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MicroController Linux (μCLinux) is a Linux operating system for embedded hardware systems without a memory management unit (MMU).

The LEON3 is a 32-bit VHDL processor core based on the SPARCV8 RISC instruction set architecture.

This project will involve synthesis and placement of a LEON3 processor onto a commercial off the shelf (COTS) field programmable gate array (FPGA), μCLinux will then be loaded to the FPGA.



  • Professor Jose Renau: Leader of the MASC group at UCSC, instructor for CMPE-202, Computer Architecture.
  • Samuel Toepke: PhD Student, primary investigator, student of Professor Renau.
  • Tom Golubev: Member of MASC group, MS student. Source of Xilinx tools, Xilinx ML505 board and Xilinx Platform Cable USB.
  • Rigo Dicochea: Member of MASC group, PhD student, general FPGA resource.
  • Javier Castillo: Member of MASC group, embedded Linux resource.


  • Ubuntu 8.10/9.10 running Sun VirtualBox Version 2.2.2 r46594/Version 3.1.2 r56127.
  • Virtual Machine running CentOS 5.3 i386, http://www.centos.org
  • Download:
    • CentOS-5.3-i386-bin-1of6.iso
    • CentOS-5.3-i386-bin-2of6.iso
    • CentOS-5.3-i386-bin-3of6.iso
    • CentOS-5.3-i386-bin-4of6.iso
  • Procedure:
  1. Obtain a desktop computer. Any desktop machine with a USB port, serial port, and internet connection should suffice. Install the host Operating System of Ubuntu 8.10, as well as the specified VirtualBox.
  2. Download the CentOS distribution, specific .iso files listed above.
  3. (VirtualBox is used here, however, CentOS could of course be used as the machine's primary operating system). In VirtualBox, create a new virtual machine. Specific options used are described inCentOS_5.3_i386.xml.
  4. With the new virtual machine, mount and boot to CentOS-5.3-i386-bin-1of6.iso.
  5. When installing CentOS, install the following extras: "Development Libraries","Development Tools","Java Development","Legacy Software Development".
  6. Login-name: 'centos' sans single quotes.
  7. Once CentOS is installed: a. Applications->System Tools->Software Updater
  8. We know have a fresh, updated operating system to begin the project.

Building uCLinux

Cross Compiler

The cross compiler is necessary to compile μCLinux using LEON3 as the target architecture.

In the CentOS virtual machine, open a terminal.

$ cd
$ pwd
$ mkdir uCLinux
$ cd uCLinux/
$ mkdir crosscompiler
$ cd crosscompiler/
$ wget ftp://gaisler.com/gaisler.com/linux/linux-2.0/toolchains/sparc-linux-3.2.2/sparc-linux-3.2.2-1.0.1.tar.bz2
$ tar xjf sparc-linux-3.2.2-1.0.1.tar.bz2 
$ su
$root cp -R ./sparc-linux /opt
$root exit
$ export PATH=$PATH:/opt/sparc-linux/bin

uCLinux Source

We're going to use an instance of uCLinux that is safely ensconced within SnapGear Linux provided by Gaisler. The mainline distribution of uCLinux is rife with 'paper cuts'.

$ cd
$ cd uCLinux
$ mkdir uCLinux_source
$ cd uCLinux_source
$ wget ftp://gaisler.com/gaisler.com/linux/linux-2.0/snapgear/snapgear-2.0-p36.tar.bz2
$ tar xjf snapgear-2.0-p36.tar.bz2
$ cd snapgear-2.0-p36
$ make xconfig
         Kernel/Library/Defaults Selection, Libc Version: uClibc, Customize Vendor/User Settings: Y,
         'Save and Exit'.
         Set Kernel Command Line: n
         boa 0.94.14rc21: n
         hdparm: n
         SnapGear Embedded Linux Application Configuration -> Network Applications, telnetd: n,
         'Save and Exit'.
$ make dep
$ make

Built images will be found at: /home/centos/uCLinux/uCLinux_source/snapgear-2.0-p36/images/


Validate the built image by using a LEON3 emulator from Gaisler.

$ cd
$ cd uCLinux
$ mkdir TSIM
$ cd TSIM
$ wget ftp://ftp.gaisler.com/gaisler.com/tsim/tsim-eval-2.0.14.tar.gz
$ tar xfz tsim-eval-2.0.14.tar.gz
$ export PATH=$PATH:/home/centos/uCLinux/TSIM/tsim-eval/tsim/linux/
$ cd /home/centos/uCLinux/uCLinux_source/snapgear-2.0-p36/images/
$ tsim-leon3
$ tsim> load image-2.0.x.tsim
$ tsim> run

Building the LEON3

Download Xilinx ISE WebPACK. http://www.xilinx.com/tools/webpack.htm. Make an account and log in. The product you want is: "SW, ISE WebPACK 11.1 Single File Download Image" and the name of the file is "Xilinx_11.1_WebPack_SFD.tar".

$ cd
$ cd uCLinux
$ mkdir Xilinx_ISE_11
$ cd Xilinx_ISE_11
$ #Place the downloaded Xilinx_11.1_WebPack_SFD.tar into this directory.#
$ tar xf Xilinx_11.1_WebPack_SFD.tar
$ cd Xilinx_11.1_WebPack_SFD
$ su
$root echo 0 >/selinux/enforce #to turn off secure linux
$root ./xsetup #Keep defaults, except: unselect 'Acquire or Manage a License Key', unselect 'Launch XilinxUpdate'.
$root chmod -R 755 /opt/Xilinx/11.1
$root exit
$ cd /opt/Xilinx/11.1
$ ./settings32.sh
$ export PATH=$PATH:/opt/Xilinx/11.1/ISE/bin/lin

With the Xilinx account, request a 30 day trial license, or purchase a license. When the process is complete, you will have a file called 'Xilinx.lic'. Place the file in '/home/centos/.Xilinx/', chmod the permissions to 755.

Now that Xilinx ISE is installed, we'll pull down the LEON3 from Gaisler, and compile.

$ cd
$ cd uCLinux
$ mkdir LEON3
$ cd LEON3
$ wget http://www.gaisler.com/products/grlib/grlib-gpl-1.0.21-b3848.tar.gz
$ gzip -rd grlib-gpl-1.0.21-b3848.tar.gz
$ tar xf grlib-gpl-1.0.21-b3848.tar
$ cd grlib-gpl-1.0.21-b3848/designs/leon3-xilinx-ml505
$ make xconfig #Tested with enabling and disabling the MMU, both work. OK.
$ make ise-map
$ make ise #The resulting file is 'leon3mp.bit'.

Program ML505 with μCLinux and LEON3

Install Windows XP SP2 (32-bit) to a computer, install Xilinx ISE 11.1 Design Suite. 'Xilinx_11.1_ISE_DS_SFD.tar' can be downloaded from Xilinx. Disable 'Acquire or Manage a License Key' and disable 'Launch XilinxUpdate'. XP is used to program the board instead of CentOS due to time constraints, everything works without much trouble on XP. A good follow on project would be to program the board using CentOS.

Attach a serial cable from the ML505 to the XP machine. Connect the Xilinx Platform Cable USB from the XP host machine to the ML505. Attach the ML505 to a power source, and turn on. Do not connect to Windows Update to find a driver, allow the driver to be installed automatically.

  • Use Xilinx iMPACT to download the leon3mp.bit file to the FPGA.
  1. Start Xilinx iMPACT, automatically create and save a project->Yes. select 'Configure devices using Boundary-Scan(JTAG)'->OK.
  2. 'Do you want to continue and assign configuration file(s)?'->No. 'Device Programming Properties'->Cancel.
  3. On the xc5vlx50t chip, right click 'Assign New Configuration File'. Select the leon3mp.bit. 'Attach SPI or BPI PROM'->No.
  4. On the xc5vlx50t chip, right click 'Program'. 'Device Programming Properties'->OK.
  5. Xilinx iMPACT should report 'Program Succeeded'.
  • Download GRMON from Gaisler to debug and program the ML505 board.
  1. ftp://gaisler.com/gaisler.com/grmon/grmon-eval-1.1.37.tar.gz
  2. Extract to suitable directory.
C:\Xilinx\Tutorials\grmon-eval\win32> grmon-eval.exe -u
  grlib> info sys
  • Load the built image file to execute Linux on the FPGA
C:\Xilinx\Tutorials\grmon-eval\win32> grmon-eval.exe nb -u
  grlib> load image-2.0.x.dsu
  grlib> run
  • Output: http://www.samueltoepke.com/projects/LEON3_support/grmon-output.txt
  • C:\Xilinx\Tutorials\grmon-eval\win32>grmon-eval.exe -u
     GRMON LEON debug monitor v1.1.37 evaluation version
     Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Aeroflex Gaisler - all rights reserved.
     For latest updates, go to http://www.gaisler.com/
     Comments or bug-reports to support@gaisler.com
     This evaluation version will expire on 28/6/2010
    try open device //./com1
    ###opened device //./com1
     Device ID: : 0x505
     GRLIB build version: 3848
     initialising ...................
     detected frequency:  80 MHz
     Component                            Vendor
     LEON3 SPARC V8 Processor             Gaisler Research
     AHB Debug UART                       Gaisler Research
     AHB Debug JTAG TAP                   Gaisler Research
     SVGA frame buffer                    Gaisler Research
     GR Ethernet MAC                      Gaisler Research
     DDR2 Controller                      Gaisler Research
     AHB/APB Bridge                       Gaisler Research
     LEON3 Debug Support Unit             Gaisler Research
     LEON2 Memory Controller              European Space Agency
     System ACE I/F Controller            Gaisler Research
     Generic APB UART                     Gaisler Research
     Multi-processor Interrupt Ctrl       Gaisler Research
     Modular Timer Unit                   Gaisler Research
     PS/2 interface                       Gaisler Research
     PS/2 interface                       Gaisler Research
     General purpose I/O port             Gaisler Research
     AMBA Wrapper for OC I2C-master       Gaisler Research
     AMBA Wrapper for OC I2C-master       Gaisler Research
     AHB status register                  Gaisler Research
     Use command 'info sys' to print a detailed report of attached cores
    grlib> info sys
    00.01:003   Gaisler Research  LEON3 SPARC V8 Processor (ver 0x0)
                 ahb master 0
    01.01:007   Gaisler Research  AHB Debug UART (ver 0x0)
                 ahb master 1
                 apb: 80000700 - 80000800
                 baud rate 115200, ahb frequency 80.00
    02.01:01c   Gaisler Research  AHB Debug JTAG TAP (ver 0x0)
                 ahb master 2
    03.01:063   Gaisler Research  SVGA frame buffer (ver 0x0)
                 ahb master 3
                 apb: 80000600 - 80000700
                 clk0: 25.00 MHz  clk1: 25.00 MHz  clk2: 40.00 MHz  clk3: 65.00 MHz
    04.01:01d   Gaisler Research  GR Ethernet MAC (ver 0x0)
                 ahb master 4, irq 12
                 apb: 80000b00 - 80000c00
                 edcl ip, buffer 2 kbyte
    00.01:02e   Gaisler Research  DDR2 Controller (ver 0x0)
                 ahb: 40000000 - 60000000
                 ahb: fff00100 - fff00200
                 64-bit DDR2 : 1 * 256 Mbyte @ 0x40000000
                              190 MHz, col 10, ref 7.8 us, trfc 131 ns
    01.01:006   Gaisler Research  AHB/APB Bridge (ver 0x0)
                 ahb: 80000000 - 80100000
    02.01:004   Gaisler Research  LEON3 Debug Support Unit (ver 0x1)
                 ahb: 90000000 - a0000000
                 AHB trace 128 lines, stack pointer 0x4ffffff0
                 CPU#0 win 8, hwbp 2, itrace 128, srmmu, lddel 1
                       icache 2 * 8 kbyte, 32 byte/line lru
                       dcache 1 * 8 kbyte, 16 byte/line
    03.04:00f   European Space Agency  LEON2 Memory Controller (ver 0x1)
                 ahb: 00000000 - 20000000
                 ahb: 20000000 - 40000000
                 ahb: c0000000 - c2000000
                 apb: 80000000 - 80000100
                 16-bit prom @ 0x00000000
    04.01:067   Gaisler Research  System ACE I/F Controller (ver 0x0)
                 irq 13
                 ahb: fff00200 - fff00300
    01.01:00c   Gaisler Research  Generic APB UART (ver 0x1)
                 irq 2
                 apb: 80000100 - 80000200
                 baud rate 38461, DSU mode (FIFO debug)
    02.01:00d   Gaisler Research  Multi-processor Interrupt Ctrl (ver 0x3)
                 apb: 80000200 - 80000300
    03.01:011   Gaisler Research  Modular Timer Unit (ver 0x0)
                 irq 8
                 apb: 80000300 - 80000400
                 8-bit scaler, 2 * 32-bit timers, divisor 80
    04.01:060   Gaisler Research  PS/2 interface (ver 0x2)
                 irq 4
                 apb: 80000400 - 80000500
    05.01:060   Gaisler Research  PS/2 interface (ver 0x2)
                 irq 5
                 apb: 80000500 - 80000600
    08.01:01a   Gaisler Research  General purpose I/O port (ver 0x0)
                 apb: 80000800 - 80000900
    09.01:028   Gaisler Research  AMBA Wrapper for OC I2C-master (ver 0x1)
                 irq 14
                 apb: 80000900 - 80000a00
                 Controller index for use in GRMON: 1
    0c.01:028   Gaisler Research  AMBA Wrapper for OC I2C-master (ver 0x1)
                 irq 11
                 apb: 80000c00 - 80000d00
                 Controller index for use in GRMON: 2
    0f.01:052   Gaisler Research  AHB status register (ver 0x0)
                 irq 7
                 apb: 80000f00 - 80001000
    grlib> quit
    C:\Xilinx\Tutorials\grmon-eval\win32>grmon-eval.exe nb -u
     GRMON LEON debug monitor v1.1.37 evaluation version
     Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Aeroflex Gaisler - all rights reserved.
     For latest updates, go to http://www.gaisler.com/
     Comments or bug-reports to support@gaisler.com
     This evaluation version will expire on 28/6/2010
    try open device //./com1
    ###opened device //./com1
     Device ID: : 0x505
     GRLIB build version: 3848
     initialising ...................
     detected frequency:  80 MHz
     Component                            Vendor
     LEON3 SPARC V8 Processor             Gaisler Research
     AHB Debug UART                       Gaisler Research
     AHB Debug JTAG TAP                   Gaisler Research
     SVGA frame buffer                    Gaisler Research
     GR Ethernet MAC                      Gaisler Research
     DDR2 Controller                      Gaisler Research
     AHB/APB Bridge                       Gaisler Research
     LEON3 Debug Support Unit             Gaisler Research
     LEON2 Memory Controller              European Space Agency
     System ACE I/F Controller            Gaisler Research
     Generic APB UART                     Gaisler Research
     Multi-processor Interrupt Ctrl       Gaisler Research
     Modular Timer Unit                   Gaisler Research
     PS/2 interface                       Gaisler Research
     PS/2 interface                       Gaisler Research
     General purpose I/O port             Gaisler Research
     AMBA Wrapper for OC I2C-master       Gaisler Research
     AMBA Wrapper for OC I2C-master       Gaisler Research
     AHB status register                  Gaisler Research
     Use command 'info sys' to print a detailed report of attached cores
    grlib> load image-2.0.x.dsu
    section: .stage1 at 0x40000000, size 12288 bytes
    section: .rom at 0x40004000, size 451280 bytes
    section: .rdimage at 0x400722d0, size 815104 bytes
    section: .data at 0x401392d0, size 55540 bytes
    total size: 1334212 bytes (87.5 kbit/s)
    read 1201 symbols
    entry point: 0x40000000
    grlib> run
    Reading AMBA Plug&Play configuration area
    Found apbmst, cfg: 0x800ff000
    bootloader_supplied_stack: 4fffff88
    Flat model support (C) 1998-2000 Kenneth Albanowski, D. Jeff Dionne
    LEON-2.1 Sparc V8 support (C) 2000 D. Jeff Dionne, Lineo Inc.
    LEON-2.2/LEON-2.3 Sparc V8 support (C) 2001 The LEOX team <team@leox.org>.
    KERNEL:TEXT=0x40004000-0x400722d0 DATA=0x401392d0-0x40146bc4 BSS=0x40146bd0-0x40
    KERNEL -> ROMFS=0x400722d0-0x401392d0 MEM=0x4015f1b0-0x4fffef88 STACK=0x4fffef88
    VFS: open root device 1f:00
    VFS: open root device 1f:00
    start_mem is 0x4015f1b0
    virtual_end is 0x4fffef88
    before free_area_init
    free_area_init -> start_mem is 0x401621b0
    virtual_end is 0x4fffef88
    VFS: open root device 1f:00 (4015eb10)
    Calibrating delay loop.. ok - 39.93 BogoMIPS
    Mem_init: start=404a7000, end=4fffef88
    Memory available: 257372k/260887k RAM, 0k/0k ROM (4764k kernel data, 440k code)
    Swansea University Computer Society NET3.035 for Linux 2.0
    NET3: Unix domain sockets 0.13 for Linux NET3.035.
    Swansea University Computer Society TCP/IP for NET3.034
    IP Protocols: ICMP, UDP, TCP
    uClinux version 2.0.39.uc2 (centos@localhost.localdomain) (gcc version 3.2.2) 13
     Sat Nov 14 16:52:22 PST 2009
    VFS: open root device 1f:00
    Attaching grlib apbuart serial drivers:
    grlib apbuart serial driver
    get_baud_id: baud 17812
    get_baud_id: e
    ttyS0 (irq = 2) is a builtin grlib apbuart, base: 0x80000100
    Adjusting at 400722d0, length = c6ed0
    Blkmem copyright 1998,1999 D. Jeff Dionne
    Blkmem copyright 1998 Kenneth Albanowski
    Blkmem 1 disk images:
    0: 400722D0-401392CF (RO)
    VFS: open root device 1f:00
    VFS: Mounted root (romfs filesystem) readonly.
    Trying to open: /dev/ttyS0
    Starting init
    init started:  BusyBox v0.60.5 (2009.11.15-00:51+0000) multi-call binary
    Shell invoked to run file: /etc/init.d/rcS
    Command: #!/bin/sh
    Command: echo "###Start..."
    Command: hostname ethspw
    Command: #mount -t proc proc /proc
    Command: #
    Command: #expand /etc/ramfs.img /dev/ram0
    Command: #mount -t ext2 /dev/ram0 /var
    Command: #
    Command: #mkdir /var/tmp
    Command: #mkdir /var/log
    Command: #mkdir /var/log/boa
    Command: #mkdir /var/dhcpc
    Command: #touch /var/resolv.conf
    Command: #
    Command: #/bin/dhcpcd
    Command: #
    Command: #/bin/boa -c /home/boa &
    Command: #/bin/ethspw &
    Command: #
    Command: #
    Command: #hostname leon2
    Command: mount -t proc proc /proc
    mount: /etc/mtab: Read-only file system
    Command: mount -n -t devpts devpts /dev/pts
    mount: Mounting devpts on /dev/pts failed: No such device
    pid 9: failed 256
    Command: /sbin/ifconfig lo up netmask
    Command: /sbin/ifconfig eth0 up
    SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device
    SIOCSIFADDR: No such device
    pid 11: failed 512
    Command: route add dev lo
    Command: route add default dev eth0
    SIOCADDRT: No such device
    pid 13: failed 1792
    Command: route add default gw dev eth0
    SIOCADDRT: No such device
    pid 14: failed 1792
    Command: #/bin/testnet 9999
    Command: /bin/portmap -d &
    Command: #mount -o nolock -o ro -t nfs /home/nfs
    Command: /bin/sh
    Sash command shell (version 1.1.1)
    /> ls
    bin             dev             usr             etc             sys
    var             proc            tmp             home            lib
    sbin            mnt
    /> cd bin
    /bin> ls
    can1            ln              route           kill            portmap
    usleep          can3            rm              mkdir           sh
    can2            stty            testnet         ping            more
    testsin         inetd           busybox         rmdir           httpd
    ls              pwd             getopt          uname           mount
    ps              agetty          tar
    /bin> cd
    No HOME environment variable
    /bin> cd ..
    /> pwd
    /> exit
    Execution Finished, Exiting
    Please press Enter to activate this console.

Follow On Work

  • Benchmarks. SPECint. Compile the core with/without the hardware FPU, and see how much worse SPECfp would be.
  • Troubleshoot the μCLinux Official Distribution. Fixing the 'paper cuts', as well as diff-ing the code between official and SnapGear. After fixing and gratuitous documentation, re-committing to the official site.
  • SystemACE. Using a CF card to combine the LEON3 bit file as well as the Linux image into a SystemACE file and install onto the CF card that came with the ML505.
  • Xilinx ISE Installation to CentOS. There are a myriad of tutorials and papers that touch on various parts of getting the ISE to work. Putting together a single source document with precise steps for Xilinx ISE installation would be useful.


Building and Loading U-boot On A Virtex Board. 29 November 2009 <http://xilinx.wikidot.com/u-boot#toc8>.

Casey Cain. Using and Creating Flash Files for the MicroBlaze Development Kit – Spartan-3E Edition. Gaisler Research, 1.0 edition, Nov 2006. <http://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/application_notes/xapp963.pdf>.

CMPE 202. 29 November 2009 <http://www.soe.ucsc.edu/classes/cmpe202/Fall09/classwork.html>.

Daniel Hellström. SnapGear Linux for LEON. Gaisler Research, 1.37.0 edition, Nov 2008. <ftp://gaisler.com/gaisler.com/linux/linux-2.6/snapgear/snapgear-manual-1.0.37.pdf>.

EDK Concepts, Tools, and Techniques. Xilinx, 11.2 edition, Jun 2009. <http://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/sw_manuals/xilinx11/edk_ctt.pdf>.

EEMBC--The Embedded Microprocessor Benchmark Consortium. 29 November 2009 <http://www.eembc.org/home.php>.

Embedded Linux/Microcontroller Project. 29 November 2009 <http://www.uCLinux.org/>.

Embedded Processor Block in Virtex-5 FPGAs. Xilinx, 1.7 edition, Oct 2009. <http://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/user_guides/ug200.pdf>.

Embedded System Tools Reference Guide. Xilinx, 11.3.1 edition, Sep 2009. <http://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/sw_manuals/xilinx11/est_rm.pdf>.

FPGA design from scratch. 29 November 2009 <http://svenand.blogdrive.com/archive/40.html>.

FPGA Developer: ML505 Tutorials and Examples. 29 November 2009 <http://www.fpgadeveloper.com/2008/10/ml505-tutorials-and-examples.html>.

GRMON User's Manual. Gaisler Research, 1.1.36 edition, Sept 2009. <http://www.gaisler.com/doc/grmon.pdf>.

GRLIB IP Core User's Manual. Gaisler Research, 1.0.21 edition, Aug 2009. <http://gaisler.com/products/grlib/grip.pdf>.

GRLIB IP Library. 29 November 2009 <http://www.gaisler.com/cms/index.php?option=com_content&task=section&id=13&Itemid=125>.

Jiri Gaisler, Marko Isomaki. LEON3 GR-XC3S-1500 Template Design. Gaisler Research, Oct 2006. <http://gaisler.com/doc/leon3-gr-xc3s-1500.pdf>.

Jiri Gaisler, Sandi Habinc, Edvin Catovic. GRLIB IP Library User's Manual. Gaisler Research, 1.0.21 edition, Aug 2009. <http://gaisler.com/products/grlib/grlib.pdf>.

LEON. 29 November 2009 <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LEON>.

LEON3/GRLIB SOC IP Library. Gaisler Research,. <http://www.gaisler.com/doc/Leon3%20Grlib%20folder.pdf>.

LEON3MP. 29 November 2009 <http://www.gaisler.com/cms/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=167&Itemid=125>.

LEOX.org - Free Hardware and Software Resources for System on Chip. 29 November 2009 <http://www.leox.org/resources/sw.html>.

ML505/506/507 Overview and Setup. Xilinx, May 2009. <http://www.xilinx.com/products/boards/ml505/ml505_10.1_2/docs/ml505_overview_setup.pdf>.

ML505/ML506/ML507 Evaluation Platform. Xilinx, 3.1.1 edition, Oct 2009. <http://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/boards_and_kits/ug347.pdf>.

ML505/ML506/ML507 Getting Started Tutorial. Xilinx, 3.0.3 edition, Jun 2009. <http://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/boards_and_kits/ug348.pdf>.

ML505/ML506/ML507 Reference Design. Xilinx, 3.0.3 edition, Jun 2009. <http://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/boards_and_kits/ug349.pdf>.

Micro Architecture Santa Cruz Group (MASC). 29 November 2009 <http://masc.soe.ucsc.edu/>.

Muthuswamy, Bharathwaj. FPGA TOOLS-HOW TO. Berkeley EECS, Spring 2007. <http://myweb.msoe.edu/~muthuswamy/pubs/FPGA-Tools_HOWTO.pdf>.

Publications. 2009. 20 November 2009 <http://users.soe.ucsc.edu/~elkaim/elkaim/Publications.html>.

Running Xilinx ISE and EDK 10.1 in Ubuntu 8.10. 29 November 2009 <http://www.aclevername.com/articles/linux-xilinx-tutorial/edk101-ubuntu810.html >.

SPEC-Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation. 29 November 2009 <http://www.spec.org/>.

Tutorials for Running Linux on Xilinx FPGAs. 29 November 2009 <http://www.aclevername.com/articles/linux-xilinx-tutorial/index.html>.

Virtex-5 Family Overview. Xilinx, 1.0 edition, Feb 2009. <http://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/data_sheets/ds100.pdf>.

Virtex-5 FPGA Configuration User Guide. Xilinx, 3.8 edition, Aug 2009. <http://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/user_guides/ug191.pdf>.

Virtex-5 FPGA User Guide. Xilinx, 5.2 edition, Nov 2009. <http://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/user_guides/ug190.pdf>.

Virtex-5 FPGA Packaging and Pinout Specification. Xilinx, 4.6 edition, May 2009. <http://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/user_guides/ug195.pdf>.

Virtualbox and the Xilinx USB Platform Cable. 29 November 2009 <http://peeters-noppe.net/alcaic/2009/09/virtualbox-and-the-xilinx-usb-platform-cable/>.

XILINX JTAG tools on Linux without proprietary kernel modules. 29 November 2009 <http://www.rmdir.de/~michael/xilinx/>.



