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In this guide, you will learn how to create a custom video player using the <video> element and CanJS. The custom video player will:

在本指南中,您将学习如何使用<video>元素和CanJS创建自定义视频播放器。 自定义视频播放器将:

  • Have custom play and pause buttons.

  • Show the current time and duration of the video.

  • Have a <input type="range"> slider that can adjust the position of the video.

    有一个<input type="range">滑块可以调整视频的位置。

The final player looks like:


The following sections are broken down into the following parts:


  • The problem — A description of what the section is trying to accomplish.

    问题 -对本节要完成的工作的描述。

  • What you need to know — Browser or CanJS APIs that are useful for solving the problem.

    您需要知道的 -对解决问题有用的浏览器或CanJS API。

  • The solution — The solution to the problem.

    解决方案 —解决问题的方法。

建立 (Setup)



Click the Edit in CodePen button. The CodePen will open in a new window. Click the Fork button.

单击Edit in CodePen按钮。 CodePen将在新窗口中打开。 单击Fork按钮。

This CodePen:


  • Creates a <video> element that loads a video. Right click and select “Show controls” to see the video’s controls.

    创建一个<video>元素来加载视频。 右键单击并选择“显示控件”以查看视频的控件

  • Loads CanJS's custom element library: Component.

    加载CanJS的自定义元素库: Component

问题 (The problem)

In this section, we will:


  • Create a custom <video-player> element that takes a src attribute and creates a <video> element within itself. We should be able to create the video like:

    创建一个具有src属性的自定义<video-player>元素,并在其内部创建一个<video>元素。 我们应该能够像这样创建视频:

    <video-player src:raw="http://bit.ly/can-tom-n-jerry">
  • The embedded <video> element should have the native controls enabled.


When complete, the result will look exactly the same as the player when you started. The only difference is that we will be using a custom <video-player> element in the HTML tab instead of the native <video> element.

完成后,结果将与开始时的播放器完全相同。 唯一的区别是,我们将在HTML选项卡中使用自定义的<video-player>元素,而不是本机的<video>元素。

你需要知道的 (What you need to know)

To set up a basic CanJS application (or widget), you define a custom element in JavaScript and use the custom element in your page’s HTML.


To define a custom element, extend Component with a tag that matches the name of your custom element. For example:

要定义自定义元素,请使用与您的自定义元素名称匹配的标签扩展Component 。 例如:

    tag: "video-player"

Then you can use this tag in your HTML page:



But this doesn’t do anything ... yet. Components add their own HTML through their view property:

但这还没有任何作用...。 组件通过其view属性添加自己HTML:

    tag: "video-player",
    view: `<h2>I am a player!</h2>`

A component’s view is rendered with its ViewModel. For example, we can make a <video> display "http://bit.ly/can-tom-n-jerry" by defining a src property on the ViewModel and using it in the view like:

组件的视图使用其ViewModel呈现。 例如,我们可以通过在ViewModel上定义src属性并在如下视图中使用它来使<video>显示"http://bit.ly/can-tom-n-jerry"

    tag: "video-player",
    view: `
            <source src="{{src}}"/>
    ViewModel: {
        src: {type: "string", default: "http://bit.ly/can-tom-n-jerry"}

But we want the <video-player> to take a src attribute value itself and use that for the <source>’s src. For example, if we wanted the video to play "http://dl3.webmfiles.org/big-buck-bunny_trailer.webm" instead of "http://bit.ly/can-tom-n-jerry", we would:

但是我们希望<video-player>本身采用src属性值,并将其用于<source>src 。 例如,如果我们希望视频播放"http://dl3.webmfiles.org/big-buck-bunny_trailer.webm"而不是"http://bit.ly/can-tom-n-jerry" ,那么我们将:

  1. Update <video-player> to pass "http://dl3.webmfiles.org/big-buck-bunny_trailer.webm" with toChild:raw:


    <video-player src:raw="http://dl3.webmfiles.org/big-buck-bunny_trailer.webm"/>
  2. Update the ViewModel to define a src property like:


        tag: "video-player",
        view: `
                <source src="{{src}}"/> {{!}}
        ViewModel: {
            src: "string"

Finally, to have a <video> element show the native controls, add a controls attribute like:


<video controls>

解决方案 (The solution)

Update the JS tab to:


import {Component} from "//unpkg.com/can@5/core.mjs";

Component.extend({                        //
    tag: "video-player",                  //
    view: `                              {{!}}
        <video controls>                 {{!}}
            <source src="{{src}}"/>      {{!}}
        </video>                         {{!}}
    `,                                    //
    ViewModel: {                          //
        src: "string",                    //
    }                                     //
});                                       //

Update the HTML to:


<video-player src:raw="http://bit.ly/can-tom-n-jerry"></video-player>   <!---->

在播放和暂停视频时更改播放/暂停按钮 (Make play / pause button change as video is played and paused)

问题 (The problem)

When the video is played or paused using the native controls, we want to change the content of a <button> to say “Play” or “Pause”.


When the video is played, the button should say “Pause”. When the video is paused, the button should say “Play”.

播放视频时,按钮应显示“暂停” 。 视频暂停时,按钮应显示“播放”

We want the button to be within a <div> after the video element like:



你需要知道的 (What you need to know)

  • To change the HTML content of the page, use {{#if(expression)}} and {{else}} like:


    <button>{{#if(playing)}} Pause {{else}} Play {{/if}}</button>
  • The view responds to values in the ViewModel. To create a boolean value in the ViewModel do:

    视图响应ViewModel中的值。 要在ViewModel中创建boolean值,请执行以下操作:

    ViewModel: {
        // ...
        playing: "boolean",
  • Methods can be used to change the ViewModel. The following might create methods that change the playing value:

    方法可用于更改ViewModel 。 以下可能会创建更改playing价值的方法:

    ViewModel: {
        // ...
        play() {
            this.playing = true;
        pause() {
            this.playing = false;
  • You can listen to events on the DOM with on:event. For example, the following might listen to a click on a <div> and call doSomething():

    您可以使用on:event监听DOM 上的事件 。 例如,以下内容可能会监听<div>的点击并调用doSomething()

    <div on:click="doSomething()">

    <video> elements have a variety of useful events, including play and pause events that are emitted when the video is played or paused.

    <video>元素具有各种有用的事件 ,包括在播放或暂停视频时发出的播放暂停事件。

解决方案 (The solution)

Update the JavaScript tab to:


import {Component} from "//unpkg.com/can@5/core.mjs";

    tag: "video-player",
    view: `
        <video controls
            on:play="play()"                                      {{!}}
            on:pause="pause()">                                   {{!}}
            <source src="{{src}}"/>
        <div>                                                     {{!}}
            <button>                                              {{!}}
                {{#if(playing)}} Pause {{else}} Play {{/if}}      {{!}}
            </button>                                             {{!}}
        </div>                                                    {{!}}
    ViewModel: {
        src: "string",
        playing: "boolean",                                        //

        play() {                                                   //
            this.playing = true;                                   //
        },                                                         //
        pause() {                                                  //
            this.playing = false;                                  //
        },                                                         //

使单击“播放/暂停”按钮播放或暂停视频 (Make clicking the play/pause button play or pause the video)

问题 (The problem)

When the play/pause <button> we created in the previous section is clicked, we want to either play or pause the video.

当单击上一节中创建的播放/暂停 <button> ,我们要播放或暂停视频。

你需要知道的 (What you need to know)

CanJS prefers to manage the state of your application in ViewModel. The <video> player has state, such as if the video is playing. When the play/pause button is clicked, we want to update the state of the ViewModel and have the ViewModel update the state of the video player as a side effect.

CanJS倾向于在ViewModel中管理应用程序的状态。 <video>播放器具有状态,例如正在playing视频。 单击“ 播放/暂停”按钮时,我们要更新ViewModel的状态,并让ViewModel更新视频播放器的状态作为副作用。

What this means is that instead of something like:


togglePlay() {
    if ( videoElement.paused ) {
    } else {

We update the state like:


togglePlay() {
    this.playing = !this.playing;

And listen to when playing changes and update the video element like:


viewModel.listenTo("playing", function(event, isPlaying) {
    if ( isPlaying ) {
    } else {

This means that you need to:


  1. Listen to when the <button> is clicked and call a ViewModel method that updates the playing state.


  2. Listen to when the playing state changes and update the state of the <video> element.


You already know everything you need to know for step #1. (Have the button call a togglePlay method with on:click="togglePlay()" and make the togglePlay() method toggle the state of the playing property.)

你已经知道你需要知道的步骤#1的一切。 (让按钮使用on:click="togglePlay()"调用togglePlay方法,并使togglePlay()方法切换playing属性的状态。)

For step #2, you need to use the connectedCallback lifecycle hook. This hook gives you access to the component’s element and is a good place to do side-effects. Its use looks like this:

对于步骤2 ,您需要使用connectedCallback生命周期挂钩。 该挂钩使您可以访问组件的元素,并且是处理副作用的好地方。 它的用法如下所示:

ViewModel: {
    // ...
    connectedCallback(element) {
        // perform mischief

connectedCallback gets called once the component’s element is in the page. You can use listenTo to listen to changes in the ViewModel’s properties and perform side-effects. The following listens to when playing changes:

一旦组件的element在页面中,就会调用connectedCallback 。 您可以使用listenTo来侦听ViewModel的属性中的更改并执行副作用。 playing更改时,以下内容会监听:

ViewModel: {
    // ...
    connectedCallback(element) {
        this.listenTo("playing", function(event, isPlaying) {


Use querySelector to get the <video> element from the <video-player> like:



<video> elements have a .play() and .pause() methods that can start and stop a video.


解决方案 (The solution)

Update the JavaScript tab to:


import {Component} from "//unpkg.com/can@5/core.mjs";

    tag: "video-player",
    view: `
        <video controls
            <source src="{{src}}"/>
            <button on:click="togglePlay()">                        {{!}}
                {{#if(playing)}} Pause {{else}} Play {{/if}}
    ViewModel: {
        src: "string",
        playing: "boolean",

        play() {
            this.playing = true;
        pause() {
            this.playing = false;
        togglePlay() {                                               //
            this.playing = !this.playing;                            //
        },                                                           //

        connectedCallback(element) {                                 //
            this.listenTo("playing", function(event, isPlaying) {    //
                if (isPlaying) {                                     //
                    element.querySelector("video").play();           //
                } else {                                             //
                    element.querySelector("video").pause();          //
                }                                                    //
            });                                                      //
        }                                                            //

显示当前时间和持续时间 (Show current time and duration)

问题 (The problem)

Show the current time and duration of the video element. The time and duration should be formatted like: mm:SS. They should be presented within two spans like:

显示视频元素的当前时间和持续时间。 时间和持续时间的格式应为: mm:SS 。 它们应在两个范围内显示:


你需要知道的 (What you need to know)

  1. Methods can be used to format values in can-stache. For example, you can uppercase values like this:

    可以使用方法来格式化can-stache中的值。 例如,您可以像这样大写值:


    With a method like:


    ViewModel: {
        // ...
        upper(value) {
            return value.toString().toUpperCase();

    The following can be used to format time:


    formatTime(time) {
        if (time === null || time === undefined) {
            return "--";
        const minutes = Math.floor(time / 60);
        let seconds = Math.floor(time - minutes * 60);
        if (seconds < 10) {
            seconds = "0" + seconds;
        return minutes + ":" + seconds;
  2. Time is given as a number. Use the following to create a number property on the ViewModel:

    时间以数字形式给出。 使用以下命令在ViewModel上创建一个number属性:

    ViewModel: {
        // ...
        duration: "number",
        currentTime: "number"
  3. <video> elements emit a loadmetadata event when they know how long the video is. They also emit a timeupdate event when the video’s current play position changes.

    <video>元素在知道视频多长时间时会发出loadmetadata事件 。 当视频的当前播放位置更改时,它们还会发出timeupdate事件

    • videoElement.duration reads the duration of a video.videoElement.duration读取视频的时长。
    • videoElement.currentTime reads the current play position of a video.videoElement.currentTime读取视频的当前播放位置。
  4. You can get the element in an stache on:event binding with scope.element like:


    <video on:timeupdate="updateTimes(scope.element)"/>

解决方案 (The solution)

Update the JavaScript tab to:


import {Component} from "//unpkg.com/can@5/core.mjs";

    tag: "video-player",
    view: `
        <video controls
            on:timeupdate="updateTimes(scope.element)"           {{!}}
            on:loadedmetadata="updateTimes(scope.element)">      {{!}}
            <source src="{{src}}"/>
            <button on:click="togglePlay()">
                {{#if(playing)}} Pause {{else}} Play {{/if}}
            <span>{{formatTime(currentTime)}}</span> /           {{!}}
            <span>{{formatTime(duration)}} </span>               {{!}}
    ViewModel: {
        src: "string",
        playing: "boolean",
        duration: "number",                                       //
        currentTime: "number",                                    //

        updateTimes(videoElement) {                               //
            this.currentTime = videoElement.currentTime || 0;     //
            this.duration = videoElement.duration;                //
        },                                                        //
        formatTime(time) {                                        //
            if (time === null || time === undefined) {            //
                return "--";                                      //
            }                                                     //
            const minutes = Math.floor(time / 60);                //
            let seconds = Math.floor(time - minutes * 60);        //
            if (seconds < 10) {                                   //
                seconds = "0" + seconds;                          //
            }                                                     //
            return minutes + ":" + seconds;                       //
        },                                                        //
        play() {
            this.playing = true;
        pause() {
            this.playing = false;
        togglePlay() {
            this.playing = !this.playing;

        connectedCallback(element) {
            this.listenTo("playing", function(event, isPlaying) {
                if (isPlaying) {
                } else {

使范围在当前时间显示位置滑块 (Make range show position slider at current time)

问题 (The problem)

Create a <input type="range"/> element that changes its position as the video playing position changes.

创建一个<input type="range"/>元素,该元素随视频播放位置的变化而改变其位置。

The <input type="range"/> element should be after the <button> and before the currentTime span like:

<input type="range"/>元素应位于<button>currentTime跨度之前,例如:

<input type="range"/>
<span>{{formatTime(currentTime)}}</span> /

你需要知道的 (What you need to know)

  • The range input can have an initial value, max value, and step size specified like:


    <input type="range" value="0" max="1" step="any"/>
  • The range will have values from 0 to 1. We will need to translate the currentTime to a number between 0 and 1. We can do this with a computed getter property like:


    ViewModel: {
        // ...
        get percentComplete() {
            return this.currentTime / this.duration;
  • Use key:from to update a value from a ViewModel property like:


    <input value:from="percentComplete"/>

解决方案 (The solution)

Update the JavaScript tab to:


import {Component} from "//unpkg.com/can@5/core.mjs";

    tag: "video-player",
    view: `
        <video controls
            <source src="{{src}}"/>
            <button on:click="togglePlay()">
                {{#if(playing)}} Pause {{else}} Play {{/if}}
            <input type="range" value="0" max="1" step="any"        {{!}}
                    value:from="percentComplete"/>                  {{!}}
            <span>{{formatTime(currentTime)}}</span> /
            <span>{{formatTime(duration)}} </span>
    ViewModel: {
        src: "string",
        playing: "boolean",
        duration: "number",
        currentTime: "number",

        get percentComplete() {                                      //
            return this.currentTime / this.duration;                 //
        },                                                           //

        updateTimes(videoElement) {
            this.currentTime = videoElement.currentTime || 0;
            this.duration = videoElement.duration;
        formatTime(time) {
            if (time === null || time === undefined) {
                return "--";
            const minutes = Math.floor(time / 60);
            let seconds = Math.floor(time - minutes * 60);
            if (seconds < 10) {
                seconds = "0" + seconds;
            return minutes + ":" + seconds;
        play() {
            this.playing = true;
        pause() {
            this.playing = false;
        togglePlay() {
            this.playing = !this.playing;

        connectedCallback(element) {
            this.listenTo("playing", function(event, isPlaying) {
                if (isPlaying) {
                } else {

使滑动范围更新当前时间 (Make sliding the range update the current time)

问题 (The problem)

In this section we will:


  • Remove the native controls from the video player. We don’t need them anymore!

    从视频播放器中删除本机控件。 我们不再需要它们了!
  • Make it so when a user moves the range slider, the video position updates.


你需要知道的 (What you need to know)

Similar to when we made the play/pause button play or pause the video, we will want to update the currentTime property and then listen to when currentTime changes and update the <video> element’s currentTime as a side-effect.

类似于使播放/暂停按钮播放或暂停视频时 ,我们将要更新currentTime属性,然后在currentTime变化时进行监听,并更新<video>元素的currentTime作为副作用

This time, we need to translate the sliders values between 0 and 1 to currentTime values. We can do this by creating a percentComplete setter that updates currentTime like:

这次,我们需要将0到1之间的滑块值转换为currentTime值。 为此,我们可以创建一个percentComplete 设置器来更新currentTime例如:

ViewModel: {
    // ...
    get percentComplete() {
        return this.currentTime / this.duration;
    set percentComplete(newVal) {
        this.currentTime = newVal * this.duration;
    // ...

Use key:bind to two-way bind a value to a ViewModel property:


<input value:bind="someViewModelProperty"/>

解决方案 (The solution)

Update the JavaScript tab to:


import {Component} from "//unpkg.com/can@5/core.mjs";

    tag: "video-player",
    view: `
        <video                                                          {{!}}
            <source src="{{src}}"/>
            <button on:click="togglePlay()">
                {{#if(playing)}} Pause {{else}} Play {{/if}}
            <input type="range" value="0" max="1" step="any"
                    value:bind="percentComplete"/>                      {{!}}
            <span>{{formatTime(currentTime)}}</span> /
            <span>{{formatTime(duration)}} </span>
    ViewModel: {
        src: "string",
        playing: "boolean",
        duration: "number",
        currentTime: "number",

        get percentComplete() {
            return this.currentTime / this.duration;
        set percentComplete(newVal) {                                    //
            this.currentTime = newVal * this.duration;                   //
        },                                                               //

        updateTimes(videoElement) {
            this.currentTime = videoElement.currentTime || 0;
            this.duration = videoElement.duration;
        formatTime(time) {
            if (time === null || time === undefined) {
                return "--";
            const minutes = Math.floor(time / 60);
            let seconds = Math.floor(time - minutes * 60);
            if (seconds < 10) {
                seconds = "0" + seconds;
            return minutes + ":" + seconds;
        play() {
            this.playing = true;
        pause() {
            this.playing = false;
        togglePlay() {
            this.playing = !this.playing;

        connectedCallback(element) {
            this.listenTo("playing", function(event, isPlaying) {
                if (isPlaying) {
                } else {
            this.listenTo("currentTime", function(event, currentTime) {  //
                const videoElement = element.querySelector("video");     //
                if (currentTime !== videoElement.currentTime) {          //
                    videoElement.currentTime = currentTime;              //
                }                                                        //
            });                                                          //

结果 (Result)

When finished, you should see something like the following JS Bin:

完成后,您应该会看到类似以下JS Bin的内容:

翻译自: https://davidwalsh.name/custom-html5-video

