ERROR[09-19|22:59:28]  HPB : ---------the password file is     : =123
 INFO [09-19|22:59:29]  HPB : Unlocked account                  address=0x04CbF60FdCc485a76b0B8a389Da7BD87dA180eDd
 INFO [09-19|22:59:29]  HPB : Loaded most recent local header   number=0 hash=e46058…896936 td=1
 INFO [09-19|22:59:29]  HPB : Loaded most recent local full block number=0 hash=e46058…896936 td=1
 INFO [09-19|22:59:29]  HPB : Loaded most recent local fast block number=0 hash=e46058…896936 td=1
 INFO [09-19|22:59:29]  HPB : Set coinbase address by start     address=0xfc6661501B4faf424D2ed61855A134fa5b2dE3EF
 INFO [09-19|22:59:29]  HPB : Change node local type            from=UnknownNode to=PreNode
 INFO [09-19|22:59:29]  HPB : Set Init Local Type by p2p        type=PreNode
 INFO [09-19|22:59:29]  HPB : Starting P2P networking 
 INFO [09-19|22:59:31]  HPB : UDP listener up                   self=hnode://edab938abbc31c4c94a55123d4384739ccbfa525f60269a96ec78196b498b47798c874fb3be6af4cde08ad18fba8e14936c20374fab7c6e3ad0bf5d1816c5ae5@[::]:3002
 INFO [09-19|22:59:31]  HPB : Server start with type.           NodeType=PreNode
 INFO [09-19|22:59:31]  HPB : Start server of bandwidth test.   port=3102
 INFO [09-19|22:59:31]  HPB : IPC endpoint opened: /home/ghpb-bin2/node/data/ghpb.ipc 
 INFO [09-19|22:59:31]  HPB : HTTP endpoint opened: 
 Welcome to the GHPB JavaScript console!

 coinbase: 0xfc6661501b4faf424d2ed61855a134fa5b2de3ef
 at block: 0 (Wed, 19 Sep 2018 08:57:13 EDT)
  datadir: /home/ghpb-bin2/node/data
  modules: admin:1.0 debug:1.0 hpb:1.0 miner:1.0 net:1.0 personal:1.0 prometheus:1.0 rpc:1.0 txpool:1.0 web3:1.0

 > miner.start()
 INFO [09-20|02:51:23]  HPB : miner start : : 
 INFO [09-20|02:51:23]  HPB : Transaction pool price threshold updated price=18000000000
INFO [09-20|02:51:23]  HPB : Starting mining operation 
  • 启动第二个挖矿节点

另开一个控制台窗口输入sudo ./ghpb --datadir node2/data --unlock "第三个账户地址" --networkid 66300 --port 3003 --rpcaddr --rpcport 8543 --verbosity 3 --rpc --rpcapi hpb,web3,admin,txpool,debug,personal,net console --testmode根据提示输入账户密码;

继续输入miner.start()开始挖矿。示例里为创建的第三个账户 "0x552a49773698c75b7fbb47f1a3486f6394cc4385"(注意加上0x前缀);

root@hpb-PowerEdge-R730xd:/home/ghpb-bin2#sudo ./ghpb --datadir node2/data  --unlock "0x552a49773698c75b7fbb47f1a3486f6394cc4385" --networkid 66300 --port 3003  --rpcaddr --rpcport 8543  --verbosity  3  --rpc  --rpcapi    hpb,web3,admin,txpool,debug,personal,net console --testmode
INFO [09-19|22:43:55]  HPB : Create New HpbConfig object 
INFO [09-19|22:43:55]  HPB : Initialising Hpb node             network=66300
INFO [09-19|22:43:55]  HPB : Allocated cache and file handles  database=/home/ghpb-bin2/node2/data/ghpb/chaindata cache=128 handles=1024
INFO [09-19|22:43:58]  HPB : set coinbase of node              : =0xfc6661501B4faf424D2ed61855A134fa5b2dE3EF
Unlocking account 0x552a49773698c75b7fbb47f1a3486f6394cc4385 | Attempt 1/3
ERROR[09-19|22:44:00]  HPB : ---------the password file is     : =123
INFO [09-19|22:44:01]  HPB : Unlocked account                  address=0x552a49773698c75b7fbb47f1a3486f6394cC4385
INFO [09-19|22:44:01]  HPB : Loaded most recent local header   number=0 hash=e46058…896936 td=1
INFO [09-19|22:44:01]  HPB : Loaded most recent local full block number=0 hash=e46058…896936 td=1
INFO [09-19|22:44:01]  HPB : Loaded most recent local fast block number=0 hash=e46058…896936 td=1
INFO [09-19|22:44:01]  HPB : Set coinbase address by start     address=0xfc6661501B4faf424D2ed61855A134fa5b2dE3EF
INFO [09-19|22:44:01]  HPB : Change node local type            from=UnknownNode to=PreNode
INFO [09-19|22:44:01]  HPB : Set Init Local Type by p2p        type=PreNode
INFO [09-19|22:44:01]  HPB : Starting P2P networking 
INFO [09-19|22:44:03]  HPB : UDP listener up                   self=hnode://24eae2a34e82cfb520d508c54f9a06e0951f37a78455f418296bbe011a1bd2e24b386758bbe45ad39e648d1ec375f438a45af2ec6796b7576c5dd4732ea5cccc@[::]:3003
INFO [09-19|22:44:03]  HPB : Server start with type.           NodeType=PreNode
INFO [09-19|22:44:03]  HPB : Start server of bandwidth test.   port=3103
INFO [09-19|22:44:03]  HPB : IPC endpoint opened: /home/ghpb-bin2/node2/data/ghpb.ipc 
INFO [09-19|22:44:03]  HPB : HTTP endpoint opened: 
Welcome to the GHPB JavaScript console!

coinbase: 0xfc6661501b4faf424d2ed61855a134fa5b2de3ef
at block: 0 (Wed, 19 Sep 2018 08:57:13 EDT)
 datadir: /home/ghpb-bin2/node2/data
 modules: admin:1.0 debug:1.0 hpb:1.0 miner:1.0 net:1.0 personal:1.0 prometheus:1.0 rpc:1.0 txpool:1.0 web3:1.0

> INFO [09-19|22:44:05]  HPB : Verify the remote hardware.       id=ad65b8d7efc85c50 result=false
INFO [09-19|22:44:05]  HPB : P2P set init peer remote type prenode (TestMode) id=ad65b8d7efc85c50 port=3001
INFO [09-19|22:44:05]  HPB : Network has register peer to syncer id=ad65b8d7efc85c50 port=3001
INFO [09-19|22:44:05]  HPB : Start hpb message loop.           id=ad65b8d7efc85c50 port=3001