
void vtkRenderer::Render(void)
  if(this->Delegate!=0 && this->Delegate->GetUsed())

  double   t1, t2;
  int      i;
  vtkProp  *aProp;
  int *size;

  // If Draw is not on, ignore the render.
  if (!this->Draw)
    vtkDebugMacro("Ignoring render because Draw is off.");


 t1 = vtkTimerLog::GetUniversalTime();


  size = this->RenderWindow->GetSize();

// if backing store is on and we have a stored image
  if (this->BackingStore && this->BackingImage &&
      this->MTime < this->RenderTime &&
      this->ActiveCamera->GetMTime() < this->RenderTime &&
      this->RenderWindow->GetMTime() < this->RenderTime &&
      this->BackingStoreSize[0] == size[0] &&
      this->BackingStoreSize[1] == size[1])
    int mods = 0;
    vtkLight *light;
如果有backing store并且有srored image那么执行下面的代码。

 // now we just need to check the lights and actors
    vtkCollectionSimpleIterator sit;
        (light = this->Lights->GetNextLight(sit)); )
      if (light->GetSwitch() &&
          light->GetMTime() > this->RenderTime)
        mods = 1;
        goto completed_mod_check;
    vtkCollectionSimpleIterator pit;
    for (this->Props->InitTraversal(pit);
         (aProp = this->Props->GetNextProp(pit)); )
      // if it's invisible, we can skip the rest
      if (aProp->GetVisibility())
        if (aProp->GetRedrawMTime() > this->RenderTime)
          mods = 1;
          goto completed_mod_check;


 if (!mods)
      int rx1, ry1, rx2, ry2;

      // backing store should be OK, lets use it
      // calc the pixel range for the renderer
      rx1 = static_cast<int>(this->Viewport[0]*
                             (this->RenderWindow->GetSize()[0] - 1));
      ry1 = static_cast<int>(this->Viewport[1]*
                             (this->RenderWindow->GetSize()[1] - 1));
      rx2 = static_cast<int>(this->Viewport[2]*
                             (this->RenderWindow->GetSize()[0] - 1));
      ry2 = static_cast<int>(this->Viewport[3]*
                             (this->RenderWindow->GetSize()[1] - 1));
上面可以看到是往整个RenderWindow上加上Backing Image。然后直接结束渲染事件。这应该是事先已经画好了?

到这里关于backing store的结束了。

 // Create the initial list of visible props
  // This will be passed through AllocateTime(), where
  // a time is allocated for each prop, and the list
  // maybe re-ordered by the cullers. Also create the
  // sublists for the props that need ray casting, and
  // the props that need to be rendered into an image.
  // Fill these in later (in AllocateTime) - get a
  // count of them there too
  if ( this->Props->GetNumberOfItems() > 0 )
    this->PropArray = new vtkProp *[this->Props->GetNumberOfItems()];
    this->PropArray = NULL;
 this->PropArrayCount = 0;
  vtkCollectionSimpleIterator pit;
  for ( this->Props->InitTraversal(pit);
        (aProp = this->Props->GetNextProp(pit)); )
    if ( aProp->GetVisibility() )
      this->PropArray[this->PropArrayCount++] = aProp;

  if ( this->PropArrayCount == 0 )
    vtkDebugMacro( << "There are no visible props!" );

   // Call all the culling methods to set allocated time
    // for each prop and re-order the prop list if desired


  // do the render library specific stuff

  // If we aborted, restore old estimated times
  // Setting the allocated render time to zero also sets the
  // estimated render time to zero, so that when we add back
  // in the old value we have set it correctly.
  if ( this->RenderWindow->GetAbortRender() )
    for ( i = 0; i < this->PropArrayCount; i++ )
如果放弃现在的渲染,那么需要重新恢复之前的预估时间。设置allocated render时间为0,并且设置estimated render 时间为0以保证当我们需要加回以前的值是,我们已经设置正确了。

 // Clean up the space we allocated before. If the PropArray exists,
  // they all should exist
  delete [] this->PropArray;
  this->PropArray = NULL;

  if (this->BackingStore)
    delete [] this->BackingImage;

    int rx1, ry1, rx2, ry2;

    // backing store should be OK, lets use it
    // calc the pixel range for the renderer
    rx1 = static_cast<int>(this->Viewport[0]*(size[0] - 1));
    ry1 = static_cast<int>(this->Viewport[1]*(size[1] - 1));
    rx2 = static_cast<int>(this->Viewport[2]*(size[0] - 1));
    ry2 = static_cast<int>(this->Viewport[3]*(size[1] - 1));
    this->BackingImage = this->RenderWindow->GetPixelData(rx1,ry1,rx2,ry2,0);
    this->BackingStoreSize[0] = size[0];
    this->BackingStoreSize[1] = size[1];
  // If we aborted, do not record the last render time.
  // Lets play around with determining the accuracy of the
  // EstimatedRenderTimes.  We can try to adjust for bad
  // estimates with the TimeFactor.
  if ( ! this->RenderWindow->GetAbortRender() )
    // Measure the actual RenderTime
    t2 = vtkTimerLog::GetUniversalTime();
    this->LastRenderTimeInSeconds = static_cast<double>(t2 - t1);

    if (this->LastRenderTimeInSeconds == 0.0)
      this->LastRenderTimeInSeconds = 0.0001;
    this->TimeFactor = this->AllocatedRenderTime/this->LastRenderTimeInSeconds;


void vtkRenderer::AllocateTime()
  int          initialized = 0;
  double        renderTime;
  double        totalTime;
  int          i;
  vtkCuller    *aCuller;
  vtkProp      *aProp;

  // Give each of the cullers a chance to modify allocated rendering time
  // for the entire set of props. Each culler returns the total time given
  // by AllocatedRenderTime for all props. Each culler is required to
  // place any props that have an allocated render time of 0.0
  // at the end of the list. The PropArrayCount value that is
  // returned is the number of non-zero, visible actors.
  // Some cullers may do additional sorting of the list (by distance,
  // importance, etc).

 // The first culler will initialize all the allocated render times.
  // Any subsequent culling will multiply the new render time by the
  // existing render time for an actor.

  totalTime = this->PropArrayCount;
第一个culler将会初始化所有的分配的渲染时间,所有随后的culling将会乘以这个新的渲染时间。通过把这个已经存在的render time 作为一个因子。

  // It is very likely that the culler framework will call our
  // GetActiveCamera (say, to get the view frustrum planes for example).
  // This does not reset the camera anymore. If no camera has been
  // created though, we want it not only to be created but also reset
  // so that it behaves nicely for people who never bother with the camera
  // (i.e. neither call GetActiveCamera or ResetCamera). Of course,
  // it is very likely that the camera has already been created
  // (guaranteed if this renderer is being rendered as part of a
  // vtkRenderWindow).

 if ( this->Cullers->GetNumberOfItems())

  vtkCollectionSimpleIterator sit;
  for (this->Cullers->InitTraversal(sit);
    totalTime =
      aCuller->Cull(this,this->PropArray, this->PropArrayCount,initialized );
  // loop through all props and set the AllocatedRenderTime
  for ( i = 0; i < this->PropArrayCount; i++ )
    aProp = this->PropArray[i];

    // If we don't have an outer cull method in any of the cullers,
    // then the allocated render time has not yet been initialized
    renderTime = (initialized)?(aProp->GetRenderTimeMultiplier()):(1.0);

    // We need to divide by total time so that the total rendering time
    // (all prop's AllocatedRenderTime added together) would be equal
    // to the renderer's AllocatedRenderTime.
      SetAllocatedRenderTime(( renderTime / totalTime ) *
                             this );

// Returns the elapsed number of seconds since January 1, 1970. This
// is also called Universal Coordinated Time.
double vtkTimerLog::GetUniversalTime()
  double currentTimeInSeconds;

#ifdef _WIN32
#ifdef _WIN32_WCE
  FILETIME CurrentTime;
  SystemTimeToFileTime(&st, &CurrentTime);
  currentTimeInSeconds = CurrentTime.dwHighDateTime;
  currentTimeInSeconds *= 429.4967296;
  currentTimeInSeconds = currentTimeInSeconds +
        CurrentTime.dwLowDateTime / 10000000.0;
  timeb CurrentTime;
  static double scale = 1.0/1000.0;
  ::ftime( &CurrentTime );
  currentTimeInSeconds = CurrentTime.time + scale * CurrentTime.millitm;
  timeval CurrentTime;
  static double scale = 1.0/1000000.0;
  gettimeofday( &CurrentTime, NULL );
  currentTimeInSeconds = CurrentTime.tv_sec + scale * CurrentTime.tv_usec;

  return currentTimeInSeconds;
