- 创建共享网络
$ manila share-network-create --name mysharenetwork --description "My Manila network" --neutron-net-id 394246ed-d3fd-4a30-a456-7042ce3429b9 --neutron-subnet-id 8f56d97d-8495-4a5b-8544-9ae4ee9390fc
| Property | Value |
| name | mysharenetwork |
| segmentation_id | None |
| created_at | 2015-08-17T21:13:29.607489 |
| neutron_subnet_id | 8f56d97d-8495-4a5b-8544-9ae4ee9390fc |
| updated_at | None |
| network_type | None |
| neutron_net_id | 394246ed-d3fd-4a30-a456-7042ce3429b9 |
| ip_version | None |
| nova_net_id | None |
| cidr | None |
| project_id | d80a6323e99f4f22a26ad2accd3ec791 |
| id | ccd6b453-8b05-4508-bbce-93bfe660451f |
| description | My Manila network |
- 列出共享网络
$ manila share-network-list
| id | name |
| ccd6b453-8b05-4508-bbce-93bfe660451f | mysharenetwork |
- 创建一份共享
$ manila create --name myshare --description "My Manila share" --share-network ccd6b453-8b05-4508-bbce-93bfe660451f NFS 1
| Property | Value |
| status | creating |
| description | My Manila share |
| availability_zone | nova |
| share_network_id | ccd6b453-8b05-4508-bbce-93bfe660451f |
| export_locations | [] |
| host | None |
| snapshot_id | None |
| is_public | False |
| id | 2fe736d1-08ac-46f9-a482-8f224405f2a7 |
| size | 1 |
| name | myshare |
| share_type | default |
| created_at | 2015-08-17T21:17:23.777696 |
| export_location | None |
| share_proto | NFS |
| project_id | d80a6323e99f4f22a26ad2accd3ec791 |
| metadata | {} |
- 显示一份共享的细节
$ manila show 2fe736d1-08ac-46f9-a482-8f224405f2a7
| Property | Value |
| status | creating |
| description | My Manila share |
| availability_zone | nova |
| share_network_id | ccd6b453-8b05-4508-bbce-93bfe660451f |
| export_locations | [] |
| host | ubuntuManila@generic1#GENERIC1 |
| snapshot_id | None |
| is_public | False |
| id | 2fe736d1-08ac-46f9-a482-8f224405f2a7 |
| size | 1 |
| name | myshare |
| share_type | default |
| created_at | 2015-08-17T21:17:23.000000 |
| export_location | None |
| share_proto | NFS |
| project_id | d80a6323e99f4f22a26ad2accd3ec791 |
| metadata | {} |
- 列出所有的共享
$ manila list
| ID | Name | Size | Share Proto | Status | Is Public | Share Type | Export location | Host |
| 2fe736d1-08ac-46f9-a482-8f224405f2a7 | myshare | 1 | NFS | available | False | default | | ubuntuManila@generic1#GENERIC1 |
- 赋予访问权限
$ manila access-allow 2fe736d1-08ac-46f9-a482-8f224405f2a7 ip
| Property | Value |
| share_id | 2fe736d1-08ac-46f9-a482-8f224405f2a7 |
| deleted | False |
| created_at | 2015-08-17T21:36:52.025125 |
| updated_at | None |
| access_type | ip |
| access_to | |
| access_level | rw |
| state | new |
| deleted_at | None |
| id | d73d04ca-a97e-42bb-94b1-e01c72c8e50e |
- 列出权限列表
$ manila access-list 2fe736d1-08ac-46f9-a482-8f224405f2a7
| id | access type | access to | access level | state |
| d73d04ca-a97e-42bb-94b1-e01c72c8e50e | ip | | rw | active |
- 收回访问权限
$ manila access-deny 2fe736d1-08ac-46f9-a482-8f224405f2a7 d73d04ca-a97e-42bb-94b1-e01c72c8e50e
- 列出权限列表
$ manila access-list 2fe736d1-08ac-46f9-a482-8f224405f2a7
| id | access type | access to | access level | state |
- 创建一份快照
$ manila snapshot-create --name mysnapshot --description "My Manila snapshot" 2fe736d1-08ac-46f9-a482-8f224405f2a7
| Property | Value |
| status | creating |
| share_id | 2fe736d1-08ac-46f9-a482-8f224405f2a7 |
| name | mysnapshot |
| created_at | 2015-08-17T21:50:53.295017 |
| share_proto | NFS |
| id | 1a411703-baef-495f-8e9c-b60e68f2e657 |
| size | 1 |
| share_size | 1 |
| description | My Manila snapshot |
- 列出快照列表
$ manila snapshot-list
| ID | Share ID | Status | Name | Share Size |
| 1a411703-baef-495f-8e9c-b60e68f2e657 | 2fe736d1-08ac-46f9-a482-8f224405f2a7 | available | mysnapshot | 1 |
- 从某份快照创建一个共享
$ manila create --snapshot-id 1a411703-baef-495f-8e9c-b60e68f2e657 --share-network ccd6b453-8b05-4508-bbce-93bfe660451f --name mysharefromsnap NFS 1
| Property | Value |
| status | creating |
| description | None |
| availability_zone | nova |
| share_network_id | ccd6b453-8b05-4508-bbce-93bfe660451f |
| export_locations | [] |
| host | ubuntuManila@generic1#GENERIC1 |
| snapshot_id | 1a411703-baef-495f-8e9c-b60e68f2e657 |
| is_public | False |
| id | bcc5b2a7-862b-418a-9607-5d669619d652 |
| size | 1 |
| name | mysharefromsnap |
| share_type | default |
| created_at | 2015-08-17T21:54:43.000000 |
| export_location | None |
| share_proto | NFS |
| project_id | d80a6323e99f4f22a26ad2accd3ec791 |
| metadata | {} |
- 列出共享
$ manila list
| ID | Name | Size | Share Proto | Status | Is Public | Share Type | Export location | Host |
| 2fe736d1-08ac-46f9-a482-8f224405f2a7 | myshare | 1 | NFS | available | False | default | | ubuntuManila@generic1#GENERIC1 |
| bcc5b2a7-862b-418a-9607-5d669619d652 | mysharefromsnap | 1 | NFS | creating | False | default | None | ubuntuManila@generic1#GENERIC1 |
- 打印从快照创建出的这份共享的详情
$ manila show bcc5b2a7-862b-418a-9607-5d669619d652
| Property | Value |
| status | available |
| description | None |
| availability_zone | nova |
| share_network_id | ccd6b453-8b05-4508-bbce-93bfe660451f |
| export_locations | |
| host | ubuntuManila@generic1#GENERIC1 |
| snapshot_id | 1a411703-baef-495f-8e9c-b60e68f2e657 |
| is_public | False |
| id | bcc5b2a7-862b-418a-9607-5d669619d652 |
| size | 1 |
| name | mysharefromsnap |
| share_type | default |
| created_at | 2015-08-17T21:54:43.000000 |
| share_proto | NFS |
| project_id | d80a6323e99f4f22a26ad2accd3ec791 |
| metadata | {} |
- 删除共享
$ manila delete bcc5b2a7-862b-418a-9607-5d669619d652
- 列出共享
$ manila list
| ID | Name | Size | Share Proto | Status | Is Public | Share Type | Export location | Host |
| 2fe736d1-08ac-46f9-a482-8f224405f2a7 | myshare | 1 | NFS | available | False | default | | ubuntuManila@generic1#GENERIC1 |
| bcc5b2a7-862b-418a-9607-5d669619d652 | mysharefromsnap | 1 | NFS | deleting | False | default | | ubuntuManila@generic1#GENERIC1 |
- 在删除快照之前,先列出快照
$ manila snapshot-list
| ID | Share ID | Status | Name | Share Size |
| 1a411703-baef-495f-8e9c-b60e68f2e657 | 2fe736d1-08ac-46f9-a482-8f224405f2a7 | available | mysnapshot | 1 |
- 删除快照
$ manila snapshot-delete 1a411703-baef-495f-8e9c-b60e68f2e657xyang@ubuntuManila:~/devstack$ manila snapshot-list
- 再次列出快照列表
$ manila snapshot-list
| ID | Share ID | Status | Name | Share Size |
- 扩展共享
$ manila extend 2fe736d1-08ac-46f9-a482-8f224405f2a7 2
- 查看正在扩展的共享
$ manila show 2fe736d1-08ac-46f9-a482-8f224405f2a7
| Property | Value |
| status | extending |
| description | My Manila share |
| availability_zone | nova |
| share_network_id | ccd6b453-8b05-4508-bbce-93bfe660451f |
| export_locations | |
| host | ubuntuManila@generic1#GENERIC1 |
| snapshot_id | None |
| is_public | False |
| id | 2fe736d1-08ac-46f9-a482-8f224405f2a7 |
| size | 1 |
| name | myshare |
| share_type | default |
| created_at | 2015-08-17T21:17:23.000000 |
| share_proto | NFS |
| project_id | d80a6323e99f4f22a26ad2accd3ec791 |
| metadata | {} |
- 在扩展动作结束后再次查看
$ manila show 2fe736d1-08ac-46f9-a482-8f224405f2a7
| Property | Value |
| status | available |
| description | My Manila share |
| availability_zone | nova |
| share_network_id | ccd6b453-8b05-4508-bbce-93bfe660451f |
| export_locations | |
| host | ubuntuManila@generic1#GENERIC1 |
| snapshot_id | None |
| is_public | False |
| id | 2fe736d1-08ac-46f9-a482-8f224405f2a7 |
| size | 2 |
| name | myshare |
| share_type | default |
| created_at | 2015-08-17T21:17:23.000000 |
| share_proto | NFS |
| project_id | d80a6323e99f4f22a26ad2accd3ec791 |
| metadata | {} |
- 缩减共享盘容量
$ manila shrink 2fe736d1-08ac-46f9-a482-8f224405f2a7 1
- 在缩减的过程中查看共享盘详情
$ manila show 2fe736d1-08ac-46f9-a482-8f224405f2a7
| Property | Value |
| status | shrinking |
| description | My Manila share |
| availability_zone | nova |
| share_network_id | ccd6b453-8b05-4508-bbce-93bfe660451f |
| export_locations | |
| host | ubuntuManila@generic1#GENERIC1 |
| snapshot_id | None |
| is_public | False |
| id | 2fe736d1-08ac-46f9-a482-8f224405f2a7 |
| size | 2 |
| name | myshare |
| share_type | default |
| created_at | 2015-08-17T21:17:23.000000 |
| share_proto | NFS |
| project_id | d80a6323e99f4f22a26ad2accd3ec791 |
| metadata | {} |
- 在缩减过程结束后再次查看共享盘详情
$ manila show 2fe736d1-08ac-46f9-a482-8f224405f2a7
| Property | Value |
| status | available |
| description | My Manila share |
| availability_zone | nova |
| share_network_id | ccd6b453-8b05-4508-bbce-93bfe660451f |
| export_locations | |
| host | ubuntuManila@generic1#GENERIC1 |
| snapshot_id | None |
| is_public | False |
| id | 2fe736d1-08ac-46f9-a482-8f224405f2a7 |
| size | 1 |
| name | myshare |
| share_type | default |
| created_at | 2015-08-17T21:17:23.000000 |
| share_proto | NFS |
| project_id | d80a6323e99f4f22a26ad2accd3ec791 |
| metadata | {} |