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Testing your application - Writing functional tests with specs2


Play提供了一系列的类和简洁的方法来帮助实现功能性测试。大多数可以在play.api.test包或Helpers对象中找到。ScalaTest + Play集成库位ScalaTest构建了这种测试支持。

你可以通过以下的模块导入来访问所有的Play的内建测试支持和ScalaTest + Play:

  1. import org.scalatest._
  2. import play.api.test._
  3. import play.api.test.Helpers._
  4. import org.scalatestplus.play._




  1. val fakeApplicationWithGlobal = FakeApplication(withGlobal = Some(new GlobalSettings() {
  2. override def onStart(app: Application) { println("Hello world!") }
  3. }))


  1. class ExampleSpec extends PlaySpec with OneAppPerSuite {
  2. //重写app如果你需要一个不仅有默认参数的FakeApplication。
  3. implicit override lazy val app: FakeApplication =
  4. FakeApplication(
  5. additionalConfiguration = Map("ehcacheplugin" -> "disabled")
  6. )
  7. "The OneAppPerSuite trait" must {
  8. "provide a FakeApplication" in {
  9. app.configuration.getString("ehcacheplugin") mustBe Some("disabled")
  10. }
  11. "start the FakeApplication" in {
  12. Play.maybeApplication mustBe Some(app)
  13. }
  14. }
  15. }


  1. class ExampleSpec extends PlaySpec with OneAppPerTest {
  2. //重写app如果你需要一个不仅有默认参数的FakeApplication。
  3. implicit override def newAppForTest(td: TestData): FakeApplication =
  4. FakeApplication(
  5. additionalConfiguration = Map("ehcacheplugin" -> "disabled")
  6. )
  7. "The OneAppPerTest trait" must {
  8. "provide a new FakeApplication for each test" in {
  9. app.configuration.getString("ehcacheplugin") mustBe Some("disabled")
  10. }
  11. "start the FakeApplication" in {
  12. Play.maybeApplication mustBe Some(app)
  13. }
  14. }
  15. },

ScalaTest + Play提供了OneAppPerSuite和OneAppPerTest的原因是来允许你去选择共享性策略来让你的测试最快的运行。如果你想让应用状态在成功的测试之间保持,你将需要使用OneAppPerSuite.如果每个测试需要一个清空的状态,你可以使用OneAppPerTest或使用OneAppPerSuite,但需要在每个测试结束来清理状态。甚至,如果你的测试集将尽可能快的运行多个测试类共享这个相同的应用,你可以定义一个主集合起与OneAppPerSuite混用和内嵌的集合其和ConfiguredApp混用,正如在ConfiguredApp的文档中的例子展示的那样。你可以使用任意策略来实你的测试集最快的运行。



  1. class ExampleSpec extends PlaySpec with OneServerPerSuite {
  2. // 重写app如果你需要一个不仅有默认参数的FakeApplication。
  3. implicit override lazy val app: FakeApplication =
  4. FakeApplication(
  5. additionalConfiguration = Map("ehcacheplugin" -> "disabled"),
  6. withRoutes = {
  7. case ("GET", "/") => Action { Ok("ok") }
  8. }
  9. )
  10. "test server logic" in {
  11. val myPublicAddress = s"localhost:$port"
  12. val testPaymentGatewayURL = s"http://$myPublicAddress"
  13. //这个测试支付网关在它返回一个值之前需要针对这个服务器的一个回调...
  14. val callbackURL = s"http://$myPublicAddress/callback"
  15. // 从play.api.test.FutureAwaits中等待调用
  16. val response = await(WS.url(testPaymentGatewayURL).withQueryString("callbackURL" -> callbackURL).get())
  17. response.status mustBe (OK)
  18. }
  19. }


  1. class ExampleSpec extends PlaySpec with OneServerPerTest {
  2. //重写newAppForTest如果你需要一个不仅有默认参数的FakeApplication.
  3. override def newAppForTest(testData: TestData): FakeApplication =
  4. new FakeApplication(
  5. additionalConfiguration = Map("ehcacheplugin" -> "disabled"),
  6. withRoutes = {
  7. case ("GET", "/") => Action { Ok("ok") }
  8. }
  9. )
  10. "The OneServerPerTest trait" must {
  11. "test server logic" in {
  12. val myPublicAddress = s"localhost:$port"
  13. val testPaymentGatewayURL = s"http://$myPublicAddress"
  14. //测试支付网关在返回一个结果之前需要针对这个服务器的一个回调...
  15. val callbackURL = s"http://$myPublicAddress/callback"
  16. // await is from play.api.test.FutureAwaits
  17. val response = await(WS.url(testPaymentGatewayURL).withQueryString("callbackURL" -> callbackURL).get())
  18. response.status mustBe (OK)
  19. }
  20. }
  21. }





ScalaTest + Play库构基于Selenium DSL构建以使其简单的从网页浏览器中测试你的Play应用。
混合OneBrowserPerSuite到你的测试类中以便使用一个相同的浏览器来运行你的测试类中所有的测试。你将同时需要与一个BrowserFactory特性其将提供一个Selenium web驱动混用:ChromeFactory, FirefoxFactory, HtmlUnitFactory, InternetExplorerFactory, SafariFactory之一。

更进一步为了混合入一个BrowserFactory,你将需要混合进一个ServerProvider特性其提供了一个TestServer: ChromeFactory, FirefoxFactory, HtmlUnitFactory, InternetExplorerFactory, SafariFactory之一。


  1. class ExampleSpec extends PlaySpec with OneServerPerSuite with OneBrowserPerSuite with HtmlUnitFactory {
  2. //重写app如果你需要一个不仅有默认参数的FakeApplication.
  3. implicit override lazy val app: FakeApplication =
  4. FakeApplication(
  5. additionalConfiguration = Map("ehcacheplugin" -> "disabled"),
  6. withRoutes = {
  7. case ("GET", "/testing") =>
  8. Action(
  9. Results.Ok(
  10. "<html>" +
  11. "<head><title>Test Page</title></head>" +
  12. "<body>" +
  13. "<input type='button' name='b' value='Click Me' onclick='document.title="scalatest"' />" +
  14. "</body>" +
  15. "</html>"
  16. ).as("text/html")
  17. )
  18. }
  19. )
  20. "The OneBrowserPerTest trait" must {
  21. "provide a web driver" in {
  22. go to (s"http://localhost:$port/testing")
  23. pageTitle mustBe "Test Page"
  24. click on find(name("b")).value
  25. eventually { pageTitle mustBe "scalatest" }
  26. }
  27. }
  28. }


  1. class ExampleSpec extends PlaySpec with OneServerPerTest with OneBrowserPerTest with HtmlUnitFactory {
  2. //重写newAppForTest如果你需要一个不仅有默认参数的FakeApplication.
  3. override def newAppForTest(testData: TestData): FakeApplication =
  4. new FakeApplication(
  5. additionalConfiguration = Map("ehcacheplugin" -> "disabled"),
  6. withRoutes = {
  7. case ("GET", "/testing") =>
  8. Action(
  9. Results.Ok(
  10. "<html>" +
  11. "<head><title>Test Page</title></head>" +
  12. "<body>" +
  13. "<input type='button' name='b' value='Click Me' onclick='document.title="scalatest"' />" +
  14. "</body>" +
  15. "</html>"
  16. ).as("text/html")
  17. )
  18. }
  19. )
  20. "The OneBrowserPerTest trait" must {
  21. "provide a web driver" in {
  22. go to (s"http://localhost:$port/testing")
  23. pageTitle mustBe "Test Page"
  24. click on find(name("b")).value
  25. eventually { pageTitle mustBe "scalatest" }
  26. }
  27. }
  28. }



如果你想在多浏览器中运行测试,以保证你的应用可以在所有你支持的浏览器中正常的工作,你可以使用AllBrowserPerSuite或AllBrowsersPerTest特性。这些特性都声明了一个IndexedSeq[BrowserInfo]特性和一个抽象的sharedTests方法其拥有一个BrowerInfo.browsers域指定了那个浏览器你想让你的测试在其中运行。默认的是Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, HtmlUnit和Safari. 你可以重写browsers如果默认的不符合你的需求.你在sharedTests方法中嵌入你想在多浏览器中运行的测试,将浏览器的名字置于每个测试名的后面(浏览器名字是可用的从BrowserInfo传入进sharedTests.)这里有一个使用AllBrowsersPerSuite的例子:

  1. class ExampleSpec extends PlaySpec with OneServerPerSuite with AllBrowsersPerSuite {
  2. //重写App如果你需要一个不仅有默认参数的FakeApplication.
  3. implicit override lazy val app: FakeApplication =
  4. FakeApplication(
  5. additionalConfiguration = Map("ehcacheplugin" -> "disabled"),
  6. withRoutes = {
  7. case ("GET", "/testing") =>
  8. Action(
  9. Results.Ok(
  10. "<html>" +
  11. "<head><title>Test Page</title></head>" +
  12. "<body>" +
  13. "<input type='button' name='b' value='Click Me' onclick='document.title="scalatest"' />" +
  14. "</body>" +
  15. "</html>"
  16. ).as("text/html")
  17. )
  18. }
  19. )
  20. def sharedTests(browser: BrowserInfo) = {
  21. "The AllBrowsersPerSuite trait" must {
  22. "provide a web driver " + browser.name in {
  23. go to (s"http://localhost:$port/testing")
  24. pageTitle mustBe "Test Page"
  25. click on find(name("b")).value
  26. eventually { pageTitle mustBe "scalatest" }
  27. }
  28. }
  29. }
  30. }


AllBrowsersPerSuite 将为每种类型的浏览器创建一个单独的实例并为在sharedTests中声明的所有测试中使用。如果你想要每个测试去拥有它自己的,全新品牌的浏览器实例,请使用AllBrowsersPerTest来替代:

  1. class ExampleSpec extends PlaySpec with OneServerPerSuite with AllBrowsersPerTest {
  2. //重写app如果你需要一个不仅有默认参数的FakeApplication.
  3. implicit override lazy val app: FakeApplication =
  4. FakeApplication(
  5. additionalConfiguration = Map("ehcacheplugin" -> "disabled"),
  6. withRoutes = {
  7. case ("GET", "/testing") =>
  8. Action(
  9. Results.Ok(
  10. "<html>" +
  11. "<head><title>Test Page</title></head>" +
  12. "<body>" +
  13. "<input type='button' name='b' value='Click Me' onclick='document.title="scalatest"' />" +
  14. "</body>" +
  15. "</html>"
  16. ).as("text/html")
  17. )
  18. }
  19. )
  20. def sharedTests(browser: BrowserInfo) = {
  21. "The AllBrowsersPerTest trait" must {
  22. "provide a web driver" + browser.name in {
  23. go to (s"http://localhost:$port/testing")
  24. pageTitle mustBe "Test Page"
  25. click on find(name("b")).value
  26. eventually { pageTitle mustBe "scalatest" }
  27. }
  28. }
  29. }
  30. }


  1. class ExampleOverrideBrowsersSpec extends PlaySpec with OneServerPerSuite with AllBrowsersPerSuite {
  2. override lazy val browsers =
  3. Vector(
  4. FirefoxInfo(firefoxProfile),
  5. ChromeInfo
  6. )
  7. //重写app如果你需要一个不仅有默认参数的FakeApplication.
  8. implicit override lazy val app: FakeApplication =
  9. FakeApplication(
  10. additionalConfiguration = Map("ehcacheplugin" -> "disabled"),
  11. withRoutes = {
  12. case ("GET", "/testing") =>
  13. Action(
  14. Results.Ok(
  15. "<html>" +
  16. "<head><title>Test Page</title></head>" +
  17. "<body>" +
  18. "<input type='button' name='b' value='Click Me' onclick='document.title="scalatest"' />" +
  19. "</body>" +
  20. "</html>"
  21. ).as("text/html")
  22. )
  23. }
  24. )
  25. def sharedTests(browser: BrowserInfo) = {
  26. "The AllBrowsersPerSuite trait" must {
  27. "provide a web driver" + browser.name in {
  28. go to (s"http://localhost:$port/testing")
  29. pageTitle mustBe "Test Page"
  30. click on find(name("b")).value
  31. eventually { pageTitle mustBe "scalatest" }
  32. }
  33. }
  34. }
  35. }



PlaySpec来自动得到WordSpec, MustMatchers, OptionValues, 和 WsScalaTestClient:

  1. class ExampleSpec extends PlaySpec with OneServerPerSuite with ScalaFutures with IntegrationPatience {
  2. //重写app如果你需要一个不仅有默认参数的FakeApplication.
  3. implicit override lazy val app: FakeApplication =
  4. FakeApplication(
  5. additionalConfiguration = Map("ehcacheplugin" -> "disabled"),
  6. withRoutes = {
  7. case ("GET", "/testing") =>
  8. Action(
  9. Results.Ok(
  10. "<html>" +
  11. "<head><title>Test Page</title></head>" +
  12. "<body>" +
  13. "<input type='button' name='b' value='Click Me' onclick='document.title="scalatest"' />" +
  14. "</body>" +
  15. "</html>"
  16. ).as("text/html")
  17. )
  18. }
  19. )
  20. "WsScalaTestClient's" must {
  21. "wsUrl works correctly" in {
  22. val futureResult = wsUrl("/testing").get
  23. val body = futureResult.futureValue.body
  24. val expectedBody =
  25. "<html>" +
  26. "<head><title>Test Page</title></head>" +
  27. "<body>" +
  28. "<input type='button' name='b' value='Click Me' onclick='document.title="scalatest"' />" +
  29. "</body>" +
  30. "</html>"
  31. assert(body == expectedBody)
  32. }
  33. "wsCall works correctly" in {
  34. val futureResult = wsCall(Call("get", "/testing")).get
  35. val body = futureResult.futureValue.body
  36. val expectedBody =
  37. "<html>" +
  38. "<head><title>Test Page</title></head>" +
  39. "<body>" +
  40. "<input type='button' name='b' value='Click Me' onclick='document.title="scalatest"' />" +
  41. "</body>" +
  42. "</html>"
  43. assert(body == expectedBody)
  44. }
  45. }
  46. }

在之前例子中所展示的那些测试类中,测试类中的所有或大多数测试需要相同的样式。这个很常见但不总是这样。如果相同的测试类中不同的测试需要不同的样式,与特性MixedFixtures混用。然后使用这些无参功能: App, Server, Chrome, Firefox, HtmlUnit, InternetExplorer, 或 Safari之一来给予每个测试器需要的样式.
你不可以混合MixedFixtures进PlaySpec。因为MixedFixtures需要一个ScalaTest fixture.Suite但PlaySpec仅仅是一个不同的集合。如果你需要针对混合样式的一个简洁的基础类。通过扩展MixedPlaySpec来替代。这里是一个例子:

  1. // MixedPlaySpec 已经混合进MixedFixtures
  2. class ExampleSpec extends MixedPlaySpec {
  3. // 一些帮助器方法
  4. def fakeApp[A](elems: (String, String)*) = FakeApplication(additionalConfiguration = Map(elems:_*),
  5. withRoutes = {
  6. case ("GET", "/testing") =>
  7. Action(
  8. Results.Ok(
  9. "<html>" +
  10. "<head><title>Test Page</title></head>" +
  11. "<body>" +
  12. "<input type='button' name='b' value='Click Me' onclick='document.title="scalatest"' />" +
  13. "</body>" +
  14. "</html>"
  15. ).as("text/html")
  16. )
  17. })
  18. def getConfig(key: String)(implicit app: Application) = app.configuration.getString(key)
  19. // 如果一个测试进需要一个FakeApplication,使用"new APP":
  20. "The App function" must {
  21. "provide a FakeApplication" in new App(fakeApp("ehcacheplugin" -> "disabled")) {
  22. app.configuration.getString("ehcacheplugin") mustBe Some("disabled")
  23. }
  24. "make the FakeApplication available implicitly" in new App(fakeApp("ehcacheplugin" -> "disabled")) {
  25. getConfig("ehcacheplugin") mustBe Some("disabled")
  26. }
  27. "start the FakeApplication" in new App(fakeApp("ehcacheplugin" -> "disabled")) {
  28. Play.maybeApplication mustBe Some(app)
  29. }
  30. }
  31. // 如果一个测试需要一个FakeApplicaiton并运行TestServer,请使用"new Server":
  32. "The Server function" must {
  33. "provide a FakeApplication" in new Server(fakeApp("ehcacheplugin" -> "disabled")) {
  34. app.configuration.getString("ehcacheplugin") mustBe Some("disabled")
  35. }
  36. "make the FakeApplication available implicitly" in new Server(fakeApp("ehcacheplugin" -> "disabled")) {
  37. getConfig("ehcacheplugin") mustBe Some("disabled")
  38. }
  39. "start the FakeApplication" in new Server(fakeApp("ehcacheplugin" -> "disabled")) {
  40. Play.maybeApplication mustBe Some(app)
  41. }
  42. import Helpers._
  43. "send 404 on a bad request" in new Server {
  44. import java.net._
  45. val url = new URL("http://localhost:" + port + "/boom")
  46. val con = url.openConnection().asInstanceOf[HttpURLConnection]
  47. try con.getResponseCode mustBe 404
  48. finally con.disconnect()
  49. }
  50. }
  51. // 如果一个测试需要一个FakeApplication,运行TestServer,和Selenium HtmlUnit驱动请使用"new HtmlUnit":
  52. "The HtmlUnit function" must {
  53. "provide a FakeApplication" in new HtmlUnit(fakeApp("ehcacheplugin" -> "disabled")) {
  54. app.configuration.getString("ehcacheplugin") mustBe Some("disabled")
  55. }
  56. "make the FakeApplication available implicitly" in new HtmlUnit(fakeApp("ehcacheplugin" -> "disabled")) {
  57. getConfig("ehcacheplugin") mustBe Some("disabled")
  58. }
  59. "start the FakeApplication" in new HtmlUnit(fakeApp("ehcacheplugin" -> "disabled")) {
  60. Play.maybeApplication mustBe Some(app)
  61. }
  62. import Helpers._
  63. "send 404 on a bad request" in new HtmlUnit {
  64. import java.net._
  65. val url = new URL("http://localhost:" + port + "/boom")
  66. val con = url.openConnection().asInstanceOf[HttpURLConnection]
  67. try con.getResponseCode mustBe 404
  68. finally con.disconnect()
  69. }
  70. "provide a web driver" in new HtmlUnit(fakeApp()) {
  71. go to ("http://localhost:" + port + "/testing")
  72. pageTitle mustBe "Test Page"
  73. click on find(name("b")).value
  74. eventually { pageTitle mustBe "scalatest" }
  75. }
  76. }
  77. // 如果一个测试需要一个FakeApplication,运行TestServer,和Selenium Firefox驱动请使用"new Firefox":
  78. "The Firefox function" must {
  79. "provide a FakeApplication" in new Firefox(fakeApp("ehcacheplugin" -> "disabled")) {
  80. app.configuration.getString("ehcacheplugin") mustBe Some("disabled")
  81. }
  82. "make the FakeApplication available implicitly" in new Firefox(fakeApp("ehcacheplugin" -> "disabled")) {
  83. getConfig("ehcacheplugin") mustBe Some("disabled")
  84. }
  85. "start the FakeApplication" in new Firefox(fakeApp("ehcacheplugin" -> "disabled")) {
  86. Play.maybeApplication mustBe Some(app)
  87. }
  88. import Helpers._
  89. "send 404 on a bad request" in new Firefox {
  90. import java.net._
  91. val url = new URL("http://localhost:" + port + "/boom")
  92. val con = url.openConnection().asInstanceOf[HttpURLConnection]
  93. try con.getResponseCode mustBe 404
  94. finally con.disconnect()
  95. }
  96. "provide a web driver" in new Firefox(fakeApp()) {
  97. go to ("http://localhost:" + port + "/testing")
  98. pageTitle mustBe "Test Page"
  99. click on find(name("b")).value
  100. eventually { pageTitle mustBe "scalatest" }
  101. }
  102. }
  103. // // 如果一个测试需要一个FakeApplication,运行TestServer,和Selenium Safari驱动请使用"new Safari":
  104. "The Safari function" must {
  105. "provide a FakeApplication" in new Safari(fakeApp("ehcacheplugin" -> "disabled")) {
  106. app.configuration.getString("ehcacheplugin") mustBe Some("disabled")
  107. }
  108. "make the FakeApplication available implicitly" in new Safari(fakeApp("ehcacheplugin" -> "disabled")) {
  109. getConfig("ehcacheplugin") mustBe Some("disabled")
  110. }
  111. "start the FakeApplication" in new Safari(fakeApp("ehcacheplugin" -> "disabled")) {
  112. Play.maybeApplication mustBe Some(app)
  113. }
  114. import Helpers._
  115. "send 404 on a bad request" in new Safari {
  116. import java.net._
  117. val url = new URL("http://localhost:" + port + "/boom")
  118. val con = url.openConnection().asInstanceOf[HttpURLConnection]
  119. try con.getResponseCode mustBe 404
  120. finally con.disconnect()
  121. }
  122. "provide a web driver" in new Safari(fakeApp()) {
  123. go to ("http://localhost:" + port + "/testing")
  124. pageTitle mustBe "Test Page"
  125. click on find(name("b")).value
  126. eventually { pageTitle mustBe "scalatest" }
  127. }
  128. }
  129. // 如果一个测试需要一个FakeApplication,运行TestServer,和Selenium Chrome驱动请使用"new Chrome":
  130. "The Chrome function" must {
  131. "provide a FakeApplication" in new Chrome(fakeApp("ehcacheplugin" -> "disabled")) {
  132. app.configuration.getString("ehcacheplugin") mustBe Some("disabled")
  133. }
  134. "make the FakeApplication available implicitly" in new Chrome(fakeApp("ehcacheplugin" -> "disabled")) {
  135. getConfig("ehcacheplugin") mustBe Some("disabled")
  136. }
  137. "start the FakeApplication" in new Chrome(fakeApp("ehcacheplugin" -> "disabled")) {
  138. Play.maybeApplication mustBe Some(app)
  139. }
  140. import Helpers._
  141. "send 404 on a bad request" in new Chrome {
  142. import java.net._
  143. val url = new URL("http://localhost:" + port + "/boom")
  144. val con = url.openConnection().asInstanceOf[HttpURLConnection]
  145. try con.getResponseCode mustBe 404
  146. finally con.disconnect()
  147. }
  148. "provide a web driver" in new Chrome(fakeApp()) {
  149. go to ("http://localhost:" + port + "/testing")
  150. pageTitle mustBe "Test Page"
  151. click on find(name("b")).value
  152. eventually { pageTitle mustBe "scalatest" }
  153. }
  154. }
  155. // 如果一个测试需要一个FakeApplication,运行TestServer,和Selenium InternetExplorer驱动请使用"new InternetExplorer":
  156. "The InternetExplorer function" must {
  157. "provide a FakeApplication" in new InternetExplorer(fakeApp("ehcacheplugin" -> "disabled")) {
  158. app.configuration.getString("ehcacheplugin") mustBe Some("disabled")
  159. }
  160. "make the FakeApplication available implicitly" in new InternetExplorer(fakeApp("ehcacheplugin" -> "disabled")) {
  161. getConfig("ehcacheplugin") mustBe Some("disabled")
  162. }
  163. "start the FakeApplication" in new InternetExplorer(fakeApp("ehcacheplugin" -> "disabled")) {
  164. Play.maybeApplication mustBe Some(app)
  165. }
  166. import Helpers._
  167. "send 404 on a bad request" in new InternetExplorer {
  168. import java.net._
  169. val url = new URL("http://localhost:" + port + "/boom")
  170. val con = url.openConnection().asInstanceOf[HttpURLConnection]
  171. try con.getResponseCode mustBe 404
  172. finally con.disconnect()
  173. }
  174. "provide a web driver" in new InternetExplorer(fakeApp()) {
  175. go to ("http://localhost:" + port + "/testing")
  176. pageTitle mustBe "Test Page"
  177. click on find(name("b")).value
  178. eventually { pageTitle mustBe "scalatest" }
  179. }
  180. }
  181. // 如果一个测试不需要任何的特殊样式,仅需要写成"in { () => ... "
  182. "Any old thing" must {
  183. "be doable without much boilerplate" in { () =>
  184. 1 + 1 mustEqual 2
  185. }
  186. }
  187. }



  1. "render index template" in new App {
  2. val html = views.html.index("Coco")
  3. contentAsString(html) must include ("Hello Coco")
  4. }


You can call any Action code by providing a FakeRequest:

  1. import scala.concurrent.Future
  2. import org.scalatest._
  3. import org.scalatestplus.play._
  4. import play.api.mvc._
  5. import play.api.test._
  6. import play.api.test.Helpers._
  7. class ExampleControllerSpec extends PlaySpec with Results {
  8. class TestController() extends Controller with ExampleController
  9. "Example Page#index" should {
  10. "should be valid" in {
  11. val controller = new TestController()
  12. val result: Future[SimpleResult] = controller.index().apply(FakeRequest())
  13. val bodyText: String = contentAsString(result)
  14. bodyText mustBe "ok"
  15. }
  16. }
  17. }




  1. "respond to the index Action" in new App(fakeApplication) {
  2. val Some(result) = route(FakeRequest(GET, "/Bob"))
  3. status(result) mustEqual OK
  4. contentType(result) mustEqual Some("text/html")
  5. charset(result) mustEqual Some("utf-8")
  6. contentAsString(result) must include ("Hello Bob")
  7. }



val appWithMemoryDatabase = FakeApplication(additionalConfiguration = inMemoryDatabase("test"))
"run an application" in new App(appWithMemoryDatabase) {

      val Some(macintosh) = Computer.findById(21)

      macintosh.name mustEqual "Macintosh"
      macintosh.introduced.value mustEqual "1984-01-24"



