Supported APIs - Update API
UpdateRequest 要求下列参数:
UpdateRequest request = new UpdateRequest(
"posts", // Index
"doc", // Type
"1"); // Document id
Update API允许通过使用脚本或传递部分文档来更新现有文档。
Map<String, Object> parameters = singletonMap("count", 4); // 脚本参数以一个 Map 对象提供。
Script inline = new Script(ScriptType.INLINE, "painless", "ctx._source.field += params.count", parameters); // 使用 painless 语言创建内联脚本,并传入参数值。
request.script(inline); // 将脚本传递给更新请求对象
// 引用一个名为 increment-field 的painless 的存储脚本
Script stored =
new Script(ScriptType.STORED, "painless", "increment-field", parameters);
request.script(stored); // 给请求设置脚本
UpdateRequest request = new UpdateRequest("posts", "doc", "1");
String jsonString = "{" +
""updated":"2017-01-01"," +
""reason":"daily update"" +
request.doc(jsonString, XContentType.JSON); // 以一个 JSON 格式的字符串提供的局部文档源
Map<String, Object> jsonMap = new HashMap<>();
jsonMap.put("updated", new Date());
jsonMap.put("reason", "daily update");
UpdateRequest request = new UpdateRequest("posts", "doc", "1")
.doc(jsonMap); // 以一个可自动转换为 JSON 格式的 Map 提供局部文档源
XContentBuilder builder = XContentFactory.jsonBuilder();
builder.field("updated", new Date());
builder.field("reason", "daily update");
UpdateRequest request = new UpdateRequest("posts", "doc", "1")
.doc(builder); // 以 XContentBuilder 对象提供局部文档源, Elasticsearch 构建辅助器将生成 JSON 格式。
UpdateRequest request = new UpdateRequest("posts", "doc", "1")
.doc("updated", new Date(),
"reason", "daily update"); // 以 Object 键值对提供局部文档源,它将被转换为 JSON 格式。
String jsonString = "{"created":"2017-01-01"}";
request.upsert(jsonString, XContentType.JSON); // 以字符串提供更新插入的文档源
与局部文档更新类似,可以使用接受 String, Map , XContentBuilder 或 Object 键值对的方式使用upsert 方法更新或插入文档的内容。
request.routing("routing"); // 路由值
request.parent("parent"); //Parent 值
request.timeout(TimeValue.timeValueMinutes(2)); // TimeValue 类型的等待主分片可用的超时时间
request.timeout("2m"); // 字符串类型的等待主分片可用的超时时间
request.setRefreshPolicy(WriteRequest.RefreshPolicy.WAIT_UNTIL); // Refresh policy as a WriteRequest.RefreshPolicy instance
request.setRefreshPolicy("wait_for"); // Refresh policy as a String
request.retryOnConflict(3); // How many times to retry the update operation if the document to update has been changed by another operation between the get and indexing phases of the update operation
request.fetchSource(true); //Enable source retrieval, disabled by default
request.version(2); // 版本号
request.detectNoop(false); // Disable the noop detection
request.scriptedUpsert(true); // Indicate that the script must run regardless of whether the document exists or not, ie the script takes care of creating the document if it does not already exist.
request.docAsUpsert(true); // Indicate that the partial document must be used as the upsert document if it does not exist yet.
request.waitForActiveShards(2); //Sets the number of shard copies that must be active before proceeding with the update operation.
request.waitForActiveShards(ActiveShardCount.ALL); //Number of shard copies provided as a ActiveShardCount: can be ActiveShardCount.ALL, ActiveShardCount.ONE or ActiveShardCount.DEFAULT (default)
String[] includes = new String[]{"updated", "r*"};
String[] excludes = Strings.EMPTY_ARRAY;
request.fetchSource(new FetchSourceContext(true, includes, excludes)); // Configure source inclusion for specific fields
String[] includes = Strings.EMPTY_ARRAY;
String[] excludes = new String[]{"updated"};
request.fetchSource(new FetchSourceContext(true, includes, excludes)); //Configure source exclusion for specific fields
UpdateResponse updateResponse = client.update(request);
client.updateAsync(request, new ActionListener<UpdateResponse>() {
public void onResponse(UpdateResponse updateResponse) {
// Called when the execution is successfully completed. The response is provided as an argument.
public void onFailure(Exception e) {
// Called in case of failure. The raised exception is provided as an argument.
String index = updateResponse.getIndex();
String type = updateResponse.getType();
String id = updateResponse.getId();
long version = updateResponse.getVersion();
if (updateResponse.getResult() == DocWriteResponse.Result.CREATED) {
//Handle the case where the document was created for the first time (upsert)
} else if (updateResponse.getResult() == DocWriteResponse.Result.UPDATED) {
// Handle the case where the document was updated
} else if (updateResponse.getResult() == DocWriteResponse.Result.DELETED) {
//Handle the case where the document was deleted
} else if (updateResponse.getResult() == DocWriteResponse.Result.NOOP) {
//Handle the case where the document was not impacted by the update, ie no operation (noop) was executed on the document
当通过 fetchSource 方法在UpdateRequest 里设置了启用接收源,相应对象将包含被更新的文档源:
GetResult result = updateResponse.getGetResult(); //Retrieve the updated document as a GetResult
if (result.isExists()) {
String sourceAsString = result.sourceAsString(); //Retrieve the source of the updated document as a String
Map<String, Object> sourceAsMap = result.sourceAsMap(); //Retrieve the source of the updated document as a Map<String, Object>
byte[] sourceAsBytes = result.source(); //Retrieve the source of the updated document as a byte[]
} else {
//Handle the scenario where the source of the document is not present in the response (this is the case by default)
ReplicationResponse.ShardInfo shardInfo = updateResponse.getShardInfo();
if (shardInfo.getTotal() != shardInfo.getSuccessful()) {
//Handle the situation where number of successful shards is less than total shards
if (shardInfo.getFailed() > 0) {
for (ReplicationResponse.ShardInfo.Failure failure : shardInfo.getFailures()) {
String reason = failure.reason(); //Handle the potential failures
当对一个不存在的文档执行 UpdateRequest 时,响应将包含 404 状态码,并抛出一个需要如下所示处理的 ElasticsearchException 异常:
UpdateRequest request = new UpdateRequest("posts", "type", "does_not_exist").doc("field", "value");
try {
UpdateResponse updateResponse = client.update(request);
} catch (ElasticsearchException e) {
if (e.status() == RestStatus.NOT_FOUND) {
// 处理由于文档不存在导致的异常。
如果有文档版本冲突,也会抛出 ElasticsearchException:
UpdateRequest request = new UpdateRequest("posts", "doc", "1")
.doc("field", "value")
try {
UpdateResponse updateResponse = client.update(request);
} catch(ElasticsearchException e) {
if (e.status() == RestStatus.CONFLICT) {
// 表明异常是由于返回来了版本冲突错误导致的