This example VNC server for Android is adopted from with some additional
fixes applied.
To build, you'll need the Android Native Development Kit from
Building with autotools
This has the advantage that the LibVNCServer sources are properly set up
using the configure script.
1. Read /docs/STANDALONE-TOOLCHAIN.html.
2. Setup your toolchain according to step 3 in the above file.
3. Execute
./configure --host=arm-eabi CC=arm-linux-androideabi-gcc
in the LibVNCServer root directory.
4. Execute
in the LibVNCServer root directory. This will build the whole
LibVNCServer distribution for Android, including androidvncserver.
Building with the NDK build system
This is probably easier than the autotools method, but you'll have to edit
some files manually.
1. Edit rfb/rfbconfig.h to match your Android target. For instance, comment out
LIBVNCSERVER_HAVE_LIBJPEG if you don't have libjpeg for Android.
2. Edit the HAVE_X variables in jni/ accordingly.
3. Execute
ndk-build -C .
in the examples/android directory. The resulting binary will be in libs/.
Installing && Running
This can be done via
adb push androidvncserver /data/local/
adb shell /data/local/androidvncserver