eip | title | author | discussions-to | status | type | category | created | requires |
Ethereum Provider JavaScript API
Ryan Ghods (@ryanio), Marc Garreau (@marcgarreau)
Standards Track
This EIP formalizes an Ethereum Provider JavaScript API for consistency across clients and applications.
The provider is designed to be minimal, containing 4 methods: enable
, send
, subscribe
, and unsubscribe
. It emits 4 types of events: connect
, close
, networkChanged
, and accountsChanged
It is intended to be available on window.ethereum
这个EIP就是之前ethereum/EIPs-1102 Opt-in provider access metamask不再默认直接连入网页的详细接口的实现的解释
By default a "read-only" provider is supplied to allow access to the blockchain while preserving user privacy.
A full provider can be requested to allow account-level methods:
如果想要获取full provider的使用权限,得到钱包中账户的信息,并能够进行相应的调用,就要使用ethereum.enable()去请求用户同意连接
ethereum.enable(): Promise<[String]>;
window.addEventListener('load', async () => { // Read-only provider is exposed by default console.log(await ethereum.send('net_version'));//能够读取信息 try { // Request full provider if needed await ethereum.enable(); // Full provider exposed await ethereum.send('eth_sendTransaction', [/* ... */]); } catch (error) { // User denied full provider access } });
Promise resolves with an array of the accounts' public keys, or rejects with Error
If the dapp has been previously authenticated and remembered by the user, then the provider supplied on load MAYautomatically be enabled with the previously authenticated accounts.就是如果之前有通过身份验证并且被用户所记得,那么provider可能会自动连接上
Ethereum API methods can be sent and received:
ethereum.send(method: String, params?: Array<any>): Promise<any>;
Promise resolves with result
or rejects with Error
See the available methods.相关的方法如下所示,详细使用信息看
JSON-RPC methods web3_clientVersion web3_sha3 net_version net_peerCount net_listening eth_protocolVersion eth_syncing eth_coinbase eth_mining eth_hashrate eth_gasPrice eth_accounts eth_blockNumber eth_getBalance eth_getStorageAt eth_getTransactionCount eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber eth_getCode eth_sign eth_sendTransaction eth_sendRawTransaction eth_call eth_estimateGas eth_getBlockByHash eth_getBlockByNumber eth_getTransactionByHash eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex eth_getTransactionReceipt eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex eth_getCompilers eth_compileLLL eth_compileSolidity eth_compileSerpent eth_newFilter eth_newBlockFilter eth_newPendingTransactionFilter eth_uninstallFilter eth_getFilterChanges eth_getFilterLogs eth_getLogs eth_getWork eth_submitWork eth_submitHashrate db_putString db_getString db_putHex db_getHex shh_post shh_version shh_newIdentity shh_hasIdentity shh_newGroup shh_addToGroup shh_newFilter shh_uninstallFilter shh_getFilterChanges shh_getMessages
window.addEventListener('load', async () => { // Modern dapp browsers...现在的连接方式 if (window.ethereum) {//如果安装了metamask,且登录了,暴露个目前只读的provider;如果没有安装metamask或没有登录,那么window.ethereum将为undefined window.web3 = new Web3(ethereum); //provider通过ethereum暴露,相当于以前的currentProvider try { // Request account access if needed await ethereum.enable(); // Acccounts now exposed web3.eth.sendTransaction({/* ... */});//举个调用的例子 } catch (error) {//用户拒绝 // User denied account access... } } // Non-dapp browsers... else { console.log('Non-Ethereum browser detected. You should consider trying MetaMask!'); } });
ethereum.subscribe(subscriptionType: String, params?: Array<any>): Promise<String>;
Promise resolves with subscriptionId: String
的字符串)or rejects with Error
See the types of subscriptions.
Create subscription
Subscriptions are creates with a regular RPC call with eth_subscribe
as method and the subscription name as first parameter. If successful it returns the subscription id.
- subscription name
- optional arguments
>> {"id": 1, "method": "eth_subscribe", "params": ["newHeads", {"includeTransactions": true}]} << {"id": 1, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": "0x9cef478923ff08bf67fde6c64013158d"}
Results emit on subscriptionId
using EventEmitter. Attach listeners with:
ethereum.on(subscriptionId, listener: (result: any) => void): this;
The event emits with result
, the subscription result
or an Error
<< { "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "eth_subscription", "params": { "result": { "difficulty": "0x15d9223a23aa", "extraData": "0xd983010305844765746887676f312e342e328777696e646f7773", "gasLimit": "0x47e7c4", "gasUsed": "0x38658", "logsBloom": "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "miner": "0xf8b483dba2c3b7176a3da549ad41a48bb3121069", "nonce": "0x084149998194cc5f", "number": "0x1348c9", "parentHash": "0x7736fab79e05dc611604d22470dadad26f56fe494421b5b333de816ce1f25701", "receiptRoot": "0x2fab35823ad00c7bb388595cb46652fe7886e00660a01e867824d3dceb1c8d36", "sha3Uncles": "0x1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347", "stateRoot": "0xb3346685172db67de536d8765c43c31009d0eb3bd9c501c9be3229203f15f378", "timestamp": "0x56ffeff8", "transactionsRoot": "0x0167ffa60e3ebc0b080cdb95f7c0087dd6c0e61413140e39d94d3468d7c9689f" }, "subscription": "0x9ce59a13059e417087c02d3236a0b1cc" } }
ethereum.unsubscribe(subscriptionId: String): Promise<Boolean>;
Promise resolves with success: Boolean
or rejects with Error
All EventEmitter listeners on subscriptionId
will also be removed.
Events are emitted using EventEmitter.
The provider emits connect
on connect to a network.就是当你钱包连接上了网络就会触发这个connect事件
ethereum.on('connect', listener: () => void): this;
You can detect which network by sending net_version
const network = await ethereum.send('net_version'); > '1'
The provider emits close
on disconnect from a network.当你钱包断开网络连接
ethereum.on('close', listener: (code: Number, reason: String) => void): this;
The event emits with code
and reason
. The code follows the table of CloseEvent
status codes.
The provider emits networkChanged
on connect to a new network.当你钱包中换了一个新网络进行连接
ethereum.on('networkChanged', listener: (networkId: String) => void): this;
The event emits with networkId
, the new network returned from net_version
The provider emits accountsChanged
if the accounts returned from the provider (eth_accounts
) changes.当你钱包更换了账户
ethereum.on('accountsChanged', listener: (accounts: Array<String>) => void): this;
The event emits with accounts
, an array of the accounts' public keys.
ethereum.constructor.name; > 'EthereumProvider'
const ethereum = window.ethereum;
//这是两种使用方法,一种即将EthereumProvider设置到web3上,然后之后就能够使用web3的接口来调用方法,如web3.eth.sendTransaction({/* ... */}); // A) Primary use case - set provider in web3.js web3.setProvider(ethereum);
//不然另一种方法就是直接使用ethereum,然后用本文上面的方式来进行方法的调用,即send\subscribe等 // B) Secondary use case - use provider object directly // Example 1: Log last block ethereum .send('eth_getBlockByNumber', ['latest', 'true'])//得到最新的区块账户信息 .then(block => { console.log(`Block ${block.number}:\n${block}`); }) .catch(error => { console.error( `Error fetching last block: ${error.message}. Code: ${error.code}. Data: ${error.data}` ); }); // Example 2: Enable full provider ethereum .enable() .then(accounts => { console.log(`Enabled accounts:\n${accounts.join('\n')}`);//得到钱包中所有的账户信息 }) .catch(error => { console.error( `Error enabling provider: ${error.message}. Code: ${error.code}. Data: ${error.data}` ); }); // Example 3: Log available accounts ethereum .send('eth_accounts') .then(accounts => { console.log(`Accounts:\n${accounts.join('\n')}`);//得到钱包中所有的账户信息 }) .catch(error => { console.error( `Error fetching accounts: ${error.message}. Code: ${error.code}. Data: ${error.data}` ); }); } // Example 4: Log new blocks let subId;//全局变量,用于之后取消订阅 ethereum .subscribe('newHeads')//订阅得到新区块头的信息 .then(subscriptionId => { subId = subscriptionId; ethereum.on(subscriptionId, block => { if (result instanceOf Error) { const error = result; console.error( `Error from newHeads subscription: ${error.message}. Code: ${error.code}. Data: ${error.data}` ); } else { console.log(`New block ${block.number}:\n${block}`); } }); }) .catch(error => { console.error( `Error making newHeads subscription: ${error.message}. Code: ${error.code}. Data: ${error.data}` ); }); // to unsubscribe ethereum .unsubscribe(subId)//取消订阅 .then(result => { console.log(`Unsubscribed newHeads subscription ${subscriptionId}`); }) .catch(error => { console.error( `Error unsubscribing newHeads subscription: ${error.message}. Code: ${error.code}. Data: ${error.data}` ); }); // Example 5: Log when accounts change const logAccounts = accounts => { console.log(`Accounts:\n${accounts.join('\n')}`); }; ethereum.on('accountsChanged', logAccounts);//账户更改的话则调用回调logAccounts // to unsubscribe ethereum.removeListener('accountsChanged', logAccounts); // Example 6: Log if connection ends ethereum.on('close', (code, reason) => { console.log( `Ethereum provider connection closed: ${reason}. Code: ${code}` ); });
The name of the constructor of the Ethereum Provider MUST be EthereumProvider
web3.js Provider
The implementing Ethereum Provider MUST be compatible as a web3.js
provider. This is accomplished by providing two methods in the EthereumProvider
sendAsync(payload: Object, callback: (error: any, result: any) => void): void isConnected(): Boolean.
Ethereum Provider与web3.js
Error object and codes
If an Error object is returned, it MUST contain a human readable string message describing the error and SHOULDpopulate the code
and data
properties on the error object with additional error details.
Appropriate error codes SHOULD follow the table of CloseEvent
status codes, along with the following table:
Status code | Name | Description |
4001 | User Denied Full Provider | User denied the enabling of the full Ethereum Provider by choosing not to authorize any accounts for the dapp. |
Sample Class Implementation
class EthereumProvider extends EventEmitter { constructor() { // Call super for `this` to be defined super(); // Init storage this._isConnected = false; this._nextJsonrpcId = 0; this._promises = {}; this._activeSubscriptions = []; // Fire the connect this._connect(); // Listen for jsonrpc responses window.addEventListener('message', this._handleJsonrpcMessage.bind(this)); } /* Methods */ enable() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { window.mist .requestAccounts() .then(resolve) .catch(reject); }); } send(method, params = []) { if (!method || typeof method !== 'string') { return new Error('Method is not a valid string.'); } if (!(params instanceof Array)) { return new Error('Params is not a valid array.'); } const id = this._nextJsonrpcId++; const jsonrpc = '2.0'; const payload = { jsonrpc, id, method, params }; const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._promises[payload.id] = { resolve, reject }; }); // Send jsonrpc request to Mist window.postMessage( { type: 'mistAPI_ethereum_provider_write', message: payload }, origin ); return promise; } subscribe(subscriptionType, params) { return this.send('eth_subscribe', [subscriptionType, ...params]).then( subscriptionId => { this._activeSubscriptions.push(subscriptionId); } ); } unsubscribe(subscriptionId) { return this.send('eth_unsubscribe', [subscriptionId]).then(success => { if (success) { // Remove subscription this._activeSubscription = this._activeSubscription.filter( id => id !== subscriptionId ); // Remove listeners on subscriptionId this.removeAllListeners(subscriptionId); } }); } /* Internal methods */ _handleJsonrpcMessage(event) { // Return if no data to parse if (!event || !event.data) { return; } let data; try { data = JSON.parse(event.data); } catch (error) { // Return if we can't parse a valid object return; } // Return if not a jsonrpc response if (!data || !data.message || !data.message.jsonrpc) { return; } const message = data.message; const { id, method, error, result } = message; if (typeof id !== 'undefined') { const promise = this._promises[id]; if (promise) { // Handle pending promise if (data.type === 'error') { promise.reject(message); } else if (message.error) { promise.reject(error); } else { promise.resolve(result); } delete this._promises[id]; } } else { if (method && method.indexOf('_subscription') > -1) { // Emit subscription result const { subscription, result } = message.params; this.emit(subscription, result); } } } /* Connection handling */ _connect() { // Send to Mist window.postMessage({ type: 'mistAPI_ethereum_provider_connect' }, origin); // Reconnect on close this.once('close', this._connect.bind(this)); } /* Events */ _emitConnect() { this._isConnected = true; this.emit('connect'); } _emitClose(code, reason) { this._isConnected = false; this.emit('close', code, reason); // Send Error objects to any open subscriptions this._activeSubscriptions.forEach(id => { const error = new Error( `Provider connection to network closed. Subscription lost, please subscribe again.` ); this.emit(id, error); }); // Clear subscriptions this._activeSubscriptions = []; } _emitNetworkChanged(networkId) { this.emit('networkChanged', networkId); } _emitAccountsChanged(accounts) { this.emit('accountsChanged', accounts); } /* web3.js provider compatibility */ sendAsync(payload, callback) { return this.send(payload.method, payload.params) .then(result => { const response = payload; response.result = result; callback(null, response); }) .catch(error => { callback(error, null); // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.error( `Error from EthereumProvider sendAsync ${payload}: ${error}` ); }); } isConnected() { return this._isConnected; } }