当前位置: 首页 > 工具软件 > JAMA > 使用案例 >

java的jama包_JAVA 矩阵工具包 JAMA



JAMA is a basic linear algebra package for Java. It provides user-level classes for constructing and manipulating real, dense matrices. It is meant to provide sufficient functionality for routine problems, packaged in a way that is natural and understandable to non-experts.




└── Jama

├── ChangeLog

├── CholeskyDecomposition.class

├── CholeskyDecomposition.java

├── doc

│   ├── allclasses-frame.html

│   ├── allclasses-noframe.html

│   ├── constant-values.html

│   ├── deprecated-list.html

│   ├── help-doc.html

│   ├── index-all.html

│   ├── index.html

│   ├── Jama

│   │   ├── CholeskyDecomposition.html

│   │   ├── EigenvalueDecomposition.html

│   │   ├── LUDecomposition.html

│   │   ├── Matrix.html

│   │   ├── package-frame.html

│   │   ├── package-summary.html

│   │   ├── package-tree.html

│   │   ├── QRDecomposition.html

│   │   └── SingularValueDecomposition.html

│   ├── overview-tree.html

│   ├── package-list

│   ├── resources

│   │   └── inherit.gif

│   ├── serialized-form.html

│   └── stylesheet.css

├── EigenvalueDecomposition.class

├── EigenvalueDecomposition.java

├── examples

│   ├── MagicSquareExample.class

│   └── MagicSquareExample.java

├── LUDecomposition.class

├── LUDecomposition.java

├── Matrix.class

├── Matrix.java

├── QRDecomposition.class

├── QRDecomposition.java

├── SingularValueDecomposition.class

├── SingularValueDecomposition.java

├── test

│   ├── TestMatrix.class

│   └── TestMatrix.java

└── util

├── Maths.class

└── Maths.java

7 directories, 40 files
