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Thinking about producing a screencast? Will quick and dirty do the trick, as long as it’s free? vnc2swf could be just what you need:

想制作截屏视频吗? 只要是免费的,花招又快又脏吗? vnc2swf可能正是您需要的:

  1. Set up a VNC server. The free VNC Server for Windows (previously WinVNC) will do the trick on Windows boxes, and there’s OSXvnc for Mac.

    设置一个VNC服务器。 适用于Windows的免费VNC服务器 (以前称为WinVNC)将在Windows机器上解决问题,并且提供适用于Mac的OSXvnc

  2. Install and run vnc2swf. You’ll need to set up Python first, but everything you need is linked on the site. Once it’s running, hit F9 to start recording your desktop.

    安装并运行vnc2swf。 您需要先设置Python,但所需的所有内容均已链接到该站点。 运行后,按F9键开始录制您的桌面。
  3. Stop recording when you’re done. An SWF is produced, which you can publish on the Web.

    完成后停止录制。 生成了一个SWF,您可以将其发布在Web上。
  4. Use the companion editing tool to chop off the pieces of the movie you don’t want to keep, and then add an MP3 soundtrack recorded separately.


And just like that, you’ve got your screencast! The screencast demonstration on the site is a little tough to follow if you’re not up on your Unix commands, but with a little tinkering at the command prompt you should be able to get it to work on Windows or Mac OS X with relatively little trouble.

就像那样,您已经获得了截屏视频! 如果您不熟悉Unix命令,则很难遵循该站点上的截屏演示,但是在命令提示符下进行一些修补后,您应该可以使它在Windows或Mac OS X上运行的时间相对较少。麻烦。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/lightweight-screencasting-with-vnc2swf/

