1. Three steps to clustering your MySQL Environment ——MNC、MGC与MIC 周彦伟 2017.5
2. 关于我 Renren DB Team (2009-2013) Qunar DB Team (2013-2017) All China MySQL User Group(ACMUG) 《MySQL运维内参》 (公众号:formysql) Oracle MySQL ACE Director
4. MySQL Clustering MNC MySQL NDB Cluster MGC MySQL Galera Cluster Percona XtraDB Cluster MariaDB Cluster MIC MySQL InnoDB Cluster
5. MySQL NDB Cluster(MNC) Network DataBase In-Memory Shared-Nothing Auto-Sharding High-Availability Data-Persisnce Read/Write consistency/scalability
6. MNC Components SQL Nodes—MySQL Servers SQL Access to data Round-robin app access Geographic Replication Scale out for performance
7. MNC Components Data Nodes—Ndbd Servers Data storage & management Transparent sharding Synchronous replication Scale out for capacity/performance
8. MNC Components Management servers Distribute configuration data Control Cluster membership Arbitrator in case of network partitioning
11. Node Groups、Replicas、Partitions
12. Management of MNC MySQL Cluster Auto-installer Client Program ndb_mgm Rolling Restart ndbinfo—NDB Cluster Infomation
13. Problems of MNC Cluster size Network dependence Complex SQL Optimazition Management & Cost
14. Limitations of NDB Cluster
15. 昨夜西风凋 碧树,独上 高楼,望断 天涯路!
16. MySQL Galera Cluster(MGC) True Multi-Master Cluster Read and Write to any cluster node Synchronous Replication True Parallel Replication Auto Management
17. MySQL Galera Cluster(MGC)
18. Certification-Based Replication Transactional Database Atomic Changes Global Ordering Group Communication Transaction Ordering/GTID
19. Certification-Based Replication
20. MGC Projects-PXC ProxySQL Load Balancer Percona Server Percona XtraBackup Galera Cluster Peronca Monitoring and Management
21. MGC Projects-MariaDB
22. MGC Projects-QunarDB
23. Problems of MGC DDL Multi-Write Flow Control Big Transaction GCache Size Network & Disk
24. 衣带渐宽终不悔 为伊消得人憔悴
25. MySQL InnoDB Cluster(MIC) Built into MySQL 5.7+ InnoDB Storage Engine Write consistency Read Scalability MySQL Document Store
26. MIC Components MySQL Router MySQL Shell MySQL Group Replication
27. MIC Architechure
28. MySQL Router
29. MySQL Shell XProtocol XDevAPI:Relational & Document Data JavaScript Python SQL
30. MySQL Group Replication
31. MySQL Group Replication
32. 众里寻他千 百度, 蓦然回首, 那人却在灯 火阑珊处
34. 给生活加点料 个⼈人公众号:formysql