Hyperic + SpringSource + VMware = Goodness


September 11, 2009

The last 100 days have been extraordinary for Hyperic. The events over the last three months place Hyperic in the unique position to be part of defining the future of application deployment and management. First, we announced in May that we were joining forces with SpringSource to build the next great full lifecycle enterprise software company. Judging by the response from our community, customers, partners, and the press, our combined “Build – Run ‑ Manage” strategy was the right choice and something the market has been waiting for. Next, just a few weeks ago in August and barely 90 days into our SpringSource acquisition, we announced that SpringSource was itself being acquired by VMware (already arguably the next great enterprise software company). In the process, Hyperic, SpringSource and VMware are defining a platform for computing that we all believe will revolutionize the way companies deploy and manage business applications and drive significant efficiencies for IT operators and developers. Hyperic’s management software products are a key part of that vision. We have heard from many journalists and analysts who greeted the announcement and vision with great interest not only because of the tremendous value of the Spring technologies, but also because of the potential this might have to the Hyperic management software products.

I wanted to use this rare blog post opportunity to outline key Hyperic principles that haven’t changed and we remain committed to. If anything, recent news re-affirms them as we move towards both closing this acquisition and further integrating the teams.

Openness is the key to our continued success

Both Hyperic and SpringSource are companies built on open source technologies and strong communities. Our users’ ability to freely use, modify, and participate in the development of our products has been key to our success. In Hyperic’s case, the development of community supported plug-ins on our HyperForge, and most importantly the feedback that is provided by the passionate operations people who depend on our product is a key to our success. In addition to supporting our open source efforts, Hyperic is an open product that supports various different runtimes, platforms, and environments beyond those provided directly by us. By being inclusive in our support of manageable technologies, we appeal to more users and offer a broad product offering in Hyperic. VMware does not intend to change this. As various VMware and SpringSource executives including myself have noted over the last few weeks, openness will continue and thrive in our new environment.

New solutions to new (and growing) problems

I’ve long argued that Hyperic’s vision of management software is aimed at helping people manage a newer, more complex, and more dynamic data center environment. For the last five years we have delivered that vision, including being one of the few management software products providing end‑to‑end support for virtualized application environments from the hardware to the virtualized service component. By joining forces with VMware, Hyperic will continue to fulfill this vision in lockstep with Vmware’s ambitions to simplify IT and reduce operational expenses. Earlier this month I was very proud to hear VMware CEO Paul Maritz highlight Hyperic’s technology and vision in his keynote address at VMworld and emphasize how important building the next generation of management solutions is to the future of Vmware. We are proud to be a part of helping fulfill that vision along with the very talented management software experts at Vmware.

Simplicity and Reduced Operating Costs

Flexibility and ease of deployment are key values that have made Hyperic a success in some of the largest and most demanding datacenter environments in the world. These values are shared by our new co-workers from VMware and SpringSource. Companies merge and get acquired for all kinds of different reasons; however in this case it’s fair to say that the common thread that brings us all together is the opportunity to help people build new applications and infrastructure without exponential complexity. This is the value of the cloud, and is the goal that we will continue to reach for as we both expand our existing HQ and IQ products, power new offerings like SpringSource tc Server and CloudFoundry.com, and build the next generation of management products.

While other vendors consolidate, rationalize, and rebrand, we’ll be busy building out new and exciting technologies to help define what management will look like as we enter a truly new era in technology. It’s been an incredible ride thus far (especially the last 100 days) and we hope you will join us for the next chapter. I assure you it will be very interesting.
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