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html拖动圆纽改变,绘制一个可拖动的圆圈,其中心信息使用easeljs动态更改 - html5代码 - 源码查...



I am trying to display co-ordinate of the circle that is created with double click within the canvas. I could do this task but when I drag the circle the want the co-ordinate information to be changed.This information got changed but co-ordinate info that was displayed before are still there. How to display only the current information. Please help. You can check it live on: http://codepen.io/bsubba/pen/rxXXMa

function createCircle(x,y,r,stroke,id){

var circle = new createjs.Shape();

circle.graphics.setStrokeStyle(4).beginStroke(stroke).drawCircle(0, 0, r);

circle.x = x;

circle.y = y;

circle.name = "circle";

circle.id = id;


var text = new createjs.Text("("+x+","+y+")","13px Arial","#000000");

text.name = "coordinate";

text.textAlign = "center";

text.textBaseline = "middle";

text.x = x;

text.y = y-25;

stage.addChild(circle, text);


//display co-ordiates of the circle

function displayText(x,y,str){

var text = new createjs.Text(str, "13px Arial", "#000000");

text.name = "coordinate";

text.textAlign = "center";

text.textBaseline = "middle";

text.x = x;

text.y = y-25;

text.name = "labels";



//Drag function

function drag(evt) {

evt.target.x = evt.stageX;

evt.target.y = evt.stageY;





You can change the text via the text property on the existing createjs.Text object. For example:

// save a reference to the text object on your circle object

circle.textObj = text;


function drag(evt) {

evt.target.x = evt.stageX;

evt.target.y = evt.stageY;

// get the existing text object and do some stuff with it

var textObj = evt.target.textObj;

textObj.text = str;

textObj.x = x;

textObj.y = y - 20;

