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《Animal Farm》笔记


boar 种猪
sow n.母猪;v.播种
mare 母马 mane 鬃毛
pigeon 家鸽;dove 和平鸽
raven / crow 乌鸦
cockerel 小公鸡
poultry 家禽
flea 跳蚤

a brood of ducklings 一窝小鸭子 sibling 兄弟姐妹
a flock of geese
a pack of idle thieving human beings
a lump of sugar

1. And remember, comrades, your resolution must never falter (n&v. 踌躇). No argument must lead you astray (adv. 迷失).

2. It is noticed that …

3. No animals must ever tyrannize over his own kind; no animals must ever kill any other animal.

4. lest … should be                    以免 …(should 表虚拟)

1. 在表示排队、列队时用到的动词:file、troop

2. 在表示解散时用到的动词:disperse、dismiss【常用义:解雇】

3. 在表示斥责时用到的动词:reproach、denounce
The others reproached her sharply.                
Napoleon had denounced such ideas as contrary to the spirt of Animalism.     

4. 在表示抵消、中和时用到的动词: counteract 、 counterbalance

1. command                           v.居高临下,俯瞰;命令   n.命令;(计算机)指令,精通
A little way down the pasture(牧草地) there was a knoll(小山) that commanded a view of most of the farm.

2. intimate                              vt.暗示,宣布,通知   n.至交,知己   adj.私人的,亲密的,精通的
When the cheering had died down, Napoleon, who had remained on his feet, intimated that he too had a few words to say.

3. peer                                      v.凝视,同等的人;同龄人   v.凝视,盯着看;封为贵族,与…同等
They tiptoed up to the house, and such animals as were tall enough peered in at the dining-room window.

4. resolution                            n.决议;决心
resolutions were put forward and debated.

1. halt                                         v & n. 停留

2. by heart                                 背诵
… the clever ones at once began to learn the commandments by heart.

3. tidings                                     消息,与news , message , word近义
Heaken to my joyful tidings of the golden future time.

4. a raised platform                     凸起的

5. after one’s fashions             以某人自己的方式
Before long the other animals began to arrive and make themselevs comfortable after their different fashions.【这个词组在本书中出现多次,在《绿山墙的安妮》中也出现了】

6. inter                                        v.埋葬

7. of late = recently                  【报刊中也出现过】

8. stroll                                        v & n. 散步,闲逛,溜达
… he was strolling across the yard.

9. These seven commandments would now be inscribed on the wall.

10. expulsion                            n.驱逐

11. slaughter                            n & v. 屠杀

12. a tremendous uproar        把这个单词看做是 big 的同义词即可

1. an overwhelming majority    大多数
2. the buildings wanted roofing
3. the degrading nosebags        有辱人格的【degrade n.侮辱】
4. maltreat                                  虐待
5. glorious                                  adj.光荣的
6. My voice is hoarse.               adj.嘶哑的
7. Riches more than can picture.
8. in my infancy
9. mischief                                  n.恶作剧;伤害

10. Panic overtook them.
The needs of the windmilll must override everything.

… was so great that it would have taken a lot of failures to outweight it.

11. pretext                                     n.借口,托辞
12. stunned                                   adj.目瞪口呆的;昏倒的
13. as winter drew on; as the summer wore on   冬天来临;夏天过了

14. conjure up pictures
15. come bounding to                  冲进,闯进【乔布斯传中也出现过一次】
16. cast a peculiar sidelong look
17. semicircle                                半圆

18. abridgement                           n.删节
Making no abridgements or changes, we attempt to maintain the original style and flavor of these novels.

19. quarrel                                    吵架

20. deputation                              n.代表团
A deputation of neighbouring farmers had been invited to make a tour of inspection.

1、我在百度 preface、foreword、introduction 有什么区别时,感受到一种英语学习方法——词汇辨析。发现英专生们有选择题专门考词汇辨析,突然想起来大学英语老师布置我们做的每个单元的测试题。

2、有些词太复杂,可以记住它同义于某个常见词,比如 tremendous 同义于 big

3、同一个作者的不同书的用词通常会有重叠,比如 command表示俯瞰 在本书及《1984》中多次出现;而他的书又多随着写作年龄的增加,词汇愈加丰富。所以可以考虑将同一作者的书都看了。

4、反乌托邦三部曲:《Brave New World》、《1984》、《我们》
《1984》好多环境、背景描写,而且往往不认识,增加了阅读难度,减少了阅读趣味;《Brave New World Revisited》中作者将《Brave New World》与《1984》对比,倒是有很多很好的表达。


6、 my simple words to this book

Animal Farm, a short story, written by George Orwell, is my first English orignal which I have read throughout without a dictionary. It tells a story about animals’ uprising against human, although a resolution goes like this: four legs good, two legs bad, at last they were ruled by boars who walk up their two hind legs.
