LibVNCServer: A library for easy implementation of a VNC server.
Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Johannes E. Schindelin
If you already used LibVNCServer, you probably want to read NEWS.
What is it?
VNC is a set of programs using the RFB (Remote Frame Buffer) protocol. They
are designed to "export" a frame buffer via net (if you don't know VNC, I
suggest you read "Basics" below). It is already in wide use for
administration, but it is not that easy to program a server yourself.
This has been changed by LibVNCServer.
There are two examples included:
- example, a shared scribble sheet
- pnmshow, a program to show PNMs (pictures) over the net.
The examples are not too well documented, but easy straight forward and a
good starting point.
Try example: it outputs on which port it listens (default: 5900), so it is