当前位置: 首页 > 工具软件 > Kapacitor > 使用案例 >



1 安装

1.1 Tar包安装


wget https://dl.influxdata.com/kapacitor/releases/kapacitor-1.5.5_linux_amd64.tar.gz


$ tar xvfz /opt/package/kapacitor-1.5.5-static_linux_amd64.tar.gz -C /home/tigk/.local/
$ mv /home/tigk/.local/kapacitor-1.5.5-1/ /home/tigk/.local/kapacitor



$ mkdir /data/tigk/kapacitor/conf
$ cp /home/tigk/.local/kapacitor/kapacitor.conf  /data/tigk/kapacitor/conf/
$ cd /data/tigk/kapacitor/
$ mkdir data
$ mkdir logs




$ vim /data/tigk/kapacitor/conf/kapacitor.conf
data_dir = "/data/tigk/kapacitor/data"
#  https-certificate = "/etc/ssl/kapacitor.pem"
    file = "/data/tigk/kapacitor/logs/kapacitor.log"
    dir = "/data/tigk/kapacitor/load"
    dir = "/data/tigk/kapacitor/replay"
  # Where to store the tasks database
  # DEPRECATED: This option is not needed for new installations.
  # It is only used to determine the location of the task.db file
  # for migrating to the new `storage` service.
  dir = "/data/tigk/kapacitor/tasks"
  # Where to store the Kapacitor boltdb database
  boltdb = "/data/tigk/kapacitor/boltdb/kapacitor.db"
  name = "fbi-local-02"
  urls = ["http://localhost:8085"]


$ cd /home/tigk/.local/kapacitor/
$ ./kapacitord -config /data/tigk/kapacitor/conf/kapacitor.conf 


$ nohup ./kapacitord -config /data/tigk/kapacitor/conf/kapacitor.conf &

1.2 RPM包安装


wget https://dl.influxdata.com/kapacitor/releases/kapacitor-1.5.5-1.x86_64.rpm


sudo yum localinstall kapacitor-1.5.5-1.x86_64.rpm




sudo systemctl start kapacitor

2 使用

2.1 Kapacitor 常用命令

  Kapacitor 是数据处理引擎,主要用来作为报警使用。使用TICKscript来定义任务,脚本定义了kapacitor处理的数据来源及处理过程。

kapacitor list tasks –显示所有当前kapacitor加载的脚本
kapacitor define -tick -dbrp -type –安装脚本到kapacitor
kapacitor enable –脚本监控开启
kapacitor disable –脚本监控关闭
kapacitor show –显示某一个脚本的执行状态
kapacitor record -task -duration –记录某一时间段内某脚本运行状态(测试用)
kapacitor replay kapacitor replay -recording -task –重复执行测试结果


$ ./kapacitor list tasks
ID Type      Status    Executing Databases and Retention Policies

2.2 CPU告警案例

  vi cpu_alert.tick

		.crit(lambda:"usage_idle" < 70)


./kapacitor define cpu_alert -type stream -tick /data/tigk/kapacitor/tick/cpu_alert.tick -dbrp telegraf.autogen


$ ./kapacitor list tasks
ID        Type      Status    Executing Databases and Retention Policies
cpu_alert stream    disabled  false     ["telegraf"."autogen"]


$ ./kapacitor show cpu_alert
ID: cpu_alert
Type: stream
Status: disabled
Executing: false
Created: 05 Jul 20 20:33 CST
Modified: 05 Jul 20 20:33 CST
LastEnabled: 01 Jan 01 00:00 UTC
Databases Retention Policies: ["telegraf"."autogen"]
        .crit(lambda: "usage_idle" < 70)

digraph cpu_alert {
stream0 -> from1;
from1 -> alert2;


$ ./kapacitor enable cpu_alert


$ ./kapacitor disable cpu_alert
