以前我写blog很勤,某种意义上说是犯了好多戒。我不否认那时候我逼迫自己每天或者隔天写一篇,一定程度上是为了来访问我的blog的读者们每次都能看到些新的东西。现在我的blog虽然数量少了,但我想我正在blog for fun, for myself.
下面这个十戒是在Roodo的blog上看到的,他从Mark家看来的,而他又是从 Agni 那边看來的,Agni又是从酋長那边看來的。
- Blogging for fun ,for yourself, at least at begining
- Don't force yourself to blog just for periodically update.
- Don't limit your blog to min. or max. length.
- Don't blog just for audience.
- Don't be afraid of opposite comments.
- Blogging is to share your thought, your opinion, not your " me too".
- Blogging tools and interfaces are for convenience, not for "Wow! so fascenating!" The same as your site layout.
- If you don't want someone reading your blog, never put it on.(Even he/she don't know you have a blog)
- Try to remember why you are blogging.
- Forget the first 9 rules. use the 10th instead: BLOG FOR YOURSELF!