

import "unicode"

Package unicode provides data and functions to test some properties of Unicode code points.

  • Constants
  • Variables
  • type CaseRange
  • type Range16
  • type Range32
  • type RangeTable
  • type SpecialCase
  • func Is(rangeTab *RangeTable, r rune) bool
  • func In(r rune, ranges ...*RangeTable) bool
  • func IsOneOf(ranges []*RangeTable, r rune) bool
  • func IsSpace(r rune) bool
  • func IsDigit(r rune) bool
  • func IsNumber(r rune) bool
  • func IsLetter(r rune) bool
  • func IsGraphic(r rune) bool
  • func IsControl(r rune) bool
  • func IsMark(r rune) bool
  • func IsPrint(r rune) bool
  • func IsPunct(r rune) bool
  • func IsSymbol(r rune) bool
  • func IsLower(r rune) bool
  • func IsUpper(r rune) bool
  • func IsTitle(r rune) bool
  • func To(_case int, r rune) rune
  • func ToLower(r rune) rune
  • func ToUpper(r rune) rune
  • func ToTitle(r rune) rune
  • func SimpleFold(r rune) rune
  • const (
        MaxRune         = '\U0010FFFF' // 最大的合法unicode码值
        ReplacementChar = '\uFFFD'     // 表示不合法的unicode码值
        MaxASCII        = '\u007F'     // 最大的ASCII值
        MaxLatin1       = '\u00FF'     // 最大的Latin-1值
    const (
        UpperCase = iota


    const (
        UpperLower = MaxRune + 1 // 不能是合法的delta值

    如果一个CaseRange类型的的Delta字段使用了UpperLower,就表示该CaseRange表示的序列格式为:Upper Lower Upper Lower

    const Version = "6.3.0"



    var (
        Cc     = _Cc // Cc is the set of Unicode characters in category Cc.
        Cf     = _Cf // Cf is the set of Unicode characters in category Cf.
        Co     = _Co // Co is the set of Unicode characters in category Co.
        Cs     = _Cs // Cs is the set of Unicode characters in category Cs.
        Digit  = _Nd // Digit is the set of Unicode characters with the "decimal digit" property.
        Nd     = _Nd // Nd is the set of Unicode characters in category Nd.
        Letter = _L  // Letter/L is the set of Unicode letters, category L.
        L      = _L
        Lm     = _Lm // Lm is the set of Unicode characters in category Lm.
        Lo     = _Lo // Lo is the set of Unicode characters in category Lo.
        Lower  = _Ll // Lower is the set of Unicode lower case letters.
        Ll     = _Ll // Ll is the set of Unicode characters in category Ll.
        Mark   = _M  // Mark/M is the set of Unicode mark characters, category M.
        M      = _M
        Mc     = _Mc // Mc is the set of Unicode characters in category Mc.
        Me     = _Me // Me is the set of Unicode characters in category Me.
        Mn     = _Mn // Mn is the set of Unicode characters in category Mn.
        Nl     = _Nl // Nl is the set of Unicode characters in category Nl.
        No     = _No // No is the set of Unicode characters in category No.
        Number = _N  // Number/N is the set of Unicode number characters, category N.
        N      = _N
        Other  = _C // Other/C is the set of Unicode control and special characters, category C.
        C      = _C
        Pc     = _Pc // Pc is the set of Unicode characters in category Pc.
        Pd     = _Pd // Pd is the set of Unicode characters in category Pd.
        Pe     = _Pe // Pe is the set of Unicode characters in category Pe.
        Pf     = _Pf // Pf is the set of Unicode characters in category Pf.
        Pi     = _Pi // Pi is the set of Unicode characters in category Pi.
        Po     = _Po // Po is the set of Unicode characters in category Po.
        Ps     = _Ps // Ps is the set of Unicode characters in category Ps.
        Punct  = _P  // Punct/P is the set of Unicode punctuation characters, category P.
        P      = _P
        Sc     = _Sc // Sc is the set of Unicode characters in category Sc.
        Sk     = _Sk // Sk is the set of Unicode characters in category Sk.
        Sm     = _Sm // Sm is the set of Unicode characters in category Sm.
        So     = _So // So is the set of Unicode characters in category So.
        Space  = _Z  // Space/Z is the set of Unicode space characters, category Z.
        Z      = _Z
        Symbol = _S // Symbol/S is the set of Unicode symbol characters, category S.
        S      = _S
        Title  = _Lt // Title is the set of Unicode title case letters.
        Lt     = _Lt // Lt is the set of Unicode characters in category Lt.
        Upper  = _Lu // Upper is the set of Unicode upper case letters.
        Lu     = _Lu // Lu is the set of Unicode characters in category Lu.
        Zl     = _Zl // Zl is the set of Unicode characters in category Zl.
        Zp     = _Zp // Zp is the set of Unicode characters in category Zp.
        Zs     = _Zs // Zs is the set of Unicode characters in category Zs.


    var (
        Arabic                 = _Arabic                 // Arabic is the set of Unicode characters in script Arabic.
        Armenian               = _Armenian               // Armenian is the set of Unicode characters in script Armenian.
        Avestan                = _Avestan                // Avestan is the set of Unicode characters in script Avestan.
        Balinese               = _Balinese               // Balinese is the set of Unicode characters in script Balinese.
        Bamum                  = _Bamum                  // Bamum is the set of Unicode characters in script Bamum.
        Batak                  = _Batak                  // Batak is the set of Unicode characters in script Batak.
        Bengali                = _Bengali                // Bengali is the set of Unicode characters in script Bengali.
        Bopomofo               = _Bopomofo               // Bopomofo is the set of Unicode characters in script Bopomofo.
        Brahmi                 = _Brahmi                 // Brahmi is the set of Unicode characters in script Brahmi.
        Braille                = _Braille                // Braille is the set of Unicode characters in script Braille.
        Buginese               = _Buginese               // Buginese is the set of Unicode characters in script Buginese.
        Buhid                  = _Buhid                  // Buhid is the set of Unicode characters in script Buhid.
        Canadian_Aboriginal    = _Canadian_Aboriginal    // Canadian_Aboriginal is the set of Unicode characters in script Canadian_Aboriginal.
        Carian                 = _Carian                 // Carian is the set of Unicode characters in script Carian.
        Chakma                 = _Chakma                 // Chakma is the set of Unicode characters in script Chakma.
        Cham                   = _Cham                   // Cham is the set of Unicode characters in script Cham.
        Cherokee               = _Cherokee               // Cherokee is the set of Unicode characters in script Cherokee.
        Common                 = _Common                 // Common is the set of Unicode characters in script Common.
        Coptic                 = _Coptic                 // Coptic is the set of Unicode characters in script Coptic.
        Cuneiform              = _Cuneiform              // Cuneiform is the set of Unicode characters in script Cuneiform.
        Cypriot                = _Cypriot                // Cypriot is the set of Unicode characters in script Cypriot.
        Cyrillic               = _Cyrillic               // Cyrillic is the set of Unicode characters in script Cyrillic.
        Deseret                = _Deseret                // Deseret is the set of Unicode characters in script Deseret.
        Devanagari             = _Devanagari             // Devanagari is the set of Unicode characters in script Devanagari.
        Egyptian_Hieroglyphs   = _Egyptian_Hieroglyphs   // Egyptian_Hieroglyphs is the set of Unicode characters in script Egyptian_Hieroglyphs.
        Ethiopic               = _Ethiopic               // Ethiopic is the set of Unicode characters in script Ethiopic.
        Georgian               = _Georgian               // Georgian is the set of Unicode characters in script Georgian.
        Glagolitic             = _Glagolitic             // Glagolitic is the set of Unicode characters in script Glagolitic.
        Gothic                 = _Gothic                 // Gothic is the set of Unicode characters in script Gothic.
        Greek                  = _Greek                  // Greek is the set of Unicode characters in script Greek.
        Gujarati               = _Gujarati               // Gujarati is the set of Unicode characters in script Gujarati.
        Gurmukhi               = _Gurmukhi               // Gurmukhi is the set of Unicode characters in script Gurmukhi.
        Han                    = _Han                    // Han is the set of Unicode characters in script Han.
        Hangul                 = _Hangul                 // Hangul is the set of Unicode characters in script Hangul.
        Hanunoo                = _Hanunoo                // Hanunoo is the set of Unicode characters in script Hanunoo.
        Hebrew                 = _Hebrew                 // Hebrew is the set of Unicode characters in script Hebrew.
        Hiragana               = _Hiragana               // Hiragana is the set of Unicode characters in script Hiragana.
        Imperial_Aramaic       = _Imperial_Aramaic       // Imperial_Aramaic is the set of Unicode characters in script Imperial_Aramaic.
        Inherited              = _Inherited              // Inherited is the set of Unicode characters in script Inherited.
        Inscriptional_Pahlavi  = _Inscriptional_Pahlavi  // Inscriptional_Pahlavi is the set of Unicode characters in script Inscriptional_Pahlavi.
        Inscriptional_Parthian = _Inscriptional_Parthian // Inscriptional_Parthian is the set of Unicode characters in script Inscriptional_Parthian.
        Javanese               = _Javanese               // Javanese is the set of Unicode characters in script Javanese.
        Kaithi                 = _Kaithi                 // Kaithi is the set of Unicode characters in script Kaithi.
        Kannada                = _Kannada                // Kannada is the set of Unicode characters in script Kannada.
        Katakana               = _Katakana               // Katakana is the set of Unicode characters in script Katakana.
        Kayah_Li               = _Kayah_Li               // Kayah_Li is the set of Unicode characters in script Kayah_Li.
        Kharoshthi             = _Kharoshthi             // Kharoshthi is the set of Unicode characters in script Kharoshthi.
        Khmer                  = _Khmer                  // Khmer is the set of Unicode characters in script Khmer.
        Lao                    = _Lao                    // Lao is the set of Unicode characters in script Lao.
        Latin                  = _Latin                  // Latin is the set of Unicode characters in script Latin.
        Lepcha                 = _Lepcha                 // Lepcha is the set of Unicode characters in script Lepcha.
        Limbu                  = _Limbu                  // Limbu is the set of Unicode characters in script Limbu.
        Linear_B               = _Linear_B               // Linear_B is the set of Unicode characters in script Linear_B.
        Lisu                   = _Lisu                   // Lisu is the set of Unicode characters in script Lisu.
        Lycian                 = _Lycian                 // Lycian is the set of Unicode characters in script Lycian.
        Lydian                 = _Lydian                 // Lydian is the set of Unicode characters in script Lydian.
        Malayalam              = _Malayalam              // Malayalam is the set of Unicode characters in script Malayalam.
        Mandaic                = _Mandaic                // Mandaic is the set of Unicode characters in script Mandaic.
        Meetei_Mayek           = _Meetei_Mayek           // Meetei_Mayek is the set of Unicode characters in script Meetei_Mayek.
        Meroitic_Cursive       = _Meroitic_Cursive       // Meroitic_Cursive is the set of Unicode characters in script Meroitic_Cursive.
        Meroitic_Hieroglyphs   = _Meroitic_Hieroglyphs   // Meroitic_Hieroglyphs is the set of Unicode characters in script Meroitic_Hieroglyphs.
        Miao                   = _Miao                   // Miao is the set of Unicode characters in script Miao.
        Mongolian              = _Mongolian              // Mongolian is the set of Unicode characters in script Mongolian.
        Myanmar                = _Myanmar                // Myanmar is the set of Unicode characters in script Myanmar.
        New_Tai_Lue            = _New_Tai_Lue            // New_Tai_Lue is the set of Unicode characters in script New_Tai_Lue.
        Nko                    = _Nko                    // Nko is the set of Unicode characters in script Nko.
        Ogham                  = _Ogham                  // Ogham is the set of Unicode characters in script Ogham.
        Ol_Chiki               = _Ol_Chiki               // Ol_Chiki is the set of Unicode characters in script Ol_Chiki.
        Old_Italic             = _Old_Italic             // Old_Italic is the set of Unicode characters in script Old_Italic.
        Old_Persian            = _Old_Persian            // Old_Persian is the set of Unicode characters in script Old_Persian.
        Old_South_Arabian      = _Old_South_Arabian      // Old_South_Arabian is the set of Unicode characters in script Old_South_Arabian.
        Old_Turkic             = _Old_Turkic             // Old_Turkic is the set of Unicode characters in script Old_Turkic.
        Oriya                  = _Oriya                  // Oriya is the set of Unicode characters in script Oriya.
        Osmanya                = _Osmanya                // Osmanya is the set of Unicode characters in script Osmanya.
        Phags_Pa               = _Phags_Pa               // Phags_Pa is the set of Unicode characters in script Phags_Pa.
        Phoenician             = _Phoenician             // Phoenician is the set of Unicode characters in script Phoenician.
        Rejang                 = _Rejang                 // Rejang is the set of Unicode characters in script Rejang.
        Runic                  = _Runic                  // Runic is the set of Unicode characters in script Runic.
        Samaritan              = _Samaritan              // Samaritan is the set of Unicode characters in script Samaritan.
        Saurashtra             = _Saurashtra             // Saurashtra is the set of Unicode characters in script Saurashtra.
        Sharada                = _Sharada                // Sharada is the set of Unicode characters in script Sharada.
        Shavian                = _Shavian                // Shavian is the set of Unicode characters in script Shavian.
        Sinhala                = _Sinhala                // Sinhala is the set of Unicode characters in script Sinhala.
        Sora_Sompeng           = _Sora_Sompeng           // Sora_Sompeng is the set of Unicode characters in script Sora_Sompeng.
        Sundanese              = _Sundanese              // Sundanese is the set of Unicode characters in script Sundanese.
        Syloti_Nagri           = _Syloti_Nagri           // Syloti_Nagri is the set of Unicode characters in script Syloti_Nagri.
        Syriac                 = _Syriac                 // Syriac is the set of Unicode characters in script Syriac.
        Tagalog                = _Tagalog                // Tagalog is the set of Unicode characters in script Tagalog.
        Tagbanwa               = _Tagbanwa               // Tagbanwa is the set of Unicode characters in script Tagbanwa.
        Tai_Le                 = _Tai_Le                 // Tai_Le is the set of Unicode characters in script Tai_Le.
        Tai_Tham               = _Tai_Tham               // Tai_Tham is the set of Unicode characters in script Tai_Tham.
        Tai_Viet               = _Tai_Viet               // Tai_Viet is the set of Unicode characters in script Tai_Viet.
        Takri                  = _Takri                  // Takri is the set of Unicode characters in script Takri.
        Tamil                  = _Tamil                  // Tamil is the set of Unicode characters in script Tamil.
        Telugu                 = _Telugu                 // Telugu is the set of Unicode characters in script Telugu.
        Thaana                 = _Thaana                 // Thaana is the set of Unicode characters in script Thaana.
        Thai                   = _Thai                   // Thai is the set of Unicode characters in script Thai.
        Tibetan                = _Tibetan                // Tibetan is the set of Unicode characters in script Tibetan.
        Tifinagh               = _Tifinagh               // Tifinagh is the set of Unicode characters in script Tifinagh.
        Ugaritic               = _Ugaritic               // Ugaritic is the set of Unicode characters in script Ugaritic.
        Vai                    = _Vai                    // Vai is the set of Unicode characters in script Vai.
        Yi                     = _Yi                     // Yi is the set of Unicode characters in script Yi.


    var (
        ASCII_Hex_Digit                    = _ASCII_Hex_Digit                    // ASCII_Hex_Digit is the set of Unicode characters with property ASCII_Hex_Digit.
        Bidi_Control                       = _Bidi_Control                       // Bidi_Control is the set of Unicode characters with property Bidi_Control.
        Dash                               = _Dash                               // Dash is the set of Unicode characters with property Dash.
        Deprecated                         = _Deprecated                         // Deprecated is the set of Unicode characters with property Deprecated.
        Diacritic                          = _Diacritic                          // Diacritic is the set of Unicode characters with property Diacritic.
        Extender                           = _Extender                           // Extender is the set of Unicode characters with property Extender.
        Hex_Digit                          = _Hex_Digit                          // Hex_Digit is the set of Unicode characters with property Hex_Digit.
        Hyphen                             = _Hyphen                             // Hyphen is the set of Unicode characters with property Hyphen.
        IDS_Binary_Operator                = _IDS_Binary_Operator                // IDS_Binary_Operator is the set of Unicode characters with property IDS_Binary_Operator.
        IDS_Trinary_Operator               = _IDS_Trinary_Operator               // IDS_Trinary_Operator is the set of Unicode characters with property IDS_Trinary_Operator.
        Ideographic                        = _Ideographic                        // Ideographic is the set of Unicode characters with property Ideographic.
        Join_Control                       = _Join_Control                       // Join_Control is the set of Unicode characters with property Join_Control.
        Logical_Order_Exception            = _Logical_Order_Exception            // Logical_Order_Exception is the set of Unicode characters with property Logical_Order_Exception.
        Noncharacter_Code_Point            = _Noncharacter_Code_Point            // Noncharacter_Code_Point is the set of Unicode characters with property Noncharacter_Code_Point.
        Other_Alphabetic                   = _Other_Alphabetic                   // Other_Alphabetic is the set of Unicode characters with property Other_Alphabetic.
        Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point = _Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point // Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point is the set of Unicode characters with property Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point.
        Other_Grapheme_Extend              = _Other_Grapheme_Extend              // Other_Grapheme_Extend is the set of Unicode characters with property Other_Grapheme_Extend.
        Other_ID_Continue                  = _Other_ID_Continue                  // Other_ID_Continue is the set of Unicode characters with property Other_ID_Continue.
        Other_ID_Start                     = _Other_ID_Start                     // Other_ID_Start is the set of Unicode characters with property Other_ID_Start.
        Other_Lowercase                    = _Other_Lowercase                    // Other_Lowercase is the set of Unicode characters with property Other_Lowercase.
        Other_Math                         = _Other_Math                         // Other_Math is the set of Unicode characters with property Other_Math.
        Other_Uppercase                    = _Other_Uppercase                    // Other_Uppercase is the set of Unicode characters with property Other_Uppercase.
        Pattern_Syntax                     = _Pattern_Syntax                     // Pattern_Syntax is the set of Unicode characters with property Pattern_Syntax.
        Pattern_White_Space                = _Pattern_White_Space                // Pattern_White_Space is the set of Unicode characters with property Pattern_White_Space.
        Quotation_Mark                     = _Quotation_Mark                     // Quotation_Mark is the set of Unicode characters with property Quotation_Mark.
        Radical                            = _Radical                            // Radical is the set of Unicode characters with property Radical.
        STerm                              = _STerm                              // STerm is the set of Unicode characters with property STerm.
        Soft_Dotted                        = _Soft_Dotted                        // Soft_Dotted is the set of Unicode characters with property Soft_Dotted.
        Terminal_Punctuation               = _Terminal_Punctuation               // Terminal_Punctuation is the set of Unicode characters with property Terminal_Punctuation.
        Unified_Ideograph                  = _Unified_Ideograph                  // Unified_Ideograph is the set of Unicode characters with property Unified_Ideograph.
        Variation_Selector                 = _Variation_Selector                 // Variation_Selector is the set of Unicode characters with property Variation_Selector.
        White_Space                        = _White_Space                        // White_Space is the set of Unicode characters with property White_Space.


    var CaseRanges = _CaseRanges

    CaseRanges is the table describing case mappings for all letters with non-self mappings.

    var Categories = map[string]*RangeTable{
        "C":  C,
        "Cc": Cc,
        "Cf": Cf,
        "Co": Co,
        "Cs": Cs,
        "L":  L,
        "Ll": Ll,
        "Lm": Lm,
        "Lo": Lo,
        "Lt": Lt,
        "Lu": Lu,
        "M":  M,
        "Mc": Mc,
        "Me": Me,
        "Mn": Mn,
        "N":  N,
        "Nd": Nd,
        "Nl": Nl,
        "No": No,
        "P":  P,
        "Pc": Pc,
        "Pd": Pd,
        "Pe": Pe,
        "Pf": Pf,
        "Pi": Pi,
        "Po": Po,
        "Ps": Ps,
        "S":  S,
        "Sc": Sc,
        "Sk": Sk,
        "Sm": Sm,
        "So": So,
        "Z":  Z,
        "Zl": Zl,
        "Zp": Zp,
        "Zs": Zs,

    Categories is the set of Unicode category tables.

    var FoldCategory = map[string]*RangeTable{
        "Common":    foldCommon,
        "Greek":     foldGreek,
        "Inherited": foldInherited,
        "L":         foldL,
        "Ll":        foldLl,
        "Lt":        foldLt,
        "Lu":        foldLu,
        "M":         foldM,
        "Mn":        foldMn,

    FoldCategory maps a category name to a table of code points outside the category that are equivalent under simple case folding to code points inside the category. If there is no entry for a category name, there are no such points.

    var FoldScript = map[string]*RangeTable{}

    FoldScript maps a script name to a table of code points outside the script that are equivalent under simple case folding to code points inside the script. If there is no entry for a script name, there are no such points.

    var GraphicRanges = []*RangeTable{
        L, M, N, P, S, Zs,

    GraphicRanges defines the set of graphic characters according to Unicode.

    var PrintRanges = []*RangeTable{
        L, M, N, P, S,

    PrintRanges defines the set of printable characters according to Go. ASCII space, U+0020, is handled separately.

    var Properties = map[string]*RangeTable{
        "ASCII_Hex_Digit":                    ASCII_Hex_Digit,
        "Bidi_Control":                       Bidi_Control,
        "Dash":                               Dash,
        "Deprecated":                         Deprecated,
        "Diacritic":                          Diacritic,
        "Extender":                           Extender,
        "Hex_Digit":                          Hex_Digit,
        "Hyphen":                             Hyphen,
        "IDS_Binary_Operator":                IDS_Binary_Operator,
        "IDS_Trinary_Operator":               IDS_Trinary_Operator,
        "Ideographic":                        Ideographic,
        "Join_Control":                       Join_Control,
        "Logical_Order_Exception":            Logical_Order_Exception,
        "Noncharacter_Code_Point":            Noncharacter_Code_Point,
        "Other_Alphabetic":                   Other_Alphabetic,
        "Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point": Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point,
        "Other_Grapheme_Extend":              Other_Grapheme_Extend,
        "Other_ID_Continue":                  Other_ID_Continue,
        "Other_ID_Start":                     Other_ID_Start,
        "Other_Lowercase":                    Other_Lowercase,
        "Other_Math":                         Other_Math,
        "Other_Uppercase":                    Other_Uppercase,
        "Pattern_Syntax":                     Pattern_Syntax,
        "Pattern_White_Space":                Pattern_White_Space,
        "Quotation_Mark":                     Quotation_Mark,
        "Radical":                            Radical,
        "STerm":                              STerm,
        "Soft_Dotted":                        Soft_Dotted,
        "Terminal_Punctuation":               Terminal_Punctuation,
        "Unified_Ideograph":                  Unified_Ideograph,
        "Variation_Selector":                 Variation_Selector,
        "White_Space":                        White_Space,

    Properties is the set of Unicode property tables.

    var Scripts = map[string]*RangeTable{
        "Arabic":                 Arabic,
        "Armenian":               Armenian,
        "Avestan":                Avestan,
        "Balinese":               Balinese,
        "Bamum":                  Bamum,
        "Batak":                  Batak,
        "Bengali":                Bengali,
        "Bopomofo":               Bopomofo,
        "Brahmi":                 Brahmi,
        "Braille":                Braille,
        "Buginese":               Buginese,
        "Buhid":                  Buhid,
        "Canadian_Aboriginal":    Canadian_Aboriginal,
        "Carian":                 Carian,
        "Chakma":                 Chakma,
        "Cham":                   Cham,
        "Cherokee":               Cherokee,
        "Common":                 Common,
        "Coptic":                 Coptic,
        "Cuneiform":              Cuneiform,
        "Cypriot":                Cypriot,
        "Cyrillic":               Cyrillic,
        "Deseret":                Deseret,
        "Devanagari":             Devanagari,
        "Egyptian_Hieroglyphs":   Egyptian_Hieroglyphs,
        "Ethiopic":               Ethiopic,
        "Georgian":               Georgian,
        "Glagolitic":             Glagolitic,
        "Gothic":                 Gothic,
        "Greek":                  Greek,
        "Gujarati":               Gujarati,
        "Gurmukhi":               Gurmukhi,
        "Han":                    Han,
        "Hangul":                 Hangul,
        "Hanunoo":                Hanunoo,
        "Hebrew":                 Hebrew,
        "Hiragana":               Hiragana,
        "Imperial_Aramaic":       Imperial_Aramaic,
        "Inherited":              Inherited,
        "Inscriptional_Pahlavi":  Inscriptional_Pahlavi,
        "Inscriptional_Parthian": Inscriptional_Parthian,
        "Javanese":               Javanese,
        "Kaithi":                 Kaithi,
        "Kannada":                Kannada,
        "Katakana":               Katakana,
        "Kayah_Li":               Kayah_Li,
        "Kharoshthi":             Kharoshthi,
        "Khmer":                  Khmer,
        "Lao":                    Lao,
        "Latin":                  Latin,
        "Lepcha":                 Lepcha,
        "Limbu":                  Limbu,
        "Linear_B":               Linear_B,
        "Lisu":                   Lisu,
        "Lycian":                 Lycian,
        "Lydian":                 Lydian,
        "Malayalam":              Malayalam,
        "Mandaic":                Mandaic,
        "Meetei_Mayek":           Meetei_Mayek,
        "Meroitic_Cursive":       Meroitic_Cursive,
        "Meroitic_Hieroglyphs":   Meroitic_Hieroglyphs,
        "Miao":                   Miao,
        "Mongolian":              Mongolian,
        "Myanmar":                Myanmar,
        "New_Tai_Lue":            New_Tai_Lue,
        "Nko":                    Nko,
        "Ogham":                  Ogham,
        "Ol_Chiki":               Ol_Chiki,
        "Old_Italic":             Old_Italic,
        "Old_Persian":            Old_Persian,
        "Old_South_Arabian":      Old_South_Arabian,
        "Old_Turkic":             Old_Turkic,
        "Oriya":                  Oriya,
        "Osmanya":                Osmanya,
        "Phags_Pa":               Phags_Pa,
        "Phoenician":             Phoenician,
        "Rejang":                 Rejang,
        "Runic":                  Runic,
        "Samaritan":              Samaritan,
        "Saurashtra":             Saurashtra,
        "Sharada":                Sharada,
        "Shavian":                Shavian,
        "Sinhala":                Sinhala,
        "Sora_Sompeng":           Sora_Sompeng,
        "Sundanese":              Sundanese,
        "Syloti_Nagri":           Syloti_Nagri,
        "Syriac":                 Syriac,
        "Tagalog":                Tagalog,
        "Tagbanwa":               Tagbanwa,
        "Tai_Le":                 Tai_Le,
        "Tai_Tham":               Tai_Tham,
        "Tai_Viet":               Tai_Viet,
        "Takri":                  Takri,
        "Tamil":                  Tamil,
        "Telugu":                 Telugu,
        "Thaana":                 Thaana,
        "Thai":                   Thai,
        "Tibetan":                Tibetan,
        "Tifinagh":               Tifinagh,
        "Ugaritic":               Ugaritic,
        "Vai":                    Vai,
        "Yi":                     Yi,

    Scripts is the set of Unicode script tables.

    type CaseRange

    type CaseRange struct {
        Lo    uint32
        Hi    uint32
        Delta d // d为[MaxCase]rune的命名类型

    代表简单的unicode码值的一一映射。范围为[Lo, Hi],步长为1。





    {UpperLower, UpperLower, UpperLower}

    表示[Lo, Hi]范围的字符序列是交替的、对应的大写字母小写字母对。否则常数UpperLower不能用Delta数组里。

    type Range16

    type Range16 struct {
        Lo     uint16
        Hi     uint16
        Stride uint16


    type Range32

    type Range32 struct {
        Lo     uint32
        Hi     uint32
        Stride uint32


    type RangeTable

    type RangeTable struct {
        R16         []Range16
        R32         []Range32  // R32不能包含低于0x10000(即1<<16)的值
        LatinOffset int // R16字段中Hi <= MaxLatin1的成员数


    type SpecialCase

    type SpecialCase []CaseRange


    var AzeriCase SpecialCase = _TurkishCase
    var TurkishCase SpecialCase = _TurkishCase

    func (SpecialCase) ToLower

    func (special SpecialCase) ToLower(r rune) rune


    func (SpecialCase) ToUpper

    func (special SpecialCase) ToUpper(r rune) rune


    func (SpecialCase) ToTitle

    func (special SpecialCase) ToTitle(r rune) rune


    func Is

    func Is(rangeTab *RangeTable, r rune) bool


    func In

    func In(r rune, ranges ...*RangeTable) bool


    func IsOneOf

    func IsOneOf(ranges []*RangeTable, r rune) bool


    func IsSpace

    func IsSpace(r rune) bool


    '\t', '\n', '\v', '\f', '\r', ' ', U+0085 (NEL), U+00A0 (NBSP).


    func IsDigit

    func IsDigit(r rune) bool


    func IsNumber

    func IsNumber(r rune) bool


    func IsLetter

    func IsLetter(r rune) bool


    func IsGraphic

    func IsGraphic(r rune) bool


    func IsMark

    func IsMark(r rune) bool


    func IsPrint

    func IsPrint(r rune) bool


    func IsControl

    func IsControl(r rune) bool


    func IsPunct

    func IsPunct(r rune) bool


    func IsSymbol

    func IsSymbol(r rune) bool


    func IsLower

    func IsLower(r rune) bool


    func IsUpper

    func IsUpper(r rune) bool


    func IsTitle

    func IsTitle(r rune) bool


    func To

    func To(_case int, r rune) rune


    func ToLower

    func ToLower(r rune) rune


    func ToUpper

    func ToUpper(r rune) rune


    func ToTitle

    func ToTitle(r rune) rune


    func SimpleFold

    func SimpleFold(r rune) rune



    SimpleFold('A') = 'a'
    SimpleFold('a') = 'A'
    SimpleFold('K') = 'k'
    SimpleFold('k') = '\u212A' (Kelvin symbol, K)
    SimpleFold('\u212A') = 'K'
    SimpleFold('1') = '1'

