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cloud compare 中 cloud 和 mesh 的类型说明



// The 3 tuple values as a union (array/separate values)
			Type x,y,z;
		Type u[3];


template <typename Type> class Vector3Tpl : public Tuple3Tpl<Type>

static inline Vector3Tpl fromArray(const int a[3])
 { return Vector3Tpl(static_cast<Type>(a[0]),static_cast<Type>(a[1]),static_cast<Type>(a[2])); }


typedef Vector3Tpl<PointCoordinateType> CCVector3;


CCVector3 m_bbMin;         //! Lower min. corner
CCVector3 m_bbMax;         //! Upper max. corner
bool m_valid;              //! Validity


    double h;                             //! Height value
	double avgHeight;                     //! Average height value
    double stdDevHeight;                  //! Height std.dev.
	PointCoordinateType minHeight;        //! Min height value
	PointCoordinateType maxHeight;        //! Max height value
    unsigned nbPoints;                    //! Number of points projected in this cell
	unsigned pointIndex;                  //! Nearest point index (if any)
	CCVector3d color;                     //! Color


typedef std::vector<ccRasterCell> Row;           //! Row
std::vector<Row> rows;                           //! All cells
typedef std::vector<double> SF;                  //! Scalar field
std::vector<SF> scalarFields;                    //! Associated scalar fields
unsigned width;                                  //! Number of columns
unsigned height;                                 //! Number of rows
double gridStep;                                 //! Grid step ('pixel' size)
CCVector3d minCorner;                            //! Min corner (3D)
double minHeight;                                //! Min height (computed on the NON-EMPTY or INTERPOLATED cells)   
double maxHeight;                                //! Max height (computed on the NON-EMPTY or INTERPOLATED cells)
double meanHeight;                               //! Average height (computed on the NON-EMPTY or INTERPOLATED cells)
unsigned nonEmptyCellCount;                      //! Number of NON-EMPTY cells
unsigned validCellCount;                         //! Number of VALID cells
bool hasColors;                                  //! Whether the (average) colors are available or not
bool valid;                                      //! Whether the grid is valid/up-to-date