NFC is a technology that is starting to make a significant impact on marketing, enabling consumers with smartphones to gain instant access to a company’s website when they see a product or advertisement they are interested in. Cheap and easy to use, it helps businesses develop omnichannel user experiences and prevents instore customers seeking cheaper deals online. In this post, we’ll look at how the technology works and how you’ll need to develop your website to make the most of it.
NFC是一项开始对行销产生重大影响的技术,使拥有智能手机的消费者在看到感兴趣的产品或广告时即可立即访问公司的网站。廉价且易于使用,可帮助企业发展全方位渠道用户体验并阻止店内客户在线寻找更便宜的交易。 在本文中,我们将研究该技术的工作原理,以及如何充分利用该技术来开发您的网站。
NFC stands for near field communication, it’s a technology that uses radio waves to transmit information from an NFC tag to an NFC reader. Essentially, it’s the same technology that is used in smart cards and contactless payment cards.
NFC代表近场通信,它是一种使用无线电波将信息从NFC标签传输到NFC读取器的技术。 本质上,它与智能卡和非接触式支付卡所使用的技术相同。
An NFC tag is a small, inexpensive chip that can be programmed with a small amount of data. It is so small and flexible that it can be embedded into sticky labels that can be attached to products, packaging, POS materials and advertising posters. An equally important feature is that these tags don’t need an energy source – they are activated by the radio waves sent from a reader. This means once they are programmed, they can work indefinitely without running out of power.
NFC标签是一种小型廉价的芯片,可以用少量数据进行编程。 它是如此小巧,灵活,可以嵌入到可粘贴到产品,包装,POS材料和广告海报上的粘性标签中。 同样重要的功能是这些标签不需要能源-它们由阅读器发送的无线电波激活。 这意味着一旦对它们进行编程,它们就可以无限期工作而不会耗尽电力。
An NFC reader is a piece of equipment that can read the data on a tag and process it. They can also be used to program a tag. Readers come in a variety of forms, such as handheld wi-fi enabled readers or those which connect to a computer via USB. Today, nearly all smartphones (all Android and Apple from iPhone 6 upwards) have NFC readers built in. The benefit for businesses is that all a customer has to do to retrieve the data on an NFC tag is to tap it with their phone.
NFC读取器是一种设备,可以读取标签上的数据并进行处理。 它们也可以用于编程标签。 阅读器有多种形式,例如支持手持式wi-fi的阅读器或通过USB连接到计算机的阅读器。 如今,几乎所有智能手机(iPhone 6及更高版本的所有Android和Apple机型)都内置了NFC读取器。对企业而言,好处是,客户检索NFC标签上的数据所需要做的就是用手机对其进行点击。
From a marketing perspective, it is possible to program a tag so that when a customer taps it with their phone, one of your website pages opens on the phone’s browser. This opens up a wide range of potential marketing options. Here are just some of them.
从营销的角度来看,可以对标签进行编程,以便当客户用手机点击该标签时,您的网站页面之一会在手机的浏览器上打开。 这提供了广泛的潜在市场选择。 这里只是其中一些。
One way you can improve the customer experience is to attach sticky tags to ‘find out more’ labels on products or shelving on your premises. A customer who is looking at the item but is unsure about whether it is right for them can use the tag to find out more about it. Tapping the tag can open up a page on your website with product specifications and customer reviews, giving them instant access to information that can generate a sale.
改善客户体验的一种方法是在产品上贴上粘性标签,以“找到更多”标签,或在您的房屋上搁置。 正在查看商品但不确定是否适合他们的客户可以使用标签来查找有关商品的更多信息。 轻触标签可以在您的网站上打开一个页面,其中包含产品规格和客户评论,使他们可以立即访问可以产生销售的信息。
A problem that many stores face is consumers coming in to look at a product and then using their phones to see if they can find it cheaper online. This can be tackled by using tags that open up a discount code page on your website or somewhere where they can get a price matching deal. To access this, you should ask for their email address in return so that you can send them other marketing deals in the future. Until now, online stores have always had the upper hand in growing email marketing lists; NFC enables bricks and mortar stores to address this issue, giving them access to a lucrative new marketing channel.
许多商店面临的问题是,消费者会先来看产品,然后使用手机查看是否可以在网上找到便宜的产品。 这可以通过使用在您的网站上或可以获取价格匹配交易的地方打开折扣代码页的标签来解决。 要访问此地址,您应该要求他们提供电子邮件地址作为回报,以便将来可以向他们发送其他营销协议。 到目前为止,在线商店一直在不断增长的电子邮件营销列表中占据上风。 NFC使实体店能够解决此问题,从而使他们能够进入利润丰厚的新营销渠道。
Another use of NFC is that it can be used to promote deals. For example, you could display a poster in the entrance which says ‘Tap Here to See Today’s Special Offers’. You can then send them to a specially designed ‘special offers’ page on your website which lists all the offers. This can be 2 for 1 offers, money off deals, or discounts if the customer spends a certain amount. If the offers change, you only need to update the web page, there’s no need to reprogram the tag.
NFC的另一个用途是可以用于促进交易。 例如,您可以在入口处展示一张海报,上面写着“点击此处查看今天的特价”。 然后,您可以将它们发送到网站上经过特殊设计的“特殊优惠”页面,其中列出了所有优惠。 这可以是2合1优惠,优惠交易或折扣(如果客户花费一定金额)。 如果优惠有所变化,则只需更新网页,而无需重新编程标签。
As the NFC tags can be attached to almost anything, you are not restricted to using them in store. Today, many businesses attach them to posters in bus shelters, train stations, shop windows and various other places. Venues use tags to send customers to ticket sales pages, car showroom posters are used to book test drives, restaurants offer meal deals, cinemas open up trailer videos and so on.
由于NFC标签几乎可以贴在任何东西上,因此您不限于在商店中使用它们。 如今,许多企业将它们贴在公交候车亭,火车站,商店橱窗和其他各个地方的海报上。 场地使用标签将顾客发送到售票页面,汽车展厅海报用于预订试驾,餐厅提供餐饮优惠,电影院开放预告片视频等。
The possibilities for NFC use are even wider. You can now buy NFC business cards which sales personnel or staff at events can use to send customers directly to your website. Each member of your team can send a potential customer to their own web page on which their contact details can be shown together with information about your products or services.
使用NFC的可能性更大。 现在,您可以购买NFC名片,销售人员或活动中的员工可以使用这些名片将客户直接发送到您的网站。 团队中的每个成员都可以将潜在客户发送到他们自己的网页,在该网页上可以显示他们的联系方式以及有关您的产品或服务的信息。
Data benefits
One additional benefit that businesses get from using NFC tags is that it is possible to analyse the data they produce. If you have specific landing pages which are only accessible when customers tap on a tag, you’ll be able to monitor how successfully they are being used and see which promotions work best.
企业通过使用NFC标签获得的另一个好处是可以分析其产生的数据。 如果您有特定的着陆页,只有当客户点击标签时才能访问这些着陆页,您将能够监控它们的使用成功程度,并查看哪种促销效果最好。
Tags can also be used to get feedback from your customers, for example, you can display a ‘rate your visit’ poster at the exit which connects with a ratings page on your site. They can also be used to increase customer engagement and to help customers gain loyalty rewards: ‘Tap here to check-in on Facebook and get a 5% discount on your next visit.’
标签还可以用于获取客户的反馈,例如,您可以在出口上显示“为您的访问打分”海报,该海报与您网站上的“评分”页面相关。 它们还可以用于提高客户参与度并帮助客户获得忠诚度奖励:“点击此处在Facebook上签到,并在下次访问时获得5%的折扣。”
Using NFC is simple. Tags are very inexpensive, they can be programmed easily using a free app on a mobile phone and, once programmed, they just need sticking to products and display materials. The only thing you need to do then is to create the landing pages you want to send your customers to. Rather than sending your customers to an already existing page on your site, the user experience will be enhanced if you send them to page that is designed specifically for the thing the tag is promoting.
使用NFC很简单。 标签非常便宜,可以使用手机上的免费应用程序轻松对其进行编程,并且一旦编程,它们只需要粘贴在产品和展示材料上即可。 然后,您唯一需要做的就是创建要发送给客户的登录页面。 如果将客户发送到专门针对标签所宣传的内容的页面,则不会提高客户体验,而不是将客户发送到网站上现有的页面。
NFC tags are already in use in many bricks and mortar premises and on publicly displayed advertisements. They are a fantastic way to communicate with customers over the internet even when they are in store. They enable omnichannel shopping experiences, increase customer engagement, improve brand loyalty and increase sales. Is it time your business took advantage of them?
NFC标签已经在许多实体店和公开展示的广告中使用。 即使在商店中,它们也是通过互联网与客户沟通的一种绝妙方式。 它们提供了全渠道的购物体验,增加了客户参与度,提高了品牌忠诚度并增加了销售额。 您的企业现在该利用它们了吗?
If you run a business website and are looking for hosting that can handle the increased traffic generated by using NFC tags, check out our business hosting plans.
如果您经营一家企业网站,并且正在寻找可以处理使用NFC标签增加的流量的托管服务 ,请查看我们的企业托管计划 。