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MP Control 模块boost功能


高通平台有自己的performance 模块, 常见的场景是加速响应用户的触控响应.
主要分为java 应用层,Native 层, 和私有库,以及Kernel的支持.

  1. java层的应用场景.
    里面有对touch screen

     * Called to process touch screen events.  You can override this to
     * intercept all touch screen events before they are dispatched to the
     * window.  Be sure to call this implementation for touch screen events
     * that should be handled normally.
     * @param ev The touch screen event.
     * @return boolean Return true if this event was consumed.
    public boolean dispatchTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {

        if(mDragBoostPossible == -1) {
            mDragBoostPossible = 0;
            String currentActivity = getPackag