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2.5 Parse-Tree Listeners and Visitors


ANTLR 运行时支持 2 种 parse tree 遍历方式:

  • 默认 built-in tree walker
    • 自动生成 parse-tree listener 接口,响应 walker 触发的事件
  • 使用 visitor 设计模式的 tree walker

Parse-Tree Listeners

  • ParseTreeWalker
  • ParseTreeListener

ANTLR 为 each grammar 生成 ParseTreeListener 子类,对 grammar 中的每条规则,生成对应的 enterexit 方法:


  • ANTLR 为 assign 规则生成 enterAssign()exitAssign() 方法
  • AssignContext 对象作为参数传递给 enterAssign()exitAssign() 方法

在上面的深度优先遍历中,ParseTreeWalker 对监听器方法的完整调用如下:


  • 根节点:enterXXXexitXXX
  • 叶子结点:visitTerminal

listener 方式优点:

  • 无需手动编写 遍历 代码;
  • 全自动

Parse-Tree Visitors

有时需要控制 遍历本身,通过 函数调用 来访问子节点(listener 是通过 回调函数),此时可以通过 -visitor 生成 visitor 接口:

  • 每个 grammar 对应一个 visitor interface
  • 一条规则 对应 visitor interface 中的一个 visit 方法

下面是 assign 语法生成的 visitor 访问模式:


  • 深度优先
  • 当遇到根节点时,ANTLR 会调用 visitStat 函数

visitor 接口使用如下:

ParseTree tree = ...;  // parse tree is the result of parsing
MyVisitor v = new MyVisitor();
  • 必须手动调用 visit 函数


  • Language
    • A language is a set of valid sentences
    • Sentences are composed of phrases, which are composed of subphrases, and so on
  • Grammar
    • A grammar formally defines the syntax rules of a language
    • Each rule in a grammar expresses the structure of a subphrase
  • Syntax tree/parse tree
    • This represents the structure of the sentence where each subtree root gives an abstract name to the elements beneath it.
    • The subtree roots correspond to grammar rule names.
    • The leaves of the tree are symbols or tokenss of the sentence.
  • Token
    • A token is a vocabulary symbol in a language;
    • these can represent a category of symbols such as "identifier" or can represent s single operator or keyword.
  • Lexer or tokenizer
    • This breaks up an input character stream into tokens;
    • A lexer performs lexical analysis.
  • Parser
    • A parser checks sentences for membership in a specific language by checking the sentence's structure against the rules of a grammar.
    • ANTLR generates top-down parsers called *ALL() that can use all remaining input symbols to make decisions**.
    • Top-down parser are goal-oriented and start matching at the rule associated with the coarsest, such as program or inputFile.
  • Recursive-descent parser
    • This is a specific kind of top-down parser implemented with a function for each rule in the grammar.
  • Lookahead
    • Parsers use lookahead to make decisions by comparing the symbols that begin each alternatives.