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linux bbcp路径不对,[20130109]使用bbcp传输文件.txt








git clone ~abh/bbcp/bbcp.git

cd bbcp


cp bin/amd64_linux26/bbcp /usr/local/bin/bbcp




bbcp -P 2 /data/orcl/users01.dbf oracle@remote_host:/tmp/users01.dbf


bash: bbcp: command not found

bbcp: bbcp unexpectedly terminated on XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX


bbcp assumes the remote system's non-interactive environment contains the path to the bbcp utility.

This can be determined by with the following command:

ssh remotesystem which bbcp


#  bbcp -P 2 /data/orcl/users01.dbf oracle@remote_host:/tmp/users01.dbf

oracle@xxX.xxx.xxx.xxx's password:

bbcp: Creating /tmp/users01.dbf

bbcp: 130109 16:50:04  5% done; 55.7 MB/s

bbcp: 130109 16:50:06  15% done; 63.2 MB/s

bbcp: 130109 16:50:08  25% done; 66.1 MB/s

bbcp: 130109 16:50:10  36% done; 71.3 MB/s

bbcp: 130109 16:50:12  47% done; 72.8 MB/s

bbcp: 130109 16:50:14  55% done; 70.0 MB/s

bbcp: 130109 16:50:16  65% done; 70.7 MB/s

bbcp: 130109 16:50:18  74% done; 70.4 MB/s

bbcp: 130109 16:50:20  84% done; 70.4 MB/s

bbcp: 130109 16:50:22  95% done; 71.6 MB/s


# du -sm /tmp/users01.dbf

1467    /tmp/users01.dbf


scp     /data/orcl.20121016/users01.dbf oracle@

users01.dbf 100% 1465MB  45.8MB/s   00:32

lftp也做了一个测试,稍微快一点,大约30秒。1536180224 bytes transferred in 30 seconds (48.95M/s)


加入-f 参数

--force | -f

forces the copy by erasing the target prior to copying the source file. By default, if the target already exists for the

source file, the copy fails. See also the –K option modifier.

如果在拷贝文件时,在远程机器使用ps -elf | grep bbcp 看。

# ps -elf | grep bbcp | grep -v grep

0 S oracle    7398  7397  1  81   0 - 12251 wait   17:04 ?        00:00:00 bbcp SNK

1 S oracle    7427  7398 68  76   0 - 22495 184466 17:04 ?        00:00:13 bbcp SNK



1.2.1        Window Size (-w)

The first and most important option is –w. This determines the TCP window size as well as the default I/O size.  The

default of 128Kis usually good enough for LAN and larger values are likely to hurt performance.

1.2.2        Streams (-s)

The -- s options is the second most important tuning parameter. This specifies the number of parallel TCP streams. A

na?ve explanation would say that streams can make up for not having a large enough window. The idea is that if you can’

t get enough packets moving in a single window, then create multiple windows and run them simultaneously. This is only

partially true. While multiple streams do provide multiple windows, multiple windows also parallelize traffic with

independent time-outs, re-transmissions, and greatly improved I/O overlapping. This is a cumulative effect that

dramatically increases the overall bandwidth utilization. But, too much of a good thing can also be bad, as you will see


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