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Running phpDocumentor


In this guide we are going to explain how to generate documentation for your application and how to tune it to your liking. phpDocumentor supports a wide range of options related to the generation of documentation that can help you.

phpDocumentor is a command-line application that supports several actions, called commands, with which you can generate your documentation but also, for example, display a list of installed templates. In this guide we are only going to discuss the default command: project:run, you can find a list of all supported commands in the command reference


The project:run command is default to phpDocumentor, this means that it will be executed when you omit the command name once you run phpDocumentor.

The following command-line actions are aliases of eachother:

$ phpdoc
$ phpdoc run
$ phpdoc project:run

Each of the above calls does exactly the same.


Let’s start with the minimum that you need in order to run phpDocumentor. In the next few chapters we will be adding more and more options but you can safely ignore those and just use what we describe in this chapter.

When running phpDocumentor there are three command-line options that are essential:

  1. -d, specifies the directory, or directories, of your project that you want to document.
  2. -f, specifies a specific file, or files, in your project that you want to document.
  3. -t, specifies the location where your documentation will be written (also called ‘target folder’).

The above options are all you need to generate your documentation as demonstrated in this example:

$ phpdoc -d path/to/my/project -f path/to/an/additional/file -t path/to/my/output/folder

For phpDocumentor to work you must specify at least a directory or file to scan, or have this information in a configuration file. phpDocumentor won’t assume that you want to document the directory from where you run the command.

The target folder is optional but if you omit it then your documentation will be generated in a subfolder, of your current working directory, called ‘output’.


phpDocumentor assumes that your project’s files are encoded using UTF-8. If your encoding differs you can use the --encoding command line option to instruct phpDocumentor to expect that. We have tried to auto-detect your encoding in previous versions but in the end it caused more encoding issues than it solved.


Before we continue to discuss the other options that phpDocumentor offers we would like to mention that phpDocumentor supports the use of a configuration file. All you need to do is add a file called ‘phpdoc.dist.xml’ to the root of your project, add your options to it and then invoke the phpdoc command without arguments.

phpDocumentor will look in the current working directory for the configuration file and use its contents to determine options such as where your project files are and where to output your documentation.

You can even override the settings in the configuration on a per user basis using another file called ‘phpdoc.xml’.


When present, the file ‘phpdoc.xml’ is used instead of ‘phpdoc.dist.xml’ and thus does not supplement it.


It is recommended to add the ‘phpdoc.xml’ to your version control’s ignore list if you intend on using it. This way you can have a canonical configuration in the ‘phpdoc.dist.xml’ file and allow each individual user to override it.

And last but not least, you can even specify an alternate location for your ‘phpdoc.xml’ using the ‘–config’ command-line option.

For more information on the options and format supported by the configuration it is best to consult the configuration reference.

Influencing the List of Project Files

As mentioned in the Quickstart above you can select which directories and files to document using the -d (for directories and their files) or the -f (for just single files). You can even provide those options multiple times if you need multiple files or directories.

Sometimes you may want to exclude entire directories, or files from your documentation build because they contain unwanted third-party documentation, or because you just don’t need to transform documentation content for certain files in your project. The --ignore option lets you specify what directories and files to exclude from your project.

A basic example of the --ignore option is excluding one or more directories from your project. If you have a ‘vendor’ directory that is not relevant to your project documentation, you can exclude it by specifying --ignore "vendor/". To exclude the ‘vendor’ and ‘tests’ directories at the project root, separate each directory with a comma: --ignore "vendor/,tests/".

If you have a single file in the ‘tests’ directory that you want to exclude from the documentation build, you can declare it explicitly by specifying --ignore "tests/excludeme.php". This command will transform all PHP files in the ‘tests’ directory except for ‘excludeme.php’.

The --ignore option also supports wildcards to indicate that there may be any number of undetermined characters in the path. For example, --ignore "*/tests/*,tests/*" will ignore any files in a subdirectory ‘tests’ or if ‘tests’ is a subdirectory somewhere down the tree.


Enclose any value for an option that provides a wildcard with double quotes to prevent your command line from interpreting them.

When you want to provide a relative path, keep in mind that this is relative to the Project Root Folder. The project’s root folder is the first folder that the provided folders have in common, so for ``-d “src/phpDocumentor,src/SomethingElse” this is the directory “src” and not the current working directory. When in doubt, check the output of phpDocumentor, it mentions the project’s root folder after all files are collected.

By default phpDocumentor will ignore hidden files and will not follow symlinks. This will prevent unwanted documentables and loops in paths. Should you want to document hidden files you can do so by supplying the option --hidden=off, for traversing symlinks you can provide the option --ignore-symlinks=off. Easy!

Customizing the Look and Feel

phpDocumentor offers a wide range of options for changing the look and feel of your documentation but almost all of them are captured in a template (believe me, you do not want to configure this on the command-line). So the easiest way is to specify a template using the option --template.

It is possible to generate output using two templates at once. This can be convenient for generating HTML documentation and Checkstyle XML output at the same time. Generating output for two templates can be accomplished by providing the --template option twice or by using a comma-separated list:

$ phpdoc --template="clean" --template="checkstyle" -d .
$ phpdoc --template="clean,checkstyle" -d .

In addition to the options offered by the templates themselves, there are two command-line options to influence the output of your documentation:

This option changes the name of your ‘default’, or nameless, package to that of your preference. This way you can, for example, change the default package name to the name of your application.
This option will change the title in your browser’s titlebar and, for some templates, the title text of the template itself. This is a small convenience to personalize the template for your application.

Using a configuration file you can apply more customization to the look and feel of the documentation, please see the chapter on Writing your own Template for more information on this subject.

Determining Content

By default phpDocumentor documents all public and protected elements barring those with the tag @internal or @ignore. All tags of an element feature in the documentation, either by providing functionality or in the list of meta-data for that element. It is possible to influence this behaviour using a series of options that affect the amount of information that is provided in the documentation.

To change which elements are shown in the documentation based on their visibility you can use the --visibility option. This option accepts a comma-separated list of the visibilities supported by PHP (public, protected or private), the value ‘api’ to only document items that have the @api tag associated with them or the value ‘internal’ to show all elements including those marked with the @internal tag. This latter option (--visibility=internal) is deprecates the --parseprivate option as it is superseded by this option.

Now that you know how to change the list of elements that can be displayed, you can even influence which tags are shown in your documentation. Contrary to phpDocumentor 1, version 2 will now display all tags by default; if you want to omit specific tags from the documentation you can do that using the --ignore-tags option. By providing a comma-separated list of tag names (case-sensitive) phpDocumentor can be instructed to omit those tags, and their contents, from the documentation.


phpDocumentor is mostly about DocBlocks and processing inline documentation. However it will also collect markers.

In short, a Marker is a single-line inline comment that starts with a single, identifying, word and has a description. Let’s take a look at an example to make this less abstract:

// TODO: Move this code to another location

As you can see here, we indicate that a specific piece of code on the following line should be moved. phpDocumentor collects these markers and generates a report that shows which and where these markers are placed. In the example above you may notice that there is a colon (:) after the marker text; this is optional and will be ignored when present.

By default phpDocumentor only collects markers that start with TODO or FIXME, as these are the most common, but you can provide an alternative list using the --markers command line option.


TODO markers also get a special treatment; phpDocumentor generates a report detailing which todo items are in your code and uses both the @todo tag and the TODO marker to compile this list.