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BSS:基本服务集 (BSS: Basic Service Set)

BSS is an abbreviation of the "Basic Service Set".


It is a term used to illustrate the set of Stations which may communicate as wireless devices collectively inside an IEEE 802.11 wireless local area network. Basic service sets are a subdivision of a group of wireless devices inside an Extended Service Set (ESS) which are furthermore may or may not comprise Access Point (AP).

它是一个术语,用于说明一组站,这些站可以作为无线设备在IEEE 802.11无线局域网中共同通信。 基本服务集是扩展服务集(ESS)内的一组无线设备的细分,此外,这些服务可能包含或可能不包含接入点(AP)。

An Access Point is a communication point that makes available a connection by using a permanent distribution system such as a wired Ethernet network.


Extended Service Set is a collection of organized and interrelated Basic Service Sets with a similar network identifier known as Service Set Identifier (SSID) on a widespread logical network division. SSID is a wireless network identifier, which supposed to be exclusive to every Access Point and supposed to be used on a range of Access Points if there is a condition that the users are wandering between APs.

扩展服务集是组织的且相互关联的基本服务集的集合,在广泛的逻辑网络部门中,这些服务具有相似的网络标识符,称为服务集标识符(SSID)。 SSID是一个无线网络标识符,如果存在用户在AP之间徘徊的情况,则应该是每个接入点所独有的,并且应该在一系列接入点上使用。

In contrast to basic service set identifiers, SSIDs are generally able to be modifiable according to a specific undertaking, typically in a natural language, such as English for the state of being able to carry on with ease and comfort and be capable of to be zero to 32 octets (32 bytes) lengthy.


类别 (Category)

BSS is classified into two categories:


  • Independent Basic Service Set (IBSS): It is an ad hoc network, in which simply independent stations that make communication straight in a peer to peer topology are available with no Access Points.

    独立基本服务集(IBSS) :这是一个自组织网络,其中仅简单的独立站就可以在对等拓扑中直接进行通信,而没有访问点。

  • Infrastructure Mode Redistribution Point-based Set (Access Points): In this Infrastructure Mode Redistribution Point-based Set, an Access Point is linked to a wired based infrastructure, such as Ethernet network, and the entire wireless devices make communication with the Access Point.

    基于基础结构模式重新分发点的集合(访问点) :在此基于基础结构模式重新分发点的集合中,访问点链接到基于有线的基础结构(例如以太网),并且整个无线设备都与访问点进行通信。

Reference: Service set (802.11 network)

参考: 服务集(802.11网络)

Algo tagged in: Dictionary – 'B'

Algo标签在: 词典 –'B '

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dictionary/bss-full-form.aspx

