import "go/importer"
Package importer provides access to export data importers.
- func Default() types.Importer
- func For(compiler string, lookup Lookup) types.Importer
- type Lookup
- Bugs
Package Files ¶
func Default ¶ Uses
❖func Default() types.Importer
Default returns an Importer for the compiler that built the running binary. If available, the result implements types.ImporterFrom.
func For ¶ Uses
❖func For(compiler string, lookup Lookup) types.Importer
For returns an Importer for the given compiler and lookup interface, or nil. Supported compilers are "gc", and "gccgo". If lookup is nil, the default package lookup mechanism for the given compiler is used. BUG(issue13847): For does not support non-nil lookup functions.
type Lookup ¶ Uses
❖type Lookup func(path string) (io.ReadCloser, error)
A Lookup function returns a reader to access package data for a given import path, or an error if no matching package is found.
Bugs ¶
☞ For does not support non-nil lookup functions.