ImageEnhance Module


The ImageEnhance module contains a number of classes that can be used for image enhancement.

Example: Vary the sharpness of an image

from PIL import ImageEnhance

enhancer = ImageEnhance.Sharpness(image)

for i in range(8):
    factor = i / 4.0
    enhancer.enhance(factor).show("Sharpness %f" % factor)

Also see the demo program in the Scripts/ directory.


All enhancement classes implement a common interface, containing a single method:

class PIL.ImageEnhance._Enhance

Returns an enhanced image.

参数:factor – A floating point value controlling the enhancement. Factor 1.0 always returns a copy of the original image, lower factors mean less color (brightness, contrast, etc), and higher values more. There are no restrictions on this value.
class PIL.ImageEnhance.Color(image)

Adjust image color balance.

This class can be used to adjust the colour balance of an image, in a manner similar to the controls on a colour TV set. An enhancement factor of 0.0 gives a black and white image. A factor of 1.0 gives the original image.

class PIL.ImageEnhance.Contrast(image)

Adjust image contrast.

This class can be used to control the contrast of an image, similar to the contrast control on a TV set. An enhancement factor of 0.0 gives a solid grey image. A factor of 1.0 gives the original image.

class PIL.ImageEnhance.Brightness(image)

Adjust image brightness.

This class can be used to control the brighntess of an image. An enhancement factor of 0.0 gives a black image. A factor of 1.0 gives the original image.

class PIL.ImageEnhance.Sharpness(image)

Adjust image sharpness.

This class can be used to adjust the sharpness of an image. An enhancement factor of 0.0 gives a blurred image, a factor of 1.0 gives the original image, and a factor of 2.0 gives a sharpened image.