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require.js 2.1.16


r.js: Optimizer and Node/Rhino/Nashorn/xpcshell adapter

r.js 可以让你进行优化并能够在 Node, Rhino , Nashorn或者 xpcshell 中运行.

如果你正在运行在 Node,并且希望使用NPM通过NPM安装文件, 请查看 Node 加载 页面获取更多信息。

其它使用信息, 以及如何得到 JAR 文件在 Rhino/Nashorn 中运行, 请查看 r.js 说明


这些都是 Requirejs 的插件并具有相同的许可条件, 下载插件并添加到你的 "data-main" main.js 脚本中.


加载 text 并将它们添加依赖. 好的加载模板。 可以在加载 text 字符的时候优化。


等待DOM就绪. 用于暂停上层应用的执行,直到DOM准备好再进行 查询/修改。

cs (CoffeeScript)

在 CoffeeScript 加载文件. 有了这个插件, 可以用简单的代码在 CoffeeScript 中转出来运行在浏览器, 它可以参与优化器的优化, 也可以运行 Node 和 Rhino 通过 RequireJS 适配器. 这是进行跨环境的最佳方式,模块 CoffeeScript. 在项目主页 有更多关于如何安装和使用它的信息。


加载字符串 使用国际化 (i18n) 这需要配置单独的 country/language/locale-specific 文件.




  • 当解析模块依赖关系的时候,使用Esprima 2.0 来优化。
    这将允许使用某些ES6特征。Whatever is parsable by Esprima 2.0 is what is supported
  • 现在 r.js 优化程序可以在Nashorn中运行了.
  • 扩展支持一些以!function(a) {...`开始的UMD-wrapped文件。
    如果您使用UMD node package生成你的UMD包装,



Mainly fixes a regression from 2.1.14 in the r.js optimizer where some define() calls were not found. The most common manifestations of the bug would be either an extra define('jquery', function(){}) in the build output or namespaced builds not working. The fixes for 2.1.15 are just in the optimizer. Full list of changes:


A couple more regression fixes for 2.1.12. One to fix nested plugin ID normalization, like "pluginA!pluginbB!resource", and one for the optimizer incorrectly detecting UMD wrapped code.


Version 2.1.12 regressed around ID normalization. 2.1.13 fixes that regression, and it is recommended that you do not use 2.1.12, but use 2.1.13 instead.


Just a bug fix/maintenance release. Full list of changes:


Some bug fixes, with the most notable addition is an optimizer option, wrapShim. This will wrap shimmed dependencies in a define() call so that they work better after a build when their upstream dependencies are also AMD modules with dependencies.

The most notable case is probably when using an AMD-aware version of Backbone, but using shim config for scripts that depend on Backbone. If this is your use case, then setting wrapShim: true in the optimizer config will likely fix any post-build problem you might see. More details in the bug ticket.

Full list of changes:


Mainly a maintenance release, and improves some cases when reusing code that was installed via npm. There are two new config options for the loader too:

  • nodeIdCompat: some node modules installed by npm use module IDs like example.js and example interchangeably. Setting this config option to true will accommodate that style. almond 0.2.9+ also supports this option.
  • bundles: a more compact way to list a set of module IDs belonging to a bundle ID, and supports loader plugin resource IDs.

And for the optimizer, the mainConfigFile option can now take an array of file paths that have configs in them. Later values take precedent over earlier values.

Full list of changes:


Full list of changes:

Mainly a maintenance release to fix bugs. There is a new skipDataMain option in require.js to avoid the data-main work, which can be useful for browser extensions that should let the main content page's requirejs handle the data-main.


A small release to fix an optimizer issue with parsing config calls for modifications.


The main changes for this release:

  • For xpcshell, the optimizer uses the built in Reflect parser API instead of Esprima. xpcshell, on Linux and Windows in particular, has a constrained stack, and normal Esprima use was not possible. To accommodate this change, some of the parsing approaches used internally by r.js moved away from token scanning to tree walking. The only visible output change you may see is different use of space characters in transformed code.
  • The source map support was updated to use the new //# syntax as specified by the spec. This change is still making its way through the browsers, so if you need source map or sourceURL support with 2.1.7, you may need to use Firefox Aurora or Chrome Canary channels. The browser support levels should get better in around six weeks time.

Full list of changes:


Source map support has been expanded. Previously, it was just supported for going from minified, bundled code to the unminified, bundled code. If optimize: 'uglify2' is used, it will now go back to the separated, unbundled files.

Source map support is still considered experimental though, so you may find bugs. If you find one, file an r.js issue, ideally with a test case.

Full list of changes:


Biggest change is support for running the optimizer and loading AMD modules in
xpcshell. Other than that,
just a maintenance release.

Full list of changes:


Quick release for a bug that slipped in the 2.1.3 release in the r.js optimizer.
So even though require.js now has a 2.1.4 version, it is the same as 2.1.3,
and the optimizer is the same as 2.1.3 except for this one fix:

  • Bug 356: cssPrefix normalization always needs to happen

Without this fix, in some cases 2.1.3 would insert "undefined" in some
optimized CSS files, making them unusable.


Maintenance release. A change that may be noticeable:

now correctly generates URLs for string values passed to it without an
extension. Previous versions of toUrl() would append a
".js" extension automatically. If you relied on that behavior, when you
update to 2.1.3, then you may need to do a code change to append the .js
extension yourself:

require.toUrl('some/value') + '.js'

The text plugin has been updated to also work with this change, so if you want
to generate non-extension paths for text resources, be sure to upgrade to
to the 2.0.4 version of text.js.

Normal use of toUrl with a value that has an extension continues to work the same.

Full list of changes:


The big changes for this release are in the optimizer:

  • The optimizer can now run in the browser, to enable web-based custom builds of your library.
  • "uglify2" is an allowed "optimize" value now, using UglifyJS 2.1.11.
  • Experimental support for source maps.
  • The optimizer runs faster now, and has some speed options.

Full list of changes:



See the Upgrading to 2.1 page.


The main focus of this release was cleaning up some rough edges after switching to esprima for all module parsing. Most notably, findNestedDependencies should work correctly again. The bundled UglifyJS was updated to 1.3.3 too.

Complete list of fixes:


Probably the most notable changes:

Complete list of fixes:


Same as 2.0.3, but rolled back a change in r.js that caused a logging error.






Small bug fixes to:


Small bug fixes to:


Main purpose of the release is to fix a regression in 1.0.5 where the
optimizer's "dir" config option was not applied correctly when passed on the
command line.

The other notable change: the optimizer now supports
and onBuildWrite
functions that are called when JS modules are read or written
for an optimized build layer. This allows doing some regexp work to modify their

Small bug fixes to:


Small bug fixes to:


Small bug fixes to:


Small bug fixes to:


Small bug fixes to:


Just small bug fixes related to:

  • allowing full URLs for simplified CommonJS wrapped modules
  • AST parsing of dependencies for modules that use a variable for the factory function
  • catching more cases that should have the "namespace" optimizer option applied

Detailed list of changes for require.js and the r.js optimizer: