jquery html5 css3网站内容更新时间轴进度条效果,jquery html5 css3网站内容更新时间轴进度条效果...


特效描述:jquery html5css3 网站内容更新 时间轴进度条效果。时间轴两侧的内容随着滚动条滚动,动画形式从右侧加载到中间,也有时间轴快速跳到想要的月份内容


1. 引入CSS

2. 引入JS

3. HTML代码













$(function() {

var $sidescroll= (function() {

// the row elements

var $rows= $('#ss-container > div.ss-row'),

// we will cache the inviewport rows and the outside viewport rows

$rowsViewport, $rowsOutViewport,

// navigation menu links

$links= $('#ss-links > a'),

// the window element

$win= $(window),

// we will store the window sizes here

winSize= {},

// used in the scroll setTimeout function

anim= false,

// page scroll speed

scollPageSpeed= 2000 ,

// page scroll easing

scollPageEasing = 'easeInOutExpo',

// perspective?

hasPerspective= false,

perspective= hasPerspective && Modernizr.csstransforms3d,

// initialize function

init= function() {

// get window sizes


// initialize events


// define the inviewport selector


// gets the elements that match the previous selector


// if perspective add css

if( perspective ) {


'-webkit-perspective': 600,

'-webkit-perspective-origin': '50% 0%'



// show the pointers for the inviewport rows


// set positions for each row



// defines a selector that gathers the row elems that are initially visible.

// the element is visible if its top is less than the window's height.

// these elements will not be affected when scrolling the page.

defineViewport= function() {

$.extend( $.expr[':'], {

inviewport: function ( el ) {

if ( $(el).offset().top < winSize.height ) {

return true;


return false;




// checks which rows are initially visible

setViewportRows= function() {

$rowsViewport = $rows.filter(':inviewport');

$rowsOutViewport= $rows.not( $rowsViewport )


// get window sizes

getWinSize= function() {

winSize.width= $win.width();

winSize.height= $win.height();


// initialize some events

initEvents= function() {

// navigation menu links.

// scroll to the respective section.

$links.on( 'click.Scrolling', function( event ) {

// scroll to the element that has id = menu's href

$('html, body').stop().animate({

scrollTop: $( $(this).attr('href') ).offset().top

}, scollPageSpeed, scollPageEasing );

return false;



// on window resize we need to redefine which rows are initially visible (this ones we will not animate).

'resize.Scrolling' : function( event ) {

// get the window sizes again


// redefine which rows are initially visible (:inviewport)


// remove pointers for every row


// show inviewport rows and respective pointers

$rowsViewport.each( function() {


.css({ left : '0%' })



.css({ right : '0%' })






// when scrolling the page change the position of each row

'scroll.Scrolling' : function( event ) {

// set a timeout to avoid that the

// placeRows function gets called on every scroll trigger

if( anim ) return false;

anim = true;

setTimeout( function() {


anim = false;

}, 10 );




// sets the position of the rows (left and right row elements).

// Both of these elements will start with -50% for the left/right (not visible)

// and this value should be 0% (final position) when the element is on the

// center of the window.

placeRows= function() {

// how much we scrolled so far

var winscroll= $win.scrollTop(),

// the y value for the center of the screen

winCenter= winSize.height / 2 + winscroll;

// for every row that is not inviewport

$rowsOutViewport.each( function(i) {

var $row= $(this),

// the left side element

$rowL= $row.find('div.ss-left'),

// the right side element

$rowR= $row.find('div.ss-right'),

// top value

rowT= $row.offset().top;

// hide the row if it is under the viewport

if( rowT > winSize.height + winscroll ) {

if( perspective ) {


'-webkit-transform': 'translate3d(-75%, 0, 0) rotateY(-90deg) translate3d(-75%, 0, 0)',

'opacity': 0



'-webkit-transform': 'translate3d(75%, 0, 0) rotateY(90deg) translate3d(75%, 0, 0)',

'opacity': 0



else {

$rowL.css({ left : '-50%' });

$rowR.css({ right : '-50%' });



// if not, the row should become visible (0% of left/right) as it gets closer to the center of the screen.

else {

// row's height

var rowH= $row.height(),

// the value on each scrolling step will be proporcional to the distance from the center of the screen to its height

factor = ( ( ( rowT + rowH / 2 ) - winCenter ) / ( winSize.height / 2 + rowH / 2 ) ),

// value for the left / right of each side of the row.

// 0% is the limit

val= Math.max( factor * 50, 0 );

if( val <= 0 ) {

// when 0% is reached show the pointer for that row

if( !$row.data('pointer') ) {

$row.data( 'pointer', true );




else {

// the pointer should not be shown

if( $row.data('pointer') ) {

$row.data( 'pointer', false );




// set calculated values

if( perspective ) {

vart= Math.max( factor * 75, 0 ),

r= Math.max( factor * 90, 0 ),

o= Math.min( Math.abs( factor - 1 ), 1 );


'-webkit-transform': 'translate3d(-' + t + '%, 0, 0) rotateY(-' + r + 'deg) translate3d(-' + t + '%, 0, 0)',

'opacity': o



'-webkit-transform': 'translate3d(' + t + '%, 0, 0) rotateY(' + r + 'deg) translate3d(' + t + '%, 0, 0)',

'opacity': o



else {

$rowL.css({ left : - val + '%' });

$rowR.css({ right : - val + '%' });





return { init : init };



