ryzom 文件转换路线图
ryzom 文件转换路线图
原文:http://dev.ryzom.com/wiki/ryzom/FileConversionGra ph ryzom 中会使用很多的工具,下面针对 用于创建所有的3D网及动画(头像,武器,树木,建筑物外景...).
用于创建树与树画家内尔风变形插件(想想重画)。 Used to create the tile banks that hold all the texture data for displacements,blending and diffuse, Needed by 3DSMAX to paint your landscapes. 用于创建vegetsets,是从3dsmax中导出的.veget文件生成.
用于查看shape类型文件以及动画文件 在3dsmax中使用NEL的node 插件工具定义你的.max文件如何被打包程序处理的
例如,如果你做了一个绿地的平台,那么你需要检查vegetable 类型节点,因此,打包处理过程知道导出.veget类型文件
build_gamedata: 自动的批处理创建增量的处理工具,创建时按照时间有限的原则创建最新的工作数据.
WK: Working Data - 这种类型的数据是被设计师编辑的,这不是最终的客户端文件,这只是打包处理过程的一种输入文件.
RT: Runtime Data - 这种类型的文件时被打包处理过程生成的运行时使用的文件,这类文件不能够被设计师编辑,它包含客户端的最总文件
WK/RT: Working and Runtime Data - 这种数据文件是可以被设计师编辑的,但是同样包含在最终的运行文件中,打包处理过程仅仅是将该类型文件进行复制。
TP: Temporary Data - 这种类型的文件是通过打包处理过程生成的临时的文件,这种类型的文件是不能被设计师编辑以及包含在最终运行文件中的.
下面的文件扩展名列表是按照字母顺序排列的. Extension Type Comment
anim RT NEL 3d的动画文件,包含了动画轨道文件,这些文件是通过打包申城脚本从.max文件中生成的。这些文件可以被NEL引擎读取,以及可以被object_viewer工具查看.
bank WK Nel平铺库,一系列的被地形文件使用的文件平铺库,被设计师使用tile_edit.exe工具进行编辑。打包生成工具会生成.smallbank文件,每一个地形文件只能有一个平铺库,被Nel引擎读取。
cfg RT 配置文件,被NLMISC::CConfigFile 类使用的配置文件. 用于设置用户的参数以及NEL应用的参数.
clodbank RT 动作Character LOD bank using 3d sprit objects (quake 1 like) to be quickly draw and animated when far away. Generated from .max files by build_gamedata. Readable by NeL.
cmb TP Simple geometry dump used by build_gamedata to compute surfaces for interior collision meshes. Exported from .max files. Not readable by NeL.
dds RT Microsoft DirectDraw Surface (DDS) format is used to store textures and cubic environment maps with mipmaps. It compress textures in a hardware friendly format. Generated from .tga files by build_gamedata. Readable by NeL.
farbank RT NeL far bank. Bank of bitmap used by the landscape to map patches when far away. Generated by build_gamedata from .tga tiles and the bank file. Only one farbank file per landscape. Readable by NeL.
gr RT Instances of local retrievers. Used for NeL 3d collisions. Readable by NeL.
ig RT NeL 3d Instance Group. Contains a list of instanced stuffs in a landscape (a shape reference with a matrix) (optional), a list of lights (optional) and a cluster system description (optional). It is generated by build_gamedata from .max files. Readable by NeL.
land WK Add text here.
lr TP Temporary landscape zone surface file produced during by build_gamedata from a .tessel file. Used to build .gr and .rbank files. Not readable by NeL.
max WK 3dsmax file format. Used to produce .anim, .clodbank, .cmb, .ig, .pacs_prim, .shape, .skel, .swt, .zone files. NeL can't direclty read it. build_gamedata exports those files using 3dsmax scripts and plugins.
ovcfg WK Scene configuration file for the Object Viewer. It's used to save your work to be opened again in Object Viewer.
pacs_prim RT Set of PACS primitive (Box or cylinder description with size, radius, height, position and PACS properties). Generated from .max file by build_gamedata. Readable by NeL.
png WK/RT Portable Network Graphics file format. Edited by artists. Format RGBA 16 and 32 bits compressed, RGB 24 bits compressed readable by NeL. This file format is used by build_gamedata to generate .dds files. It is used to as runtime data for bitmap that doesn't need to be 'dds' compressed. (Like displacement tiles).
ps WK/RT NeL 3d particule system. This file is edited with object_viewer.exe. Readable by NeL. In fact, .ps are .shape files.
pws WK Particle Workspace. Used in Object Viewer to manage particle sets and save workspaces.
rbank RT Retrievers Bank. It is the bank of collision zones used by NEL::PACS. Generated by build_gamedata from .lr files. Readable by NeL.
shape RT NeL 3d object used to store a 3d mesh. It can be a simple mesh, skinned mesh, a multilod mesh, a lensflare, a remanence mesh, a water mesh, a particul system. Generated by build_gamedata from .max files. Readable by NeL.
skel RT NeL 3d skeleton description used to deform skinned shapes using .anim. Generated by build_gamedata from .max files. Readable by NeL.
sln Microsoft Visual Studio solution file.
smallbank RT Same file than .bank but some informations have been removed to get a smaller runtime file. Generated by build_gamedata. Readable by NeL.
swt RT NeL 3d file that contains weight for skeleton animation. Generated by build_gamedata from .max files. Readable by NeL.
tessel TP Temporary landscape zone tesselation file produced during the build_gamedata process with a .zone and its neighbours. Used to generate .lr files. Very huge zone tesselation dump. (at 0.5 meter). Not used in final data. Not readable by NeL.
tga WK/RT Targa Truevision Graphics bitmap file format. Edited by artists. Format RGBA 16 and 32 bits uncompressed, RGB 24 bits uncompressed readable by NeL. This file format is used by build_gamedata to generate .dds files. It is used to as runtime data for bitmap that doesn't need to be 'dds' compressed. (Like displacement tiles).
vcproj Microsft Visual Studio 7 and above project file. Same as .dsp for Visual Studio 6.
veget RT Vegetable file. This file is a simple mesh with only few polygons used like a blade of grass by a vegetset. Generated from .max files by build_gamedata.
vegetset WK/RT Vegetable set file. This file describe a micro-vegetation material. It can be edited with object_viewer.exe. It can be assigned to a lanscape tileset (in bank file) using tile_edit.exe.
zone TP NeL landscape zone made of patches of 160 x 160 meters generated by build_gamedata from .max files. Used by build_gamedata to produce .zonew files. Readable by NeL.
zonew TP Same file than .zone but welding informations with neighbours has been computed by build_gamedata. Readable by NeL.
zonel RT Same file than zonel but lighing informations have been computed by build_gamedata. Readable by NeL.