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burrow, tendermint


Burrow is using Tendermint Core consensus engine for blockchain and P2P underlying support.

Tendermint Config

type Config struct {
	// Top level options use an anonymous struct
	BaseConfig `mapstructure:",squash"`

	// Options for services
	RPC             *RPCConfig             `mapstructure:"rpc"`
	P2P             *P2PConfig             `mapstructure:"p2p"`
	Mempool         *MempoolConfig         `mapstructure:"mempool"`
	FastSync        *FastSyncConfig        `mapstructure:"fastsync"`
	Consensus       *ConsensusConfig       `mapstructure:"consensus"`
	TxIndex         *TxIndexConfig         `mapstructure:"tx_index"`
	Instrumentation *InstrumentationConfig `mapstructure:"instrumentation"`

Tendermint config in Burrow

// Burrow's view on Tendermint's config. Since we operate as a Tendermint harness not all configuration values
// are applicable, we may not allow some values to specified, or we may not allow some to be set independently.
// So this serves as a layer of indirection over Tendermint's real config that we derive from ours.
type BurrowTendermintConfig struct {
	Enabled bool
	// Initial peers we connect to for peer exchange
	Seeds string
	// Whether this node should crawl the network looking for new peers - disconnecting to peers after it has shared addresses
	SeedMode bool
	// Peers to which we automatically connect
	PersistentPeers string
	ListenHost      string
	ListenPort      string
	// Optional external that nodes may provide with their NodeInfo
	ExternalAddress string
	// Set true for strict address routability rules
	// Set false for private or local networks
	AddrBookStrict bool
	Moniker        string
	// Only accept connections from registered peers
	IdentifyPeers bool
	// Peers ID or address this node is authorize to sync with
	AuthorizedPeers string
	// EmptyBlocks mode and possible interval between empty blocks in seconds, one of:
	// "", "never" (to never create unnecessary blocks)
	// "always" (to create empty blocks each consensus round)
	CreateEmptyBlocks string

Mapping from Burrow config to Tendermint config

func (btc *BurrowTendermintConfig) Config(rootDir string, timeoutFactor float64) (*tmConfig.Config, error) {
	conf := tmConfig.DefaultConfig()
	// We expose Tendermint config as required, but try to give fewer levers to pull where possible
	if btc != nil {
		conf.RootDir = rootDir
		conf.Mempool.RootDir = rootDir
		conf.Consensus.RootDir = rootDir

		// Transactions
		// This creates load on leveldb for no purpose. The default indexer is "kv" and allows retrieval the TxResult
		// for which we use use TxReceipt (returned from ABCI DeliverTx) - we have our own much richer index
		conf.TxIndex.Indexer = "null"
		conf.Mempool.MaxTxBytes = 1024 * 1024 * 4 // 4MB

		// Consensus
		switch strings.ToLower(btc.CreateEmptyBlocks) {
		case NeverCreateEmptyBlocks, "":
			conf.Consensus.CreateEmptyBlocks = false
		case AlwaysCreateEmptyBlocks:
			conf.Consensus.CreateEmptyBlocks = true
			conf.Consensus.CreateEmptyBlocks = true
			createEmptyBlocksInterval, err := time.ParseDuration(btc.CreateEmptyBlocks)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not parse CreateEmptyBlock '%s' "+
					"as '%s', '%s', or duration (e.g. 1s, 2m, 4h): %v",
					btc.CreateEmptyBlocks, NeverCreateEmptyBlocks, AlwaysCreateEmptyBlocks, err)
			conf.Consensus.CreateEmptyBlocksInterval = createEmptyBlocksInterval
		// Assume Tendermint has some mutually consistent values, assume scaling them linearly makes sense
		conf.Consensus.TimeoutPropose = scaleTimeout(timeoutFactor, conf.Consensus.TimeoutPropose)
		conf.Consensus.TimeoutProposeDelta = scaleTimeout(timeoutFactor, conf.Consensus.TimeoutProposeDelta)
		conf.Consensus.TimeoutPrevote = scaleTimeout(timeoutFactor, conf.Consensus.TimeoutPrevote)
		conf.Consensus.TimeoutPrevoteDelta = scaleTimeout(timeoutFactor, conf.Consensus.TimeoutPrevoteDelta)
		conf.Consensus.TimeoutPrecommit = scaleTimeout(timeoutFactor, conf.Consensus.TimeoutPrecommit)
		conf.Consensus.TimeoutPrecommitDelta = scaleTimeout(timeoutFactor, conf.Consensus.TimeoutPrecommitDelta)
		conf.Consensus.TimeoutCommit = scaleTimeout(timeoutFactor, conf.Consensus.TimeoutCommit)

		// P2P
		conf.Moniker = btc.Moniker
		conf.P2P.RootDir = rootDir
		conf.P2P.Seeds = btc.Seeds
		conf.P2P.SeedMode = btc.SeedMode
		conf.P2P.PersistentPeers = btc.PersistentPeers
		conf.P2P.ListenAddress = btc.ListenAddress()
		conf.P2P.ExternalAddress = btc.ExternalAddress
		conf.P2P.AddrBookStrict = btc.AddrBookStrict
		// We use this in tests and I am not aware of a strong reason to reject nodes on the same IP with different ports
		conf.P2P.AllowDuplicateIP = true

		// Unfortunately this stops metrics from being used at all
		conf.Instrumentation.Prometheus = false

		conf.FilterPeers = btc.IdentifyPeers || btc.AuthorizedPeers != ""
	// Disable Tendermint RPC
	conf.RPC.ListenAddress = ""
	return conf, nil

Some Points

  • Indexer is ‘null’, burrow has much richer index
  • Tendermint mempool max size, 4MB
  • CreateEmptyBlocks --> CreateEmptyBlocksInterval
  • Consensus timeout adjusted, by a timeoutFactor of Burrow execution
  • P2P.AllowDuplicateIP is false
  • Instrumentation.Prometheus is false
  • RPC.ListenAddress disabled


